
Drunk in love

If you were to ask Mingyu what was the cutest thing he saw he would have probably said his puppy or the small kid in the house beside his, up until this morning. Because if you were to ask him now he would definitely answer with drunk Wonwoo. Yes drunk Wonwoo was definitely the cutest thing Mingyu has ever seen. The fact that he had a crush on the latter did not help, not at all. They were at a party throw by Soonyoung, who happen to be Wonwoo’s best friend. Soonyoung is the one friend who always throws party but it’s not ever seen at the actually party, too busy with Jihoon to care about the other guest. So when a drunk Soonyoung approached Mingyu with a sober and bothered Jihoon and an even drunker Wonwoo, Mingyu was very surprised.

“Mingyu!” Wonwoo got away from Soonyoung grip to run to Mingyu, good thing the younger as good reflexes otherwise he would have fallen full face on the ground.

“Your arms are so big, you’re so tall!” Mingyu knew the older was just blabbering things because of all the alcool he had in his body, but still he couldn’t help but blush.

“Please take him home and possibly take care of him” Jihoon said before going back from where they came from, taking a giggling Soonyoung with him.

“Mingyuu~” Wonwoo looked up at the latter “I want to go sleep” he whined, something Mingyu thought he wouldn’t ever hear coming from Wonwoo mouth. He melted right on the spot when the elder leaned his head on his torso and closed his eyes.

“Your heart is beating so fast Mingyu, do you like me?” Mingyu tensed up visibly and didn’t answer wonwoo’s question.

“Let’s go home Wonwoo”

Taking Wonwoo home was harder than what he thought it would be. Walking was difficult when you have a not so collaborative person leaning on you. But he had to admit that he liked having Wonwoo this close to himself, even if he was blushing super hard. He decided it would be safer to go into his house, instead that going all the way to Wonwoo and Jun’s shared house, his house was closer and he really didn’t had the strength to take Wonwoo all the way there. The hardest thimg to do was probably opening the door. Whit wonwoo laying on his back, trying to get the key and actually opening the door, it probably took him three minutes to finally enter his house. After finally getting Wonwoo to lay on the bed and not on his back, he stopped to look at him. He was curled up on himself, flushing red cheeks and lip parted has he was breathing cutely. He had surely fallen for him with now way back, because just seeing him sleeping makes butterflies appear in his stomach. He just want to hug him and never leave his side, instead he just turn around and search for one of his pajamas to give to Wonwoo. 

“Wonwoo can you change your clothes?” The fact that Wonwoo didn’t answer was an answer just by itself. So Mingyu gathered all the strength in his body and tried to not blush and shake to noticeably. No need to say he failed miserably when he took off his shirt; how comes that Wonwoo is perfect in every situation? Mingyu question himself. He was about to leave the room after dressing him up but Wonwoo called him back. 

“Mingyu, come here I’m cold” Wonwoo curled up even more while watching Mingyu blush.

"Are you sure?” Wonwoo nodded “Okay let me change in my pajamas” 

As soon as Mingyu touched the bed Wonwoo hugged his torso so tightly he could barely breath but it felt so right he questioned if he was in heaven. Wonwoo started to talk about something but it didn’t have sense so Mingyu just leaned down taking the older with him. He started to play with his hair, they were so soft he couldn’t resist, when Wonwoo stopped talking and fell asleep like this on top of Mingyu. The younger felt so happy he couldn’t stop smiling. He doesn’t remember when he fell asleep but he definitely remember the way Wonwoo hugged him. 

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Chapter 1: Awwww... so cute! Short but great :) Thank you!