TLC •‣ Vkook

The first time Jungkook saw Taehyung well he didn't see him with his eyes but with his voice if you get what I mean, he immediately thought that he needed to become friends with him under any circumstances he wasn't sure what the reason was he just knew he had too. Taehyung had been singing in one of the practice rooms when he had first entered Big Hit Entertainment, he had applied to audition to become a trainee and was heading there to sing in front of them (I don't know if that actually happens or not) , but stopped in his tracks once he heard singing coming from behind the doors to a room he had put his ear to the door just to catch more of the deep, soft and magical voice. He stood there for a bit just listening to the music box that seemed to be going on forever never ending until... It ended to say he was saddened would be very accurate he even wanted him to continue, but then he remembered that he had and audition to get to. So he speed off he was sure he still had about an hour for his turn but he didn't want to risk it 

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Jungkook ended up messing up a lot on his song but the judges liked his voice a lot and could see all the potential that he had, they could also tell that he was nervous so they gave him a second chance, they also let him work with a current trainee who would help him calm his nerves down and help him, that was where Jungkook was heading now they said to look for door 34. When he got to the door he opened it and saw a boy with orange hair in the room he was currently singing but stoped once Jungkook enterd the door 

"Oh, sorry I should've knocked first" He apologized when he realized that he didn't knock when he enterd the room. 'you aren't at home where you can just go into any room without knocking' He scolded himself 

"It's alright, I do that sometimes too" He smiled "You must be Jungkook, I'm Jimin pleasure to meet you" He said extending a hand and offering Jungkook a hand shake which he gladly accepted

"Pleasure to meet you too" He said while shaking hands

"Well now that that's done lets get working so that you can go back out there and come back a trainee" Jimin motioned Jungkook to go over to the microphone. He nodded and went over there


"Now I want you to sing and we'll go on from there" 

                     [• ✿ •] [• ✿ •] [• ✿ •]

They worked for an hour or so and then they decided to take a break so Jungkook could rest up his vocal cords a bit .They were currently just chillin on the couch Jungkook taking a sip from his water every so often. And Jimin explaining to him on what he could do better on 

"So, on this part what you need to do is go a little bit higher" And so on Jungkook just kept on nodding his head so it wouldn't seem like he want listening.He didn't want to come off as rude,sometimes Jimin would tell him to sing a certain part and to improve it the way he told him to which he gladly did he was grateful for the chance do this audition again and also to have the help of a current trainee, then he realized that he wasn't sure if he was hyung or the other way around

"What year were you born in?"

"I am your hyung"He said while smiling at Jungkook

At that moment the door opened revealing a boy with dark brown hair. He came inside and handed Jimin some papers

"Thank you, Taehyung" Jimin said but Jungkook noticed that he was saying it slowly. He really think much of it. Taehyung just nodded and was making his way to the door. Junkook noticed that he dropped something and went to go pick it up, it was a pen. 

"Did he drop something?" Jimin asked standing up and heading towards him. Jungkook just nodded 

"Aish, I swear that kid it always dropping something"He sighed 
"What did he drop this time?"

"A pen" He showed it to him

"Ah I see, you can go give it to him later"He motioned towards the couch "We should continue working"

"Yeah we should" Jungkook starred heading back to the couch

'Wait how am I supposed to give this back to him?' 

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