Mir loses his pet

MBLAQ Oneshots

A/N yes i have no idea what this is haha but i hope that someone will enjoy it. 



It's the ringing of the phone that breaks Changsuns concentration from the particularly hard dance sequence he was practicing at the moment. Strolling towards the phone he checks the id to find it was Cheondoong calling, an usual circumstance for this time, it was nearly 11:30pm. Picking up the phone he was just about to ask what was wrong when he heard  high pitched screams assault his ears. Moving the phone away from his ears to try and salvage what was left of his hearing he calmly asked what was wrong with him. The only response was unintelligible screaming which was impossible to deciphered. 


"Calm down Cheondoong, what's wrong??' 


He was answered by a few screeches first before Cheondoong became coherent again. 


"Cheolyong - he - he "


"Yes?" Changsun prompted.


"He's lost his snake!!!" Cheondoong finally said "and right now everyones looking for him and why is this even happening to me all i wanted to do was visit and omg hyung help me they're not letting leave until we find him and i keep seeing it everywhere!!! who even keeps a snake as a pet -aaaah"  


Changsun sighed, the adventures their group got up to was surely unique, why couldn't their group be normal like others. 


"Pass the phone to Seungho hyung,"


"Hey Changsun, yea were looking for the snake right now, Cheondoongs been screaming for a while now and Cheolyong is really sad," Seungho moved the phone so that Changsun could faintly here Cheolyong crying out for his pet, "and Byunghee's just laughing, so you think you could get over here and help out? Cheolyong won't let Cheondoong go cause he wants more people looking but i doubt Cheondoong standing on the couch screaming will do anyone any good." 


"Sure hyung, i'll be there in 5," Changsun answered, then hung up and packed up.


When he rang the doorbell the door was opened by Seungho whos dark circles looked like they grew another few centimeters.


"Thank goodness you're here," he said while grabbing Changsuns arm to support himself. Changsun didn't blame him, being a leader of MBLAQ was a burden he didn't even want to think about. 


"Did Cheondoong leave?" Changsun asked As they walked into the living room. Seungho shook his head and pointed to the sofa where Cheondoong sat rigidly, wait what? Was there a gag in his mouth? Cheondoong turned his eyes towards Changsun pleading but Changsun only shook his head, there was nothing he could do, Chondoong just curled into a ball while Byunghee sat unaware of the commotion, only focused on his phone.


He walked into Cheolyongs room where said boy was overturning everything in his room creating a pile of mess. Cheolyong turned around at the noise and jumped into Changsun arms. 


" I don't where Godongyi has gone!!! He just disappeared and i cant find him." Cheolyong sobbed into Changsun chest. Changsun ran his fingers through his hair in consolation for a few seconds before asking, "did you check your bed?" The bed looked suspiciously neat and goodness knows the amount of times Cheolyong has played pranks on people by putting Godongyi on his bed.


Cheolyong peeled himself back and looked up at Changsun his mouth forming an o.


"Oops," he said and Changsun was so close to face palming because of their idiot maknae. 


Cheolyong walked to the bed pulling the covers and lo and behold lay Godonyi. Cheolyong picked it up and peppered it with kisses before putting it back in its cage. 


"Thanks hyung," Cheolyong said while giving him a thank you kiss to Changsuns cheek before skipping into the living room and announcing that his pet was found as he took the gag out of Cheondoongs mouth who just slumped onto the couch devoid of any energy.


"So where was it?" Byunghee asked finally diverting his attention from his phone. 


"On my bed," Cheolyong said, now joyful after finally finding his lost pet. All the other members turned to Cheolyong with faces of total disbelief. 


"Ok, let's just sleep now, it's getting late and we have a variety show schedule tomorrow, i can't believe we spent an hour..." Seungho shook his head unwilling to process how much time he wasted looking for Cheolyongs pet. "Anyway Changsun and Cheondoong, you guys can stay over tonight if you want to, it might be a hassle to go back at this time," 


Cheondoong latched himself onto Seunghos side, "Hyung I'm sharing with you, i'm not going anywhere near Cheolyongs pets," he said "or Byunghee hyungs either," he added after noticing the Byunghees evil smirk.


"Changsun will stay with me, he found Godongyi!" Cheolyong added while jumping to give him a hug. Seungho turned to Changsun who  merely nodded in response. 


"Well guess this has been an eventful night," Cheolyong stated.


"Yea because of you," all the members yelled in unison.


"Yup going to sleep now" Cheolyong said, and ran to get ready, he wasn't ready for whatever punishment that was surely coming his way if he was still in the presence of the s.


"Love you," he quickly said before grinning and leaving. 


"That kid," Seungho said "i really don't know if i want to hit him half the time but he's just so damn adorable." 


The others hummed in agreement. Yup they surely had a one of a kind maknae, thats for sure. 




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Lululaura93 #1
Chapter 1: Lol
Such a cute story and very neatly done
You capture their characters well
Mir is ADORKABLE I juz wanna smother him with love
Chapter 1: Hahahaha I can imagine the terror brought by just one sentence: "I lost my pet". I'm not sure whether I'd be screaming or walking extremely cautiously only where I can see everything if that happened. I love lizards though. But anyway, love how calm the rest of them were (well, of course not counting Thunder because he was freaking out man) and then Chansung just shows up and straight up finds it. It doesn't seem like Seungho and Mir had any help from the other two to begin with anyway. I bet Seungho searched all over the apartment besides Mir's room all alone while mir was busy turning his room upside down and choking on his tears. And Byunghee couldn't care less lol
I see mblaq, I click