%   FREELANCE NETWORK :   facebook based. check us out and sub? bring your friends!







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welcome to the freelance network,
we're here to help you connect with freelance facebook accounts
so let's get started, shall we?

what is freelance?
a freelance (fl for short) account is an account that belongs to absolutely no rp agency. when you use a freelance account, there are basically no rules to abide by. you may choose any faceclaim as you wish, add up anyone you want as well as behave and express yourself in any form you'd like.

what's the purpose of having a fl account?
one may choose to run a fl account for numerous reasons, but ultimately it is for the individual to decide. the main reason why it proves to be useful is you get to network and communicate with friends/acquaintances you've made through other rps - and there are no strings attached. there have been numerous complaints recently pertaining to the issue of excessive ooc-talk in rps, so we aim to reduce that amount of ooc-talk in actual rps by providing an outlet for those who wish to interact soley with their friends.

could you rp using a fl account?
you could.

then wouldn't this qualify as role-playing?
yes and no. as stated before, there are no rules or expectations. this could simply be a platform you use for ooc discussion or you might actually use it to roleplay with other freelancers, it's up to you.

how do i join this network?
simply pm us with the following information:
- your name/alias (optional)
- the name of your faceclaim
- the link to your freelance account (please no accounts that are currently in use at a rp)
- your timezone

+ leave a comment after you've pmed us and subscribe/upvote!

what happens once i join?
you'll receive a friend request and you will also be added to ONE main group where you may add other accounts, socialize and what not.

total population: 11

please note that if any conflicts were to arise during your time spent on fl, it's up to you to handle it. no one is obligated to step in and solve your problems so please try to maintain your own reputation on your account. your problems are no longer anyone's concerns but your own, so be cautious with what you say around other people. not our problem if you end up getting sc/blocked by everyone on your friends list. :p












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Are you guys still operating?
thxtsnono #2
fl-network #3
checked and updated!
fl-network #7
checked & updated!
prorogue #8
i applied!