The Name-Seeker
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There were certain things about being a magistrata that Kang Yoorae found frustrating.  Keeping a straight face was one – it was genuinely hard to remain dignified when she ended up with a young cutpurse in front of her who’d managed to slit everybody’s belts as well as their wallets and leave an entire marketplace trouserless.  Resisting the temptation to start yawning was another, especially after such a long day in the court room.  Possibly the worst, though, was maintaining the magistrata facade.  Be marble.  Be obsidian.  Show them no emotion, let them know of no distractions – give the criminals nothing to latch onto.  The law is the law, and it is rigid, and our magistrati and magistrata must embody that.

Yoorae knew that it worked, and that the cutpurse in the docks was absolutely petrified of her (he would have been petrified whoever he’d been brought before, to be honest), and that the whole veneer of the magistrati and magistrata of Saurellis being almost super-human in their ability to be unaffected by anything except what fell on the right and wrong sides of the law.  But none of that prevented the fact that she was absolutely freezing.  The courtroom was large and bare, devoid of wall hangings or rush-reed floor mats to keep heat in, and lacking a fireplace to produce it in the first place.  The high window set at the opposite end to her sometimes sourced heat (and sunlight) straight onto her on a sunny day, but night had long since fallen – a cloudless night, judging by the stars she could see through the thin panes of glass.  There wasn’t even a cushion to protect her from the coolness of the marble chair of judgement that she was sitting in, though that was because of the blasted magistrata image.

She could see everybody else in the room was cold too.  She wanted nothing else than to be able to shiver like the boy in the docks was doing, or to chafe her arms and hands along with no fewer than three of the witnesses for the prosecution, but that would make her look human.  It was even more difficult to call a halt to the proceedings so that she could draw up a fire sigil to warm them all, but that would show compassion, and the number one rule was no compassion in the courtroom.

“I call on the ninth witness for the prosecution,” droned the sole lawyer in the room, and Yoorae took a horrified moment at the number to scan down the line of witnesses drawn up to get some idea of just how long this was going to take.

When she counted another six yet to go, she banged her gavel down on the block, bringing proceedings to a screeching halt.

“The boy has admitted to his own guilt, sir, I don’t see why we need fifteen witnesses in a state prosecution,” she said dryly.  “Unless any of the witnesses have different arguments for how he detrousered them in public or accusations of other crimes beyond the two admitted, might I suggest we start to wrap this up?”

The boy’s teeth were chattering and Yoorae’s wanted to chatter in sympathy, but she held firm, prescribing an extra day in the capital city’s prison beyond the mandated sentence for petty theft (she really ought to have given the boy more than that, but the whole affair with the trousers was funny, even if Yoorae hadn’t been able to laugh openly at it), and maintained her aloof demeanour until everybody had shuffled out.

The second they were all gone, she slumped down over the desk in front of her and tucked her hands into her armpits, shivering and yawning with abandon.

A quiet cough soon interrupted her pity party.  Yoorae opened her eyes to see her aide and childhood friend Kyungsoo standing there and groaned, turning to face the other way.

“Ma’am,” he began politely, but then realised she wasn’t going to listen to him.

He grabbed her shoulder and hauled her upright.  “Yoorae, there are still another three to go through tonight.  Get a grip.”

She tried without success to plant her face back on the desk.  Unfortunately, Kyungsoo was strong, and he held her up.

“Can we please do them tomorrow?” she begged.

“No,” he said.  “And also, thirty-two days for that boy Han?  It should have been at least sixty.”

“You can’t tell me you didn’t snort when you saw the briefing.”  Yoorae rubbed her upper arms briskly with her hands.  “Where’s my stylus?  I need some heat in here or I’m going to die.”

Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow at her.  “If you make this room any warmer, you’re going to fall asleep.”

Nonetheless, he did fish the stylus out of her pocket for her with fingers distinctly warmer and surer than hers were in the cold, and Yoorae hastily started scribing the sigils she needed to create warmth into the air.  They glowed faintly, waiting to be activated, and she checked them through to make sure that her trembling fingers hadn’t accidentally made a mistake before turning the stylus to the blunt end, where her own unique sigil lay, and brushing it over it over the ones she’d drawn.

They flared brightly and vanished, and heat immediately began to seep out from where they’d been.  Yoorae sighed contentedly, sticking her hands straight into it and basking, and Kyungsoo sniffed in a manner that tried to be disapproving when he was actually amused.  The sigil magic would only last a couple of hours – no sigil lasted longer than that even under the most competent mage – but it was more than enough.

“Who’s next?” Yoorae asked, eyes closed.

“Two cabbage merchants with a dispute over spoilt merchandise.  There appears to have been a back and forth of tipping over carts and running over the produce.  After that, there’s one to do with magic abuse—”

Yoorae shot alert.

“—Don’t get too excited, it’s just idiots using sigil magic inappropriately, nothing to do with naming magic—”

Yoorae slumped down again.

“—And then the last one, which I really don’t think should be on the list, is…”  Kyungsoo paused, searching for the right word to classify it.  Yoorae looked up at him expectantly.

“Weird,” he concluded.  “I only got handed it about half an hour ago, or I would have shown it to you earlier.  Apparently a boy from Tern Island has been making a bit of a nuisance of himself down by the Madreen docks.  The report says that last month, residents in the alleys near the docks alerted the city night watch to a disturbance – a fight of some kind – and when the night watch arrived they found the boy in a state of shock, holding a bloody knife and roughed up himself, mumbling ‘they took him, they took him’ over and over to himself.  They detained him for being a disturbance but let him go the next morning, since they couldn’t build a case to turn him over to the courts, but since the waning crescent he’s apparently been showing up on the docks every night and screaming ‘give him back!’ at the sea until somebody calls the night watch and they take him away.  Apparently tonight he’s annoyed the night watch one too many times, but I think he’d be better off with a healer examining his head than he would be in here.”

Frowning at the window, Yoorae considered for a few moments.

“Take him off the schedule for tonight: I’m too tired to listen to prosecution cases for much longer.  We’ll go and see this nuisance when I’m done.”

Kyungsoo nodded and tucked one of the three scrolls he had with him under his arm.  The other two he placed in front of Yoorae.

“I’m slightly more concerned the night watch isn’t investigating what could be a kidnapping,” he admitted, “but then, it does also sound like this young man might be a touch insane, and the watch is stretched thin enough as it is, so I guess I can’t blame them.”

As an afterthought, he reached into his clothing and drew out a small pouch, opening it up to reveal a slightly squished honeycake, which he offered to Yoorae.  Gasping, she all but lunged at it, and he laughed softly as she crammed it into .

“Thought you might need that,” he said, sweeping the crumbs off her desk – image was, after all, paramount – before retreating back through a small doorway behind her majestic marble seat.


It was bitterly cold when Yoorae and Kyungsoo finally left the courthouses just a short while shy of midnight.  The season was approaching winter anyway, but there was no cloud cover and the night was very still.  Even with the sea,

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First chapter of The Name-Seeker is up! Enjoy! 23/10/17


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weird_fellaf #1
Chapter 4: Whooooa, I finally get to witness the Naming in action! So is it some kinda hypnosis or pheromone that make sure certain subjects/objects to obey the caster? And would we see the story from the Prince's point of view later on, I wonder...?
weird_fellaf #2
Chapter 3: I don't know why but I really love it when I got to read Kyungsoo in action! And nice conclusion, by the way, Kyungsoo. I'd love to got you to summarize all of my studies and stuffs. I think that'd be awesome for sure!

And oh, oh! The captain of Chen Madreen is getting the spotlight little by little! Goodness, this is so exciting! And by the way, your poets in the end really helps to set up the mood, I mean, like, seriously, I love them :DD
weird_fellaf #3
Chapter 2: I guess this whole idea of Naming still doesn't sit well with my brain hehe. I'm sorry, gimme a bit more time to sink into the story :'))

Aand, right. About this dangerous, secret rendezvous they're doing - The Name-Seekers, if I'm not mistaken? I wonder if a betrayer will turn up later on in the story... That'll surely lead to me thinking up some cuss words but that'd be a pretty awesome twist to the story, I imagine. But this story is all yours to create, anyway. And I believe your storyline would be awesome as always! >;D
weird_fellaf #4
Chapter 1: Ahaaahah, if you're sorry because you're not acquainted that well with neither boat stuffs nor poetry, I must say I'm sorry because I at understanding them stuffs more than you claim you are, Korey :')) I hope that my brain can process all this stuffs as the story rolled out, tho. :'DD
weird_fellaf #5
Well, I guess it's just me and my thick head. But I don't really get the foreword ;((
But for a pretty long time that I was a reader, a foreword that leaves me intrigued and not really understanding it usually has an awesome plot waiting! Soooooo, I'll just go drown in this story, then! >:DD
Chapter 4: I love the relationship between Yoorae and Kyungsoo. They may not end up being biological siblings, but their bond is akin to one and that's all that matters. And I felt so bad for her in the beginning, she has so many responsibilities and tasks she needs to carry out, that's so much hard work! "By the time Yoorae was finished for the day, the courtroom was so cold that her breath was condensing on the air." D*mn! How was she able to function? XD It's so sweet what they are risking to help out those children.

And with what Yoorae did, it was so nice to read her using her powers on the troubled children. Yeah, maybe in a way it's ridding them of their ability to make choices, but it's not like they don't want what they're striving for. They finally don't have to deal with the mental trouble of wanting to gain a better life whilst also falling back into a sea of crime; now, they can focus only on fixing their future. In the long run, it really will be worth it and they'll have safer lives that are meaningful and positive. Honestly, what more could you ask for? It was nice to see her mention the other kids she'd helped who managed to gain better lives because of her. "It was long enough for them to break bad habits and form good ones - long enough for them to get a taste of what an honest, good life could be." Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself. XD Reading how the sigils act in the story and also just being able to read Yoorae use her naming magic was awesome. Can't wait for more of this amazing story and its characters. <3 Missed you lots, Korey. Hope you enjoyed the comments and they brought a smile to your face. <333
Chapter 3: "A thick mist hung over the capital city as they wound their way through the streets, punctuated every so often by the low-burning lamps. The mist clung to the cobbles, making them slippery, and Yoorae grabbed at Kyungsoo's elbow more than once to stop herself from going sprawling." Wow, Korey, it's the second paragraph and already I'm stunned by your incredible detail of the environment. I can picture the scenery so clearly along with our main characters interacting in it. I had to re-read it because I found it so beautifully done, and just had to comment about it.

So interesting to read about what happened to the Nuisance. I don't have a theory as to why he was murdered but it what happened to him. When finding out what occurred inside the jail, it highlighted how our mysterious murderer (cough, Chen, cough) is quite a dangerous opponent. Everyone passed out and couldn't remember who he was - now that's exciting and had me super absorbed into finding out more! And I was so happy to see that Yoorae was beginning to suspect Chen and his medallion. Then they couldn't remember of his details. I liked reading that part, it kind of upped the mystery and made Chen so much more of a powerful threat.

"So basically, he was handsome." LMAO Kyungsoo always coming in with them witty comments. XD Chen (and his lackeys) are really getting around! Now abducting historians? I can't wait to find out more of who he is and what exactly his plans are (after he gets those Lifestones. I mean, why would he need to have that much power? Either he's greedy as hell or has a plan for them.). Ugh, need I say more about your poetry? XD You know exactly what I'm going to say. <3
Chapter 2: Korey, you are so d*mn brilliant. Your mind still manages to boggle me and I have known you for how many years? I actually went back and checked and funnily enough, my first ever comment I sent to you was September 11, 2015. XD Isn't that insane? How time flies by! Reading this, I actually felt myself get goosebumps; it was like I was reading your writing for the first time all over again. I've said it countless times before but your writing still manages to blow me away and make me feel so happy because it's just so beautiful - the descriptions, the details, the flow and the writing itself. Korey, I swear I'm not kissing a*s, but you're still my favorite writer after all these years. <33 Your writing does stuff to my soul, and I love it. <333 Please don't tell me you've forgotten me, my senpai/queen. <333 I'm still your number one fan, just because I went AWOL doesn't mean anyone can take my place! XD

Anyways, onto the story! I apologize if I don't remember some details from chapter one. I wanted to start immediately where I left off and make some comments before I went to sleep. Very intriguing to learn more about Junmyeon and his history, as well as Yoorae's and Kyungsoo' speculation on being related. It's so sad to know that he had actually known his parents and felt the pains of loss because of the plague. =( I can't help but comment on how beautiful your descriptions were when introducing the new characters. It's just enough to gain an understanding of who everyone is without having to dump too much information on the reader so they become confused. What they're doing is pretty admirable, trying to help out the orphans so that they may better their lives. And then the ending, bringing up the "pirate prince". Oooh, I'm so excited now! Especially since Yoorae has actually seen Chen and the medallion - it just makes things so much more interesting.

"Oft at new moon he comes ashore. And prowls the darkened streets." "-but others that he's searching. As he hides within the throng. He vanishes like vapour. His presence like a dream - or possibly a nightmare - back to the Chen Madreen." I'm sorry, but do you hear that? It's nothing, just the sound of me screaming at my Queen's amazing poetry skills. <33 You could write two words and I'd still do my best to analyze the sh*t out of it and make a comment AT LEAST two paragraphs long. I could gush endlessly about how much I missed you but I'm going to refrain and continue to read the story or else I'll be here all night. XD <333 Missed you, girl. Hope you're doing alright (and that you've been managing without my amazing, lovely, lengthy a*s comments to brighten your day ;D).
Chapter 4: I can feel my gut bubbling. Ready for this story.
Chapter 4: theses poems at the ends of the chapters are so beautiful!!
woaahh naming magic is so cool (and kinda scary!)