[ II ]

Lost Rain

"Toru, can you help me with this?" Tomoya asked Toru. 

   Tomoya Kanki. 30.

   He was the oldest of their friend group, and basically watched out for Belthane like the father she never had.

   "Sure," Toru spoke, turning away from Yama. Tomoya was holding a piece or paper with the explanation. 

   'Help Belthane. She's feeling a bit bad again and she really wants you. All of us have tried and she misses your comfort.'

   Bucket was playing Toru's guitar. The white one. From the old days. She played A song she had written with them. 'Break my Strings', it was called. Her small fingers gliding over the strings of the guitar. 

   "Well, better now break my string," Toru said, walking to her

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