Chapter 3

Take Care of You

"Josh said he plays guitar, isn't that cool?" Vernon munched on his sandwich on the ride home. That would be his food until they eat later at seven the earliest. Seungcheol and Hansol, together, live a busy life. They would go around 8 in the morning, where Seungcheol would drop the kid for school, and he would drive straight to his office. Then around 12 in the afternoon, Seungcheol would pick up Hansol and drive him home before returning to his office where he would sneak eating lunch since picking up his son from school definitely take his whole one and a half hour lunch break. Sometimes he would leave something in the morning for Hansol to eat after school, or just like today, he bought him some sandwich or kimbap to eat. Then he would return to work until at least five. 

He took a glance to his son sitting on the passenger side with his children seatbelt on. "Josh?"

Hansol wiped his mouth before speaking, "yeah, you remember my teacher, Hong Jisoo?

Seungcheol's lips formed an 'o' as he nodded slightly. It was last week when he met the said teacher and Hansol was starting to get close to that teacher since. 

"Seungkwan sings when he played guitar, Seungkwan sings really good. They're so cool!" The child continued excitedly. 

Seungcheol grinned. "Really? What about you? Did you sing?" 

"No, no, no! I'm not a good singer!" Hansol shook his head before taking another bite.

"No way! You could sing! Or better yet, you rap! Yeah!" The father let out a loud exclamation which leads to his son's own 'pupupupu!' even with his mouth full.

That was a mere beginning to Hansol's train of stories about his teacher Joshua. His stories had only mention Seungkwan and some other occasional names in the past, now it was all about Joshua and Seungkwan. He was all excited, as if he found a new best friend, it felt like an old friend even. 

From how Joshua could play guitar, that he sings well (though in Hansol's little head, Seungkwan was still number one), he was handsome, he liked burger and chicken, he loved chocolate, to the fact that Joshua was an anime lover in his 25 years of living. He kept blabbering all that stories during their dinner time.

He also mentioned how cool Joshua and his story about Los Angeles, his hometown, were to the point that it triggered jealousy inside Seungcheol's heart. He was never jealous. Maybe it was due to the fact that Joshua was an adult, that he gave of a 'fatherly' feeling to Hansol, and he's used to be the only figure in Hansol's life for these past few years. 

The kid, however, seemed to notice his father's pout. Thus he said, "Appa, don't worry. You're still the coolest person in my life. It needs a million of Joshuas to replace you." The child grinned to himself as he swung his legs around in their dining stool. Seungcheol had to hide his sentimental expression or else he would cry. Oh lord, he's too young to feel this mid-life crisis.



It was around late February when he had another sudden meeting, but the good side was he was allowed to go home early right after. Seungcheol was once again late to pick his son from school and he was in the verge of panicking because he was, again, more than two hours late and it was raining cats and dogs. He could not drive any faster or he might just go to heaven straight away. He could not even see what was in front of his car. 

He opened his umbrella clumsily, one arm had already drenched in rain as he tried to do so. It was too cold and wet how did the weather become so bad? His feet caused the water on the ground go splash and wet his dress pants as he jogged to the school lobby.

Seungcheol was about to get so worried but he saw his boy with his favorite teacher, chatting around as he swung his legs around carelessly. He was a bit relieved. 

"Hansolie.." he called out. 

"Appa! You're here! Are you okay? You're wet!" Hansol jumped from his seat and ran to his dad where he hugged him straight away. 

"I'm fine, I had another meeting, I'm so sorry." He crouched down to meet his son's eyes. 

The smaller Choi surprisingly reached out his hand and patted the elder's head. "It's okay, poor Appa, you're wet, you can't get sick." He said as he reach out for his hankie from his jeans. He proceeded to wipe his dad's hand and sleeves. It was useless but the gesture warmed Seungcheol's heart. He muttered a small thank you.

They were about to leave as Seungcheol was bowing down to Jisoo, when Hansol tugged his finger. He motioned his dad to crouch down so he could whisper things to his ear, his dad followed. The kid asked his dad if they could drive Jisoo home since he would be taking bus in this kind of rain and he felt bad for it. 

Seungcheol shrugged. Why not, he was basically Hansol's best friend. And he kept him company. This was a way to show him his gratitude. 

"Teacher Jisoo, if it's fine by you, can we drive you home?" Seungcheol asked. 

The gesture seemed to startle the brunette. "Oh? Ah- no, I mean, I'm fine, don't let me be a bother." He shook his hand around and bowed politely. Seungcheol could notice his shy smile as his plump lips curled even more.

"No, please, we insist. How can I let you wait for the bus in such weather." Seungcheol smiled pleadingly. 

"But, I haven't packed my stuffs.." the younger said softly. He did not want to bother the Chois and make Hansol wait any longer. 

"We can wait, right, Appa?" Hansol said, he looked up to see his Appa nodding his head and giving a wide smile to the teacher. A gummy smile, something that Hansol himself quite inherited. It took Jisoo few seconds to respond, especially with their perfectly sculpted smiles.

"Ah.. If you think so, I'll be fast." The teacher ran back to his office.


"Wait here, I'll get Hansol in the car, I'll come back for you." Choi senior scooped his son on his strong arm and held the umbrella on another. He did not forget to tell him to hug his neck tight so he wont fall nor get wet. 

Jisoo bowed slightly as he watched the father and son walked carefully through the rain under that black umbrella. They were heading to the black Hyundai car parked just few meters away from the lobby. The father seemed to struggle with opening the door but he managed, letting the kid jumped into the back seat as he leaned the umbrella to cover his child instead of his shoulder. Truly a parent. He smiled at the sight. Then his smile was washed away when Seungcheol walked back to his spot. 

"Come on," he let the younger came to him under the umbrella, "let's go." 

Seungcheol noticed how much smaller the teacher was compared to his built as they started to walk. The shoulder slightly grazing on his muscular one, though covered by layers and layers of clothing in this cold February, still seemed so small. He instinctively hover his arm around his waist and leaned his umbrella on Jisoo's side to keep him dry. "Can you walk closer, we'll get wet." He chuckled. 

Jisoo nodded and shyly moved closer, as directed by the hand on his waist. Their shoulders pressed on each other as the taller slightly leaned his head to him. 

Seungcheol pretended not to notice the younger's eyes on him nor the blush on his cheeks when he brought them close to the passenger's door. He, again, struggled to grab the handle with his hand occupied. As cheesy as it may sound, Jisoo reached out his hand to help the man switch hands for the umbrella and it only lead them to holding it together, Seungcheol's on top of Jisoo's slender fingers. 

He held back a smile and just opened the door for the teacher, switching his hand once again and letting the male got in before walking to the other side and clumsily got in and close the umbrella. 

"Okay, kids. Everybody's safe. Put on yout seat belt." He groaned and turn on the engine.


"That corner, yeah, left." Jisoo directed expressively with his hands. A habit.

"Oh? It's actually so close to our house?"  Seungcheol craned his head to look around past the gushing rain outside. When Jisoo's flat was on the small corner behind that flower store, his would be by the end of the main road. 

Jisoo tilted his head. "Oh, really?" 

Hansol popped up his head from the seat behind, holding to the front seats side. "Yeah, we live by the end of this street." His small finger pointed back to the road they turned from. 

Jisoo muttered a small oh.

The car soon halted in front of a small red-bricked apartment building. He turned to the father and son duo, "Hansolie, Hansol's Appa, thank you so much for the ride. I'm sorry for being a bother." 

"Seungcheol, my name is Seungcheol." The father offered another gummy smile. 

Jisoo nodded. He was about to open the door and run through the rain, since it was about few steps away, when he felt a strong grip on his wrist. 

"Wait," he grabbed his black umbrella once again, no, Jisoo did not want to cause more problem, "let me take you." 

"Seungcheol-ssi, please don't, I'm fine it's so close." Jisoo waved his hand quickly. He would really feel guilty if the father of his pupil keep showcasing his perfect mannerism.

"Silly, it's raining so hard." Seungcheol without hesitation opened his door before opening the umbrella as fast as he could. Right after closing the door he walked to the other side of the car. He hovered his umbrella above Jisoo's door before letting him out. They walked few steps no more than five in total until they were under the the protruding roof of the building's entrance. 

"I'll be going, rest well, Teacher Hong." The elder was about to turn his back but a hand stopped him by tugging lightly on his coat's sleeve. "Yes?" 

"Just Jisoo, it's fine," the brunette seemed to be thinking a bit before saying so, "Anyway, thank you so much, please drive safe. Don't get sick." He hesitantly let go of the sleeve.

Seungcheol nodded slightly, "I will." He smiled before leaving him. The weather was cold, his sleeved were soaked, the rain hit his car roof loudly, the child was shivering in the back seat, but he felt somewhat warm. 

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Haha chapter 6 will be long haha


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Chapter 5: i just started reading this but it's honestly so cute and Seungcheol is so smooth in this chapter lmao T^T
pit-a-pat #2
omg. i'm a new reader and i'm already loving this. can't wait for the update.
Chapter 5: So cute
Chapter 5: witty cheol!!!!!!
Chapter 5: smooth af smooth af SMOOTH AF
LifeInLondon17 #6
Chapter 5: THIS IS AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM!!! (Omgggg Cheol is so slick XDDDDD)
Chapter 5: Omg that was so smooth cheolie~ XD
And the part "shy but witty" yes hahaha that describe jisoo well XD
rosequartznserenity #8
Chapter 5: Wow, that was such smooth flirting! Kudos to you for writing so naturally~
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ;)

I really like how this story is developing and how we learn all those things about CheolSoo and little Vernon :D
During the discussion about the vegetables I totally remembered my niece and nephew kind of being like little Hansol so it made me smile a lot. :)

I can‘t wait to read how the dinner will go and if they get closer :P
I really do like this story and how close it is to reality so that you can relate to it pretty well :)