rant #1 - you are a writer

purple heavens • a writing contest >> REVAMPING -- COMING SOON

>> something worse than a writer's block??
Hello everyone! This is not really an update, literally opened the contest two days ago, but I've been getting a lot of messages about authors reading the SECTIONS and thinking they're "not good enough." Seeing as how I've worded my descriptions, I can see where you guys are coming from, but what the heck.

YOU'RE AN AUTHOR. You're in charge of the story. No matter what your readers say, whether they're praising or criticising, you're the one who's putting words on paper. The story's yours - your plot, your characters, your words. What are you comparing your story to, for it to be "not good enough"? 

Back to my SECTIONS, I am freaking out at the fact that you guys are freaking out. I meant for the SECTIONS to be intimidating, make viewers think "oh, I haven't written/read anything similar before, perhaps I should try it out," not "oh, no this sounds too complex I can't write anything about it, my content will be too dense and boring and turn out horrible, I don't know what to do."

Just, CALM DOWN PEOPLE, yes, I meant for each SECTION to be provoking, as a challenge that will encourage writers to explore the SECTION, not scare them away! 

I did hint this in a few SECTIONS, but what I'm really looking for, is how you, as the author, are able to interpret my ideas, and how well you're able to manipulate them and express them in your own words. I want to read these given ideas in different perspectives, and I want to be able to pinpoint and appreciate each author's individual style of expressing the same set of ideas. If I really wanted to see which contestants managed to reach my expectations in each SECTION, what am I even doing, holding a contest with all these ideas when I'm a writer myself? Doesn't add up, right?

It's a bit like how you go to a review shop, have your story read, then see the reviewer say "oh, it's a beautiful story, but it's not very 'original'." Of course it's not going to be 'original', is there really a storyline out there that hasn't been written on paper already? I'm not interested in finding all the right answers to the SECTIONS. Instead, I want to see how you shape the ideas and adapt it to your own writing style. I have my own interpretations of the topics, and I want to see yours. Turn them into something beautiful, but beautiful by your standards, which means you need to write until you're 100% proud of it. And in the end, it doesn't really matter what I say, or what others think, because if you're happy with your story, it will always be good enough. 

So don't stress peeps, it's a contest, but it's more of a showcase of different writers' voices. Be confident in yourself, and be proud.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, looking at how I posted everything up thinking I'm going to get 108429 comments asking "what the frick are you talking about?!?" and instead, got totally different messages. Seriously though, if you think my descriptions are a load of bizarre bs that make no sense whatsoever, NO OFFENCE TAKEN MY DUDES. Sometimes when I'm talking to others in person I go off on sooooo many tangents I end up losing MYSELF in my own words. I know. What even am I. There're conversation-starters, but have you ever heard of a conversation-stopper?

Anyway, keep the questions rolling through, and don't forget about the ROUNDS; future ones may potentially be more specific than the SECTIONS, but we'll just have to see! Happy writing!

- exoexoexolellel
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hello! just letting y'all know I'll be overseas on the 26/11 for 3 weeks, most likely unable to look at and update entries during that time but you can still fill out the form. any urgent messages, please pm me as i hope i will at least be able to access that :). apologising for any inconveniences!


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Is this...done, or...?
Is this competition still on-going?
Chapter 3: I read the first three of the SECTIONS & I thought:
“OMG My stories can fit these!”
But at the same time idk whether I’ll find the time to actually finish my stories & enter them. (>.<)
Oh well, only time can tell. I think one of my stories can make it (it’s a one-shot), I’m not sure about the second one but I’ll try-

This contest looks very interesting and I might join. :D
LOVE the posters!!
I hope I can write and submit it in time but these are so inspirational, I’ll be looking forward to giving you something hopefully soon if I can :”)
Chapter 3: Hi admin-shi. I want to join to contest I don't know how??
I'm still considering entering, but need to figure out WHAT to enter.
Hello there! I had a question and I apologize if I missed it somewhere in the rules and additional details, but just to be certain, are we allowed to write about any orientation for our entries or do you perhaps have a preference?

Thank you in advance!
Chapter 3: I'm kind of shook reading the different sections because I pretty much have a story that already fits in each category ^^