Hae-won ran out of our practice room. "Kai... what is your problem? cant you be more considerate towards her? She was just giving us suggestions... she didn't even mentioned you right... then why did you said all those irrelevant things to her?" Beak-hyun snapped at me.

"That's why he said all those things" Suho hyung's words made everyone alert including me. "What are you saying hyung? Nonsense" I snapped before walking out. 'How did he know?' my mind was pre-occupied in some thoughts when I glanced downwards.

I saw Hea-won walking down the stairs wiping her eyes. 'Is she crying? What should I do? I don't want to see her crying' involuntarily my steps dragged me towards her. I put my hoodie and wore my mask which was inside my pocket as I saw her walking outside.

I went out through back door and saw her walking towards signal cross without noticing the cars. I ran as fast as I can and turned her around. "Kai?" she was shocked to see me there. I released my hands suddenly so that she couldn't feel the tingles.

"I'm sorry..." i mumbled. "Huh??? what did you say?" she asked confusedly. "I said I'm sorry... its just that... I'm not good at trusting people... I need time to accept you and to become friendly like other members" I tried my best to apologize sincerely.

"Ok..." it was all she said before walking back to the building. "You are not coming with me? come on let's go... I don't want you to be attacked by your fans..." she turned around with a wide smile and said. 

'so... cute...' my mind mumbled as i saw her walking back to building. I know... I'm falling really hard for her... but I cant accept her now... my trust for her is still vague... I need time... I walked back to the building.

When I walked inside our practice room went silent... all of them where staring at me like I had grown two horns on my head. "What?" I was getting irritated from their stares. 

"We are just surprised... our almighty Kai apologized to someone..." Baek-hyun smirked. "Why? Did I do something wrong by apologising to her?" I sarcastically asked.

"No... So you apologised to her and bring her back. Does that means she is forgiven? Do you trust her now" Suho curiously asked. 

"Not yet... I need sometime for being friendly with her... but I will accept her... She can call me oppa... if she wants" I was mentally praying that she accepts it.

"Okay... I can wait" she beamed. I smiled back and walked out. If I stay there anymore others will find out about my feelings for her. I cant risk it now.


Kai walked out of the room after smiling at me. 'Dug Dug Dug...' I could hear my heartbeats. 'Why did my heart got flustered when I saw him smiling? Am I in love?' My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello..." I answered my call. "Hae-won shi... president wants to arrange a meeting with EXO... Are they free this afternoon? Do they have some schedule?" I knew it was presidents secretary Kim Won-bin.

"Yes they are free... they don't have any schedules today" I informed him. "OK... so schedule a meeting at 5 PM today... its something important" he said. "Yes... I understand..." I replied.

"Guys... we have a meeting with president today... be ready by 5 PM" I announced aloud so that everyone could hear me properly. "Okay cupcake..." they replied back in between their practice.


EXO was currently practicing for their upcoming stage. "Suho hyung... you should be careful when you step back after 2nd verse... you always bumps into me" Baek-hyun complained during their short break. "Ok... I will be careful next time" Suho apologized.

"Ah... Cupcake is sleeping..." Chanyeol said as he noticed Hae-won dozing on the chair. "How can someone be so cute" Kai exclaimed in low sound. 

"You just noticed it now?" Sehun asked surprised. "Huh? What?" Kai was taken aback. "Nothing..." Sehun smirked enjoying his small teasing section with Kai. "Let's go back to practice" Suho announced. 


I was running... Through an unknown forest. Something was chasing me... I turned my head to see a huge black wolf chasing me. Instead of being terrified I was smiling... it was like I was playing with that wolf.

Then I was pulled into black hole... nothing but darkness surrounded me. I was starting to panic when some one shook me awake. "Cupcake... wake up... its already 4.45... we should go..." I opened my eyes to see Baek-hyun oppa near by me.

"Oh... I just..." I smiled sheepishly remembering that I fell asleep in their practicing room. "Come on..." he held my arms and pulled me towards the door others following behind.


"Do you have any idea what president wants to talk to us about?" Luhan curiously asked. "No hyung... Let's wait and see" Sehun said. 

"Hello EXO... How are you doing? I hope you are all fine... and I know you are doing well" President entered the room.

"If he is going to answer the question himself... then why do he bother to ask us?" Sehun mumbled in frustration. "Do you have something to say Sehun? NO... right?" President gave him an innocent smile.

"I called you here to tell you something important. Its time for your comeback... you should start preparing for that" president gave them a serious look.

"Do you have any new ideas for our upcoming tracks sir?" Suho voiced his curiosity. "Not yet... but we are going to give EXO-L a new surprise this time" he added making others curious about what he said.

"What surprise?" This time it was Kris who speak up his curiosity. "I will announce it to you soon... not now" he gave them a mischievous smile before walking out.

"What was that? I'm totally confused... I think our president lost his mind... Why is he behaving like a kindergartener?" Baek-hyun shook his head in disbelief.


"Lets watch a movie..." Chanyeol announced to which others agreed. D.O and Hae-won were currently washing dishes after their dinner. "Cupcake... DO... come fast... we are going to watch a movie" Tao called out for them.

"Let's watch Titanic..." Lay suggested. "No... lets watch Spider-Man..." Tao whined. "No... I want to watch Titanic..." Lay said. 

"Hyung you are gonna sleep after 10 minutes then why are you being stubborn?" Sehun asked. "Ahhh... I forgot about my sleeping habit while watching movies..." Lay sheepishly grinned. 

"Lets watch one of the new Korean movie we have..." Suho suggested. "Oppa... Lets watch Twilight: breaking dawn... I love Edward..." Hae-won commented as she came out from kitchen along with DO

"No... its too cheesy love story... and I don't like vampires..." Tao whined again. "Oppaa... please..." Hae-won stomped her foot and showed her puppy eyes.

"If she wants to watch twilight... then its final" Suho announced. "Hyung... NO... please" Tao tried to imitate Hae-won's puppy eyes but failed.

"Tao-yah... your eyes looks like panda eyes... don't try hard... it looks ugly" Baek-hyun's comment made other laugh out loud and Tao pouted.

"Hae-won-ah play your favourite movie... lets watch" DO smiled at her. She went to the player and played the movie. She came back to the couch and sat in between Suho and Kai.

After an hour Hae-won started dozing off. She was too tired to stay awake and her head was going to fall on kai's shoulder but suddenly Suho grabbed her head softly and placed it on his shoulders earning Kai's glare.

Oh... cupcake fell asleep? Yah... she was the one who wanted to watch this movie and she fell asleep" Baek-hyun said. "Yaah... be quite... she is too tired... Let her sleep" DO smacked Baek-hyun's head and whispered.

"I will take her to her room" Suho picked her up in bridal style and walked towards her room. He tucked her and walked out to meet with Kai's piercing eyes.

"Hyung... we need to talk..." Kai said and walked towards their common balcony. "I know what you want to talk to me Kai. I know what she is to you..." Suho said as they stepped into the balcony

"Then why did you just..." Kai was unable to finish his sentence. "Why I prevented her head from falling on you shoulders?" Suho's question was answered by kai nodding his head.

"Its because I know you are not ready to accept her now. And don't you know what will happen to her if you reject her after bonding? I don't want her to suffer... Keep your distance from her until you are ready to accept her..." Suho left kai in the balcony dumbfounded. 

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To be continued


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