Chapter Two

Winning (But Losing) to You

“Hyung, are you going to be running for student body president again?”

Kihyun chuckles over at Changkyun, smiling at his dongsaeng fondly as they walk around the track during gym class. He fiddles with the bottom hem of his uniform shirt, and hums in thought.

“I’m thinking of forming a platform around bettering cafeteria lunches,” he merely responds with, as if the yes or no the younger was wanting was a given. “What do you think? Would you vote for that?”

“I’d vote for you no matter what, hyung~” Changkyun replies sweetly. “You’re the only one I know that could ever handle the job and do it well.” Kihyun coos affectionately at his dongsaeng, and reaches over to squeeze his arm in gratitude.

“Thank you, Kkungie,” he says sincerely, hugging him close. “As always, I appreciate your vote.” Changkyun chuckles at the typical response, sighing heavily as he pats his hyung’s hand. “Wanna come over to be my guinea pig for my first speech?” he asks suddenly, surprising the younger. “I’ll make a snack for you if you do~”

“I’d love to, hyung,” Changkyun chuckles, trying to sound casual, “but I can’t. I uh… I promised to help Hyungwonnie-hyung with his chemistry homework…” Kihyun ‘hmmphs’ under his breath, clearly displeased at the fact the maknae was choosing Hyungwon over him, but he knows it can’t be helped.

“Aw, alright,” he sighs, lilting his voice in disappointment to make his dongsaeng feel at least the tiniest bit guilty. “It can wait till another time, then.” He even drops his grip on the boy’s arm for some added effect

“I’m sorry,” Changkyun quickly throws in, Kihyun’s tactic obviously working better than he’d meant for it to. “I would come if I hadn’t already promised…” Kihyun coos at the younger, looping their arms together as they walk.

“It’s okay, Kkungie,” Kihyun chuckles. “I understand.” Changkyun hums in his throat, and snuggles close to his hyung for comfort, to which the older can’t help but smile.


“You’re my favorite dongsaeng,” Hyungwon comments with a tired sigh. He stretches his limbs out with a tired sigh as the younger closes the chemistry textbook with a satisfying snap. Changkyun hums in response, glancing down at his watch. Hyungwon raises a suspicious brow at this, the behavior being unusual for the younger. Changkyun glances up, inadvertently meeting Hyungwon’s gaze, and gives him a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, hyung,” Changkyun chuckles. “Kihyun-hyung just wanted me to help him with his first campaign speech, but I couldn’t because I’d already agreed to help you with chemistry. But, since we’re done early, I just thought I’d check to see if he still needs help.” Hyungwon hums, his gaze flitting up to the ceiling.

“So that troll is running for student body president again?” he asks in exasperation. Changkyun nods in affirmation, though it’s very much not necessary. Hyungwon shakes his head, adding, “At this point, he’s going to be in charge his entire high school career…”

“No one’s going to bother running against him,” Changkyun agrees as he pulls out his phone to type out a text. “He’s done a good job so far, and it isn’t like anyone wants to put forth that much effort into running a campaign against him.” He stands then, shoving his phone into his pocket. “I’m gonna go, hyung. Are you sure you don’t need any more help?” Hyungwon chuckles fondly and shakes his head.

“I’m fine,” he assures his dongsaeng. “I’ve got everything I need for the exam.” Changkyun nods, and then gathers up his things and shows himself out. Hyungwon has to stifle a sigh as he glances around the room, wondering just what he should do with himself now. He’d planned to go a few rounds with Changkyun in a new combat game he’d gotten, but now that’s out the window.

Stupid gremlin, Hyungwon mentally grumbles as he forces himself to stand. Just because he needs help with another stupid speech to keep his seat of power doesn’t mean he can cut in on my time with the maknae… He thinks of all the times this had happened last election. He’d almost had to fight for Changkyun’s attention because Kihyun had been monopolizing him so much… He knows he shouldn’t be jealous, but, dammit, Changkyun is his friend, too.

He’d feel just as obligated to help me if I were running for student council, he thinks, shuffling out of his room and towards the kitchen in search of food. Kihyun isn’t special. He just feels like he has to help him, because Kihyun’s his hyung, too. He can’t help but chuckle at the notion.

That’d absolutely kill him with anger, he muses, mentally playing out all the different shades of red Kihyun’s face could possibly turn if he were to run for a council position… much less if he were to run for the same position as the older…

Now there’s an idea, Hyungwon thinks, pausing in his path as the idea fully strikes him. God, would he just love to push Kihyun out of his seat of power, much less be in charge of, well, anything. He’s always thought the school would be much better off with a different mind running things behind the scenes.

The teenager smiles to himself, thinking the idea absolutely insane… but possibly just insane enough to work.


“You’re what??” Minhyuk bursts out, drawing about fifty different gazes in the cafeteria the next day. Hoseok chuckles, the vivacious sound of mirth rumbling from deep within his chest. Hyungwon shrugs, plucking up his juice carton with a delicate hand and taking a sip from it.

“I’m running for student body president,” he repeats, his eyes twinkling with an unreadable light. Minhyuk sighs noisily, shaking his head at his dongsaeng.

“You’re really so desperate to face off with Kihyunnie that you’re willing to do that?” Minhyuk demands, albeit not really needing an answer. “God, you two should just screw already and get it over with.” Hoseok and Hyungwon choke on their drinks at this, earning a knowing chuckle from their friend.

“It isn’t like that!” Hyungwon defends, but Minhyuk merely holds up a silencing hand.

“Whatever,” Minhyuk quips, shoving half a slice of greasy pizza into his mouth. “You two are going to end up screwing before the end of the year. Mark. My. Words.” He punctuates each word by waving around the floppy remainder of the slice, earning a justified look of disdain from his dongsaeng.

Though, with that said, Hyungwon couldn’t help the glimmer of hope igniting deep in his gut… even though he’d damn well deny it for all it’s worth.

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2487 streak #1
Chapter 8: Oh wow, I wasn't expecting so many updates all of a sudden! ^^ Kihyun and Hyungwon finally making up, thanks to Kihyun's willingness to apologize and Hyungwon's decision to forfeit, was such a sweet process. :') And shout-out to Changkyun for being such a good friend to both of them, since it can be hard to not take sides. Great story! :D I really enjoyed it! :)
Chapter 3: Aww, poor Kihyun. But kudos to Changkyun for stepping up to the plate and protecting his friends; he's the real M.V.P.
Chapter 2: YAS, I live for this. I don't really ship any of the boys together, but I really like this idea and the writing style. Consider me hooked ^^