Chapter Two

Not My Heonney

“Hyung,” Jooheon whines as he slumps onto the couch, an impossibly adorable pout pulling at his plump lips, “I don’t know if I can do this whole college thing…” Hyunwoo chuckles warmly, shaking his head at his little brother.

“It’s only the first week,” he says, unable to keep himself from smiling at Jooheon’s second whine.

“That’s my point!” he says, flopping onto his back to glare over at his brother. “I’ve only been read syllabi and bought books, and I’m already so exhausted! How am I supposed to make it through an entire year, much less four???” Hyunwoo’s about to respond, aiming to give the freshman a fantastically rousing speech of confidence, but a knock at the door stops him. He turns, frowning confusedly as he goes to answer the door.

Their RA—and one of Hyunwoo’s fraternity brothers—stands waiting on the other side. Lee Minhyuk, his hair dyed a burnt sort-of blonde, and a familiar smirk on his face as his eyes immediately skip over Hyunwoo’s shoulder to the pouting boy on the couch.

“Hoseok-hyung said your brother was here this semester~” he says, his gaze flicking back knowingly at Hyunwoo. He then feigns a pout, tilting his head ever so slightly and poking out his lower lip. “Why haven’t you brought him over to the house yet to introduce him to us? Are you really that ashamed of us, hyung?” Hyunwoo can feel Jooheon’s curious gaze on his back, and he instinctually moves to keep Jooheon out of Minhyuk’s line of sight.

“It’s only the first week, Moongie,” Hyunwoo tells him, forcing out a light chuckle. Minhyuk hums, seeming unconvinced.

“Yeah, well we’re having a party tomorrow night, so bring him,” he says, nodding pointedly at the boy. “It’s a party especially for prospective pledges, so it’ll be pretty tame.”

“He isn’t—,” Hyunwoo begins, but Jooheon cuts him off.

“I haven’t really decided if I want to pledge or not,” Jooheon says, speaking loud and clear to the man in the hall. “Hyung says I shouldn’t, but—” He’s cut off by an adoring coo from the RA, and Hyunwoo visibly ripples. Minhyuk chuckles lowly, leaning against the doorjamb.

“Well, this is the best way to decide, Heonney Bee~” he sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as he quirks up a brow. “These parties are how we get all the new meat in, so everyone will be on their best behavior. You’ll get to see a little bit of what our usual parties are like, see all the thank-you gifts we get every year from all the charities we work with… Ya know, the works.” He shrugs, straightening back up. He pats Hyunwoo’s chest, clicking his tongue as his fingers brush against the older’s white tshirt.

“Don’t worry, papa bear. We won’t tarnish you’re precious Jooheonney… yet~” He winks at Hyunwoo, giggling softly to himself as he retracts his hand and saunters off as he adds, “I expect to see you both there!”

Hyunwoo grumbles something under his breath about troublesome friends not knowing when to stop when they’re ahead, slamming the door with a resounding thud. He shuffles back to his room, and Jooheon can hear the squeaking of the older’s mattress as he throws himself onto his bed. Jooheon swallows thickly, shooting a hesitant glance towards Hyunwoo’s room as he moves to sort out his books for the next day.


Jooheon sits anxiously on the sunken-in couch, drumming a beat out against the tops of his knees. He takes a drink of water, sufficiently draining his third bottle of the night. He smacks his lips, going back to working on this new, frantic beat mirroring the state of his own heart. Hyunwoo hadn’t given him any trouble about coming to this party, after all, for which Jooheon was thankful. However, he’d had to come early with his brother, and now he’s sitting here, twiddling his thumbs aimlessly while the others set up the house.

The front door swings open, ricocheting off the wall behind it. Jooheon jumps, his eyes wide as Minhyuk stumbles into the living room, his eyes glazed over and a laundry basket full of booze in his hands.

“whAT UP my fellow cOMPATriOts??” he asks, his wavering tone drifting from deadly soft to piercingly loud impressively fast. He pauses, chuckling as he throws himself towards the nearest chair, dropping the laundry basket to the floor. “Or, should I say, -patriots?” He bursts out laughing at his own dumb joke, hugging himself round the middle and bent forward as his raspy guffaws fill the house.

Jooheon can’t help but laugh along with him, chuckling softly to himself as Hyunwoo comes into the room, one of his other fraternity brother, Kihyun, in tow. The brunette purses his lips, crossing his arms disapprovingly as he takes in Minhyuk’s appearance.

“Honestly, Minhyuk-ah,” he sighs, shaking his head. “Have you already been drinking? The party is supposed to start soon, but there’s no way we’re going to get ready in time without your help.” Minhyuk pushes a defiant huff through his lips, rolling his eyes.

“You know I do my best work drunk, anyway,” Minhyuk fires back at him, throwing on a sultry smirk. Kihyun stares at him, unimpressed, and Jooheon begins to think Minhyuk might mean more than with just decorating…

Hoseok struts into the room, throwing Jooheon a casual wink as he passes and goes to pick up the laundry basket. He takes it to the bar set against the wall behind the couch on which Jooheon sits, and it’s all the freshman has in him to keep from craning his neck to keep Hoseok in his line of sight. Hyunwoo watches Hoseok as he walks around, a stoic yet protective gaze set in his eyes. A lanky man glides into the room, looking half-asleep despite being awake for an hour already, and he plops himself down on Jooheon’s other side.

“Wonnie,” Kihyun says, shooting a warning glare at the yawning freshman, “I told you you could come early only if you helped us set up… That doesn’t look like helping to me.” A high-pitched whine falls from Hyungwon’s plump lips, and he drapes himself around Jooheon’s shoulders.

“You’re so mean to me,” he whines, batting his eyelashes at Kihyun. “Hyunwoo-hyung brought Jooheonney, but he doesn’t have to help… Why can’t he be my recruiter??” Kihyun rolls his eyes at the freshman’s complaints, waving a dismissive hand as he leaves the room. Hyungwon pulls away from Jooheon as soon as Kihyun’s gone, pouting after the older. “I could’ve sworn that’d set him off…” he mutters, seeming disappointed as he stands from the couch, suddenly much more aware, and follows after the older.

Jooheon chances a look back at the bar, but he quickly turns back around at seeing Hoseok is staring at him. As he turns back, he catches Hyunwoo’s look of dismay, seeming defeated yet defiant all at once.

“C’mon, Jooheonney,” he says, nodding towards the way Kihyun and Hyungwon had gone. “Come help with the set-up.” Jooheon pouts standing slowly and following Hyunwoo’s steps. He glances back at Hoseok one last time, his heart beating impossibly fast at the simple, flirtatious wave the older sends his way. He gulps thickly, focusing his attention on the work he’s about to do.

God, tonight’s gonna be a long night…

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Chapter 5: Yaay you updated!!! Thank you, I enjoy the story very much!! ^^ after all, there's not much of Jooho fanfics available.. and I ship them both for being so cute together hihi
Chapter 3: I find it soo cute when you wrote "Thorry" tbh i laugh at it. XD This is so true though since he cant says the S word properly.Him and kihyun lisps are cute..And where did both of them go???? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 2: Shownu is such a protective brother ?..And please wonho don't just easily flirt with jooheoney because he is sill a baby.
Authornim if you don't mind, it will be better if you put the members name in the tags.I think it would be easier for people to find this fic..It just my opinion, it's okay of you don't do it. :)