Tiny White

Tiny Surprise

If Joy were allowed to choose, she'd go for dogs any day of the week.


But she couldn't choose and Joohyun isn’t one. She supposed that rabbits are okay. They can't be all that bad, anyway. It is her girlfriend, after all.


Just quieter, smaller, and fluffier – and a whole lot more adorable.


“Unnie, you're so cute!”


Joy coos watching the bunny snarl at Yerim, as if to frighten her off with its tiny teeth and fluffy small tail and thumping feet.


She doesn't know what's gotten into Joohyun. Maybe it's because neither of them invited Yerim over, the younger girl prone to dropping by whenever she wanted, but she won't scold Joohyun for being prickly.


Joohyun’s always been cute when she’s angry – but now, even more so. 


She scoops up Joohyun into her arms for the umpteenth time this morning, nuzzling a smile against her white fur – god, she didn't think her girlfriend could get any more adorable but here she is.


Joy wants nothing more than to snuggle up with her forever.


“‘Unnie’?” Yerim's voice is easy to read, confusion palpable along the frown on her lips. “You consider the bunny your ‘Unnie’? Joohyun unnie’s going to be jealous.”


A sly smile curls along Joy’s lips, her cheek squished against the rabbit, not willing to let her go because Joohyun unnie’s just so soft.


“I'm not too worried,” Joy combs her fingers across the bunny’s back, white fur filling out the spaces between her fingers. Joohyun purrs. “I think she'll like it.”


“Well,” Yerim looms closer, hovering to stare at the animal’s ears. “It sounds like your bunny likes it, at least.”


Joy giggles, pressing a kiss on the rabbit’s forehead. “I knew she would.”


Yerim hums, her hand reaching out to prod the animal. Joohyun jolts as soon as her finger taps the back of her head, burrowing deeper into Joy's arms that it has Joy cooing louder.


“She’s so...jumpy,” Yerim says, poking the bunny’s back that Joy feels her jump again, hearing her whine in the crook of her elbow. “She kind of reminds me of Joohyun unnie.”


Joy brushes the bunny’s back, hopes it’s enough to ease the animal. She can’t read Joohyun’s mind, but it isn’t hard to figure out that Joohyun’s still adjusting to her current predicament. Her spooked behavior is natural; Joy knows it took a bit of time to understand herself that she had turned into a baby chick.


Being as tiny as one felt disorienting.


“That’s why she’s ‘Unnie’.”


Yerim is hovering closer again. “But is Joohyun unnie okay with this? Isn't she afraid of literally anything that moves?”


Joy raises a brow. “Doesn’t that apply to you, too?”


“...I mean, yeah, but it’s not like I’m the one living with you.” She pauses, her gaze flicking towards the bedroom door. “Which reminds me, where is Joohyun unnie?”


Joy freezes.


She would’ve laughed at the feeling of Joohyun stiffening up in her arms too; how her bunny ears perk up, alert as if plotting the next course of action. Joy’s busy trying to come up with her own – make up an excuse, anything.


It wasn’t like she was prepared for Joohyun turning into an animal.


“She’s, um,” Joohyun’s poking her chest with her tiny paw, head nodding towards the entrance of their apartment. “Out! Grocery shopping. Yeah. That’s it.”


Yerim frowns. “...Why do you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself?”


If only Yerim was as slow as Seulgi.


“You’re thinking too much, geez.” Joy waves her off, scratching Joohyun’s head to ease the tension she feels in her tiny body. “Why are you here, anyway?”


“What, I can’t visit two of my favorite people?”


Joy scoffs. “Seulgi unnie and Seungwan unnie are your favorite people,”


“What makes you say that?”


“They actually listen to you.”


Yerim huffs, muttering under her breath. “...Touché.”


Joohyun’s shifting around in her arms, feels her attempt to move upwards, her paws brushing against Joy’s chest.


“What is it, Unnie?”


Joy helps Joohyun up, giggling when Joohyun makes enough traction to climb, paws pressing against her collarbone before whiskers tickle her neck, feeling the animal breathe against her skin.


“I think she’s trying to kiss you,” Yerim looks fascinated, shifting over to get a better look. “When did you get her, anyway?”


Happiness surges up Joy’s chest when she feels Joohyun bury herself against her. She keeps a hand to the bunny’s back in case she falls.




“You made a bunny like you this much already?”


“What can I say?” Joy tilts her head so she could nuzzle her nose against Joohyun, “I’m irresistible.”


She pretends not to hear the rabbit huff.




“Come on, Unnie!”


A whine.


Joy grunts, tugging at black and white stripes. “It's going to look cute on you!”


A snarl. Joy tries again.


She yelps at a bite to her finger. “Unnie! That's not nice!”


It didn't seem to bother Joohyun, appearing to prefer growling at her despite the little striped shirt already halfway through her white fluffy torso.


She just needs to convince Joohyun to put her limbs through the sleeves.


“Please, Unnie?” Joy tugs at the tiny clothing again, hopes her frown and watery eyes do the trick, feeling tears pool beneath her eyelids. “For me?”


The rabbit's gone quieter, like she’s considering her request, the low growl fading to a silence. Joohyun even looks defeated, ears drooping and body flopping forward like she can't get up anymore, as if surrendering to her every whim.


Joy squeals, giddy hands eager to slip Joohyun's little hands and feet through the material, rubbing her thumbs over tiny shoulders just to let Joohyun know she appreciates it.


She kisses Joohyun's forehead just so she knows how grateful she is, giggling when she feels whiskers tickle her skin, a tiny peck pressing against her cheek.


Joohyun's never played dress-up with her (because they were grown women and even then, they never really thought about it), but as soon as Joy walked by the pet store that afternoon, Yerim having left for work an hour before, she spotted tiny clothes hanging off a rack like a beacon calling out for her and Joy couldn't resist.


It's not like she'd get another chance to dress Joohyun up in miniature clothing, again (she has no idea how long this magic, or curse, whatever this is, will last, but it probably wouldn’t be for much longer), so she might as well enjoy it while she still can.


Joy takes her Polaroid, snuggling Joohyun close, squishing her cheek against soft fur, and grins.


“Now say carrot!”




Joy should've expected the bite on her cheek.




The first time she sleeps with Joohyun as a bunny, excitement barely leaves her skin.

She's ecstatic at the mere thought of cuddling a rabbit (she’s lost count of how many she’s already given), so it doesn't take long before she's holding Joohyun close, blanket sprawled over her legs, the bunny flailing its arms and feet as if scrambling to move.


Disappointment paints a frown over Joy's lips. “Unnie…”


Maybe she was being too clingy. But still.


She watches the rabbit hop away from her, settling onto a purple pillow that Joohyun's had since she was a teenager, and flopping there.


Joy whines, poking Joohyun's little tail. “But I want to hug you…”


The rabbit merely huffs, twisting around so Joy can't prod her tail, anymore.


Joy scoots closer, bringing out teary eyes and a choked up throat and a trembling voice. “...Unnie…”


Joohyun's ears perk up, holding in a smile behind quaking lips when she sees Joohyun turn back to her.


Good thing she took acting lessons on the side.


She waits, watching Joohyun contemplate with ears still standing and nose twitching, before she's slowly getting up, hopping back towards her.


Happy giggles bubble past Joy’s lips when tiny paws wipe off tears already scarring her face, reaching out to cradle the small ball of soft white, making sure she doesn't squeeze the life out of Joohyun, combing a hand across Joohyun's head.


“I'm okay, Unnie.” She feels bad for pretending, nuzzling against Joohyun's fur. “...I'm okay.”


Joy apologizes by letting Joohyun settle back on her respective pillow, reaching a compromise by tugging the entire thing closer; she never considered that maybe Joohyun couldn't sleep without her favorite pillow.


Readjusting the blanket over her legs, Joy falls asleep watching Joohyun's eyes droop to a close.




Joy didn't think she'd have an argument with Joohyun when she’s still a rabbit.


It's not like one of them could talk back, scathe with sharp words and a dagger tongue, or slam doors like hammers to the heart.


But here she is, scolding her lovely unnie because she won't listen to her even when she's a tiny – and a little helpless, animal.


“Unnie! I told you, you can't do laundry when you're like this!” Joy snatches Joohyun's striped shirt from under the bunny, watching her roll off onto the mattress – how cute. “You can't even fold with those hands!”


The rabbit is back on her feet, a low growl seeping into Joy’s ears, tiny white body quaking as if volcanic fire tremors throughout. Joy wouldn't be surprised if Joohyun were to pounce right at this moment, maybe even bite her face off. And probably not in the way Joy prefers to be bitten, either.


Joy's eyes widen as soon as the bunny starts charging towards her.




She ducks, dodging a leap that Joohyun wouldn't have been able to make as a human, watching her land back on the floor with legs still intact, spinning around, growling and thumping the ground as if getting ready to lunge. Again.


Okay. Maybe she's not so helpless as a little animal. But to think she’s just as terrifying as a bunny as she was being a human woman – she can't catch a break.


Joy rolls her eyes, straightening out the shirt with a flick of her wrists, sighing as she sits back down on the bed.


“Fine. Sorry, I meant paws. Happy, now?”


The bunny snorts – or at least, it sounds close enough, looking calmer before Joohyun is scurrying towards her, hopping onto her lap and nudging the shirt with her nose as if to still attempt at folding clothes.


Joy giggles at the light weight, bringing a hand beneath the bunny to scoop her up, settling her on her shoulder instead.


“Unnie, I can't fold any clothes if you're in the way.” She rubs her nose against Joohyun's fur, placing kisses on soft fluff. “Just relax, okay?”


She hears the animal mewl, a low hum that’s warm against Joy’s ears, feels Joohyun’s whiskers brush up her neck. She feels Joohyun nestle against her, no doubt getting comfortable, and Joy wants nothing more than to cuddle with her again – laundry be damned.


She ignores the prickling tug in her chest and the memory reel of folding clothes with Joohyun on Sundays like these, and thinks, it won't be for long; she'll come back.


Joy kisses her again, smiling into tender white, and begins to fold the clothes Joohyun couldn't.




The second time she sleeps with a bunny Joohyun, it's four in the morning and all she wants to do is shut her eyes.


“Unnie, I just want to sleep, okay?” Joy pushes the ball of white off her chest, putting her back on cotton purple. She can’t breathe properly when there’s weight on top of her. “It's late. I'm tired.”


Whimpers squeeze into her head even when she tries to muffle the sound, pressing pillows against her ears. But it's so loud.


Joy huffs, glancing back at the rabbit just to see Joohyun's entire body trembling, as if fear colored her fur, her ears droopy and low.


She turns to face her, frantic hands scrambling to hold Joohyun close, massage whatever's making her girlfriend quake this early in the morning.


Joy jolts at the crackle of thunder.


More whimpers filter into her ears, tiny white shaking in her grip.


It all makes sense, now.


“Shh, it's okay, Unnie.” She sprinkles feather-light kisses against shivering fluff, brushing the back of her hand against Joohyun's cheek. “I'm here. I'm here.”


Joy feels Joohyun gradually still, the tremors dissipating along with her whimpers. Relief washes over her when she feels Joohyun burrow deeper into her neck, purple pillow long forgotten.


Thunder still rumbles through her ears, going quieter and quieter until there's nothing left to hear. Joy makes sure to continue massaging lines over Joohyun's cheek, remembering all the times she's done this before.


(“I can’t believe you’re still afraid of thunder,”


“Shut up,” Joohyun’s voice trembles even when it’s steadier than her fingers, feeling them clutch the back of her shirt. “It’s just loud, okay? I don’t like it when it’s loud.”


Joy’s long since learned that Joohyun finds the most comfort when she feels warmth massage her cheek – so she does just that; the back of her hand mapping invisible lines against trembling skin.


“I do,” she says, grinning at Joohyun’s scoff. “Because now we’re like this.


Joy yelps from a hard pinch to her back.)


Curtains call over her eyes, feeling sleep fog over her mind, memories dissipating; but not without the fleeting thought that even when Joohyun's already here, she still finds herself missing her.




Even though it’s been a week (she ignores how it’s lasting longer than when she had been a baby chick) Joy’s still not used to having a girlfriend be even tinier than she already was.


She’s made enough jokes about Joohyun’s height that she’s gotten tired of making them. Doesn’t help that Joohyun’s tongue is as sharp as their kitchen knives.


But it does still have some perks.


“Cozy, Unnie?” Joy combs her fingers across the rabbit’s head, how adorable her girlfriend looks in the comfort of her large purse, the cart squeaking with every turn. “I never thought we'd go shopping like this. It's kind of cool, isn't it? You're not heavy to push around, for one.”


A low snarl greets her, lighting up a grin across Joy's face, cooing and brushing Joohyun's forehead to ease the annoyance so clearly etched into her body.


She leans in and leaves a kiss on Joohyun's nose. “You’re so cute when you're mad.”


Getting groceries isn't usually a lonely task. She's always had Joohyun around to help pick out all the things they need, and it isn't like she's currently alone, either.


But it's different when Joohyun's beside her, poking her ribs to let her know what they should and shouldn't get – and she can't even do that.


Joy tells her what’s been bugging her for the past seven days.


“You know, I kind of miss you.”


The rabbit's looking at her, ears perked up and eyes attentive like all the times Joohyun would sit and just listen to her, whether it be about the weather, or ranting about her coworkers.


Joy brushes Joohyun's forehead. She misses the smooth touch of skin beneath her fingertips, too.


“I miss hearing you scold me about getting too much chicken.” She chuckles, feeling warm at the memory of them arguing over the fridge being filled with food Joohyun can't eat. “I miss hearing you tell me you love me, too.”


The rabbit's quiet, but Joy knows Joohyun's paying more attention than she's ever given – and Joohyun's already given a lot.


Joy bends to rub her nose against Joohyun's, sighing at the whiskers grazing her cheeks. “...I don’t know, I just – I guess I just miss you.


Out of all the things she expects from Joohyun, a kiss on her lips, maybe even a fluffy hug, or a bite on her nose, running away isn't one of them.


“U-Unnie?!” Joy yelps, heart stuck in as soon as Joohyun jumps out of her bag, leaping off the cart. “W-Wait, where are you going?!”


Did she upset her?


Joy scrambles after the rabbit, leaving behind her cart filled with items she hasn't purchased, panic rising up her chest at the thought of all the things that could happen to Joohyun when she’s just an animal to everyone and everything else. 




Chasing after her girlfriend with legs that could leap for distances wasn't what Joy had in mind when she took Joohyun out for grocery shopping.


Joy’s voice stalls in as soon as she makes it through automatic doors, her chest squeezing at the sight of Joohyun crossing the road, cars zooming past and people walking by.


Joy shoves her way through crowds, mutters an unapologetic sorry for every pedestrian that gets in her way, panting for each breath Joohyun manages to scare off with every risky jump – over food stands, across cars, between footfalls – and hopes that nothing happens.




If only she had longer legs.


Joy slumps against a bricked wall facing a little shop filled with bouquets and colors, designs painted in pretty curves and zig-zags and loops. She catches her breath, wheezing for air, legs burning and feet aching for all the distance she had to make.


Her worries dissipate as soon as she reads the logo posted above her:


Sunny's Flower Shop.


Did Joohyun want something from here?


Joy jumps at the shrill cry of a woman, hears faint staggers of footsteps and words, “S-Stay back!” and “My precious flowers!” before automatic doors open and the bunny is hopping back towards her, a single rose dangling from her little mouth.


It shouldn't be worth all the tears, really. Joohyun just committed theft – and probably destruction of property, too (considering all the yelling), and as romantic as it was, it was also illegal.


But screw it, her girlfriend ran all this way to get her a rose. No way she'd let anyone ruin that.


Not even the shopkeepers.


So when they come bumbling out of the store, pointing fingers and accusing her precious bunny of leaving a mess and stealing a single flower, Joy plays her part of a lonely woman whose heart had been broken that same day.


Tears fill up her eyes, going parched.


“S-So she must've understood that my boyfriend left and just—” Joy chokes out a sob, notices from the corner of her eyes the shopkeepers raising their hands as if to do something – anything. “…S-She’s just so sweet, isn't she?”


She scoops up Joohyun into her arms, holding her close, smothers her wails against fluffy white, feeling Joohyun shudder. She's probably crying too loud that it's even scaring Joohyun but whatever – as long as it's convincing enough.


“D-Don’t cry, ma’am, we understand.”


Joy feels someone rub her back, hears another murmur something about not needing to be responsible for any damages and wonders if they should call a cab.


With puffy eyes and throat scathed with tears, Joy shakes her head, motioning to walk away – and preferably far enough that she could finally wipe her eyes and snot off.


“T-Thank you, but I'll be okay,” she sniffles, hears Joohyun scoff. “I just, I'd like to be alone, now…”


Joy makes sure her shoulders are slumped, appear as if sobs still wrack her entire frame, quaking as she turns away, trudging off until there's nothing but trees and benches surrounding them, feeling Joohyun tap a paw against her chin.


Joy chuckles. “...I was pretty good, wasn't I, Unnie?”


The bunny purrs, nudging the corner of her lips, and Joy takes it as a yes, always - because that's what Joohyun always says when she does something great.


Pulling back just enough to properly stare at her girlfriend and the rose still fitted in , Joy wonders how she still has tears left to shed (she had used up a lot just for her impromptu performance), feeling her eyelids well up again, b at the edges.


“Unnie…” Joy settles on a bench, letting Joohyun plop down on her lap. She watches Joohyun drop the flower, nudging it with her nose as if telling her to take it. So Joy does. “...You really didn't have to.”


Joohyun's crawling closer, nuzzling her stomach.


It’s nothing unique. They gift each other flowers and clothes and fancy dinners every anniversary, so this shouldn’t call for shaky fingers and a pounding heart. Hell, today isn’t even a special day. There’s nothing to really celebrate.


Tears spill past her eyelids regardless, lips trembling to keep a sob in. She's no longer pretending – not when she doesn't need to.


God, even as a rabbit, Joohyun sure knows how to turn on the waterworks.


Joy rakes fingers across Joohyun’s back. “...You're not supposed to make your girlfriend cry this much, you know.”


The bunny says nothing, as expected, feeling Joohyun bury herself against her shirt, tiny paws attempting to wrap around her. It's louder than any words Joohyun's ever said in a long time.


They haven't had a moment like this in a while, now that she thinks about it. They've always been too busy with work; not dedicating any time to just be together, not even for hugs. They’ve been reserving time for each other only for anniversaries and nothing else.


How sad that the most time they’ve spent together has been as animals.


Joy sighs, rubbing Joohyun’s cheek.


If this was some sort of wacky life lesson made by whoever – or whatever it is, as much as she doesn’t appreciate being forced into dealing with things she’s not prepared for, it’s one she won’t take for granted.


Joy pulls her closer. “I miss holding you, too.”




When it's time for bed, Joy makes sure the rose is dipped in a pretty vase with a bit of water.


Joohyun's already prepared – not that she needed much pampering, burrowed in the middle of her designated pillow, fluffy white a stark contrast to cotton purple.


Joy slips into the sheets next to her, staring at the soft ball of white, making sure Joohyun is as comfortable as possible, tugging the blanket up over Joohyun.


Brushing the back of her fingers against Joohyun's cheek, Joy watches her eyes gradually fall shut, still amused that massaging the same spot does the trick even when she’s an animal.


Joy leans in to kiss Joohyun's forehead, muttering sweet dreams and wonders how many nights it'll take before she finally gets to sleep with her girlfriend as a human woman, again.




Joy wakes up to smooth skin and soft kisses.


She giggles against a mouth she's longed to taste, lips warm and tender, knowing exactly how to make her smile with whispers of good morning and I’ve missed kissing you like this.


Joy doesn't mind staying in bed a little longer, preferring to cuddle with Joohyun and finally feel arms wrap around her and hold her closer.


“…You're back,” it's muffled against Joohyun's neck, smiling against the touch of soft skin against her lips. “...You're finally back.”


Joohyun's fingers comb through her hair, sighing at the familiar motion that Joy’s been missing for far too long.


“I am,” Joohyun's smile is soft against her forehead, “about time, huh.”


Joy hugs her tighter, feeling smooth skin against her fingertips.


Yeah, she thinks. About damn time.




They're settled on the couch, facing each other with legs crossed and small smiles.


Joy can't help but just stare. Joohyun is back. Human, again. And it's obvious by Joohyun's steady gaze that her girlfriend can't help but just look, too.


Which makes sense, considering she had been an animal the last time Joohyun's been a person.


Joohyun leans an arm against the cushion, resting her cheek on her knuckles. “You know, it felt like you preferred me as a bunny rather than a woman.”


Laughter bubbles past Joy’s throat, shrugging, feeling playful. Of course Joohyun would start with something like that. Always competitive.


“Well,” Joy pauses, tapping a finger against her chin, the corners of her lips quirking up. “You’re not wrong.”


Joohyun rolls her eyes. “I should've appreciated you more when you were a baby chicken.”


“You should have,” Joy sticks her tongue out, reaching over to nudge Joohyun's elbow. “I was super cute, wasn’t I?”


“Maybe,” a sigh, “But you were definitely just as whiny.”


She pouts, uncrossing her legs just so she could kick Joohyun’s shin, hearing her girlfriend yelp.


Joy scoots closer, resting her arm against Joohyun’s knee so she could lean in and settle her chin against her palm.


“Well, I think you're pretty cute as a woman.”


Joohyun arches a brow. “Only ‘pretty cute’?”


“Bunnies are hard to beat, Unnie.” A smile spreads across her face, reaching out with a free hand to rub Joohyun’s arm. “With your little fluffy tail and soft ears and how you hopped around with your tiny feet—


Joohyun scoffs, rubbing her temple. “I get it, I get it.”


“But,” Joy grins, leaning in until she’s snuggling up close, making Joohyun's arms circle around her even when her girlfriend groans in protest. “Nothing beats this.”


Joohyun’s giggles are warm against her head. “And what is this, exactly?”


Joy shifts to rest against Joohyun's neck, shutting her eyes and letting her eyelids press against soft skin. Her arms stay snug around Joohyun, pressing closer when she feels Joohyun's hands grip her back. How tangible.


“...Us. Just like this.” She mumbles, feeling Joohyun's legs uncross to stretch, getting tangled up with hers. And it stays. “…I like us like this.


Joohyun's response is tracing circles against her back, a quiet hum painting warmth against Joy's scalp, whispering words to melt love into her skin.


“...Me, too.”


Cuddling with a bunny can be loads of fun. But nothing's better than being able to feel Joohyun’s arms hold her back.



Fan Work by @senweul: 

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Now includes an adorable fan work by @senweul of bunny!irene found on the Foreword as well as at the end of the second chapter! Thank you again!


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soshivelvetM #1
Chapter 2: I keep coming back to this fic T.T this is one of the best Joyrene fic. Thank you author-nim
wyisj2903 #2
this made my day 🥺
Gowther75 #3
Chapter 2: aigoo that scene where joohyun is whimpering because of thunders is so cuteeee. i really love this >_<
Chapter 2: this is the fluffiest fluff ive ever read !!!!!!! Fluff overload !!! i love it !! thank you so much authornim!!
Chapter 2: This so ADORABLE UWU
Thanks a bunch author-nim!
FateNdreaM #6
Chapter 2: Whenever Joy snuggles against Joohyun, it reminds me of that LieV live moments. They are so cute. Now I really want adopt one of them or both.(animal)
Thank you, author for this. and that bunny! irene is sooooi cute.
Chapter 1: why this so cute
dkdldb #8
Chapter 2: Omg this is too adorable
Chapter 2: ???
Chapter 2: Ahhh this was so cute! Thanks for the story authur-nim