Peeping Toms And Unnoticed Affections

Peeping Toms And Unnoticed Affections




HyukJae's POV



You seem to know a lot about me.

How come you never showed yourself before now?



Ah. I knew this was coming. Quite frankly I am surprised that you did not ask me this sooner. Another reason why I feel protective over you. You trust people too easily, don't you? You shouldn't. Although I'm glad that you are even willing to have this conversation-of-sorts with me, I would not like it for you to do the same with others. Maybe I'm growing too territorial, but you did just accept my proposal to a date. As I read your question again, I ponder to myself. Why did I decide to show myself today? I could have sat right here countless times when you came before. Was it the fact that I was too scared of rejection? Or perhaps because I wasn't bothered enough? I know that can't be it. You have been tempting me ever since the first time I saw you.



Bada would have made a difference back some other time, no?



You laugh out loud. I’m getting addicted to your voice and I haven't even heard you talk yet. You gaze up at me and nod, while rocking in laughter. Seeing you laugh so freely gets me in it too. I let out a chuckle which soon turns into a full grown laughter as I stare at you rocking from side to side, unable to control your laughter. I cease laughing to gaze at you in wonder. So beautiful. You become sober again and look up at me. Your eyes twinkle mischievously and you let out a one sided smile. Do you smile at everyone like that?



I wouldn't be surprised if Bada barked at you. He doesn't take kindly to peeping toms.



I look up at you in amazement. You stick out your tongue like a kid and giggle. Your playful nature is endearing. You tilt your head to indicate to me to write you a message. I must say, I hadn't considered that side of the conversation. I did watch you without your knowledge; I waited until I could approach you. But does that make me a peeping tom? I would have preferred the term, opportunist, had I been in your place. Even though I myself am confused as to why it took me so long to show myself. When I'm by myself, I like think of it as merely giving you space while enjoying your presence at the same time. It never crossed my mind that it might be offending to you. I didn't think it would be that big of an issue. I like you, so that doesn't make it weird does it?



Would you rather I stay away?



You shake your head slowly. The look in your face portrays that of surprise and bewilderment. I console myself that you were merely teasing me. You did not mean it. That’s a relief. I do not wish to scare you. That was never my intention. I just want to get to know you better. I want to be with you and know all the little things you do. All the little signs which show how taken in I am by you. You seem to know not that I pay attention to every little thing you do. How you twiddle with the hem of your shirt every time you get shy, how you gaze up at me from underneath your fringe when you're thinking what to write next. You know not that I store each and every detail in my head and am already on my way to a for you.



I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.



Why are you apologizing? Don't. I do not want to see you bow your head before me, asking for forgiveness. You have done nothing wrong. I was merely being cheeky. I look up to you to see you pouting. I smile to let you know that I don't mind. It amazes me how a single smile from me leads to a happy grin from you. You have no idea how much that warms me inside. I wish I could hold your hand. I wonder how soft it would be. No doubt you would have little calloused fingertips from constantly playing your guitar. I want to run my fingers over them. I want to touch you. I... want to hold you close.



Don't worry about it. I was just teasing you :-P



You look up at me and smile in relief. You pretend to wipe your brow and throw away the sweat while letting out a relieved sigh. That simple gesture makes me chuckle. You need not worry over it. I think back to the times when I watched you from a distance. You would make a similar gesture when you finished writing a piece of music or when you retrieved your slipper from Bada who would be feasting on it with immense enjoyment. Looking back, I remember the first time I saw you. You were sitting exactly where you are right now. You did not have your guitar that time; only Bada accompanied you. You whooped in joy at discovering a place with such natural beauty. You did not know that a few steps away from you, I was there. Or you certainly wouldn't have been so vocal about your delight. That's what I thought. But now, seeing you in your most relaxed form I wonder. Perhaps that would have been your reaction even if you knew of my presence.



What are you thinking about?



Do you want to know? I would love to tell you, but I'm a little scared that you might find my thoughts to be a little obsessive. It's not that bad right? I'm merely thinking the way any normal guy would about the person he is courting. I just want to carry on with you like this, without thinking of all the responsibilities we will be reminded of when we leave. Of all the tensions and burdens of shifting I have to face. You don't know that I have searched for you. I'm going to be your neighbour soon. I want to surprise you with it. I get excited when I think of all the possibilities that will open up for me. Being in your presence for longer than just an hour or too, having early morning coffee with you before we leave for our respective jobs, you welcoming me with a hot dinner because you get off work sooner than me and then entire nights of talking amidst other things. Then again, even though I want to continue this with you right now, I want to leave too. I want to hold your hand and see how it fits with mine. I want to pull you close to me and kiss you like you have never been kissed before. I want so much.





A/N: I wanna try something here. Does anyone notice any trait in HyukJae that minght be considered dark but romantic at the same time? Let me know^^


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idkwhatisgoingon #1
will they end up to be together? i hope so :3 they are so cute, and since i'm an eunhyuk biased; i would hope for me and hyukkie to meet the same way :')))
i'm probably dreaming xD
I very much enjoyed this story. It was well written and it feel like you put a lot of thought into it. The descriptions were good and I liked the thought process that we get to see of Hyukjae.<br />
<br />
Your usage of and obsessive, with how Hyuk is developing, are pretty much spot on. It makes me both nervous about him and strangely drawn by his overt interest. Good job and I look forward to reading the next one.
*Cant Stop Smiling while reading this* Aigooo So much LOVE :D
KyuminMania #4
you know., always I LOVE IT,........")
Eunhae58 #5
HyukJae being dark and romantic is awesome it fits the story so well. I love it :D <3
btstaekookie #6
I love how you write your one-shots. It's better to write seperate, short one-shots like this than turn the whole thing chaptered, for it will kill the whole thing. You will write a few more one-shots for this series, right? I hope you do !!!!
NeesSuJu #7
Omg!!! Im loving this~ u goin to continue ryt~ u cud hv mke a chaptered story~ keep it up~ love much~ pweaaaseeee~ ^^ hehe~~
StewForTwo #8
That's gonna be a nice surprise for Hae^^ oh! And you used the word courting!!! I live that word^^