The Young Lady Yeona

Worlds Apart

The whole day Hakyeon had been taught how to act like a lady. Mrs. Han was a very good teacher and had a lot of patience, she didn't got mad at him when he did something wrong. The first thing that Mrs. Han taught was how to walk like a lady. She made sure that Hakyeon would keep his back and shoulders straight, chin held high and chest forward. Whenever she needed to correct him, she would just say friendly what was off.

Hakyeon was glad that his father assigned this job to Mrs. Han and not to any of the other maids. Mrs. Han was the sweetest of them all; she’s working for the Cha family because she cares for them all and not because she only wants money. She’s understanding and didn't mind to stay up late to make sure everything was alright, even though she had to wake up early the next day.

As a kid Hakyeon had dependent on her quite a lot, due to the fact he was the youngest of the four. The s between him and his siblings didn't make it any easier. His older brother, Yeonseok and oldest sister, Chaeyeon are fourteen and twelve years older than he is, so when he was around six years old, Yeonseok was already married and had left the house to live with his wife on their own. While Chaeyeon was at that time engaged and was busy with the wedding. The bond with the two oldest siblings began to bloom more when he got older. Unlike with his sister Gayeon, she was just four years older and because of that they could get along very well. They always played together in their garden.

Due to their father being busy with running his store and their mother wanting to help her husband out in the store, they didn’t saw them a lot. Most likely they would see them at breakfast and dinner. Because of that Mrs. Han became their Nanny who was assigned to take care of the kids and taught them what they needed to know. She taught them their manners and how to write since a young age, however she also let the kids be kids and allow them to play for some hours every day. This went on until they would turn eleven. At that age other servants would take over the job of teaching. His sisters would learn how to cook and clean, while he and his brother would learn how to become a great business man.

In the year Gayeon turned eleven, Hakyeon felt pretty lonely. The one he always played with in the garden didn't have time to play anymore. He felt sad, but that was until Mrs. Han noticed the change of his behavior and decided to shower the boy with lots of love and affection. They would often play with Hakyeon’s toy soldiers or she would look how Hakyeon was showing the tricks he learned with his Diabolo. Hakyeon was very thankful that she was so kind to him and tried her best to keep him happy. It wasn’t surprising that Hakyeon began to saw her as his second mother.

The day past by pretty fast and before he knew it, it was already after dinner. Hakyeon felt pretty nervous to meet the new butler. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to make it believable that he is a girl, or that he would trip over his own feet because of the heels he wasn’t used wearing. The dress and the crinoline made of waved hoops made it also more difficult to walk. So when one of the maids had announced that Taekwoon had arrived, Hakyeon almost freaked out.

However Hakyeon wasn’t the only one who was nervous. Taekwoon was pretty nervous too. He had never been in a mansion before, so when he walked into the big hall way he was taken away. The first thing he noticed was the broad rosewood staircase that was covered with a beautiful bright red carpet that stood at the other side of the room. The floor in the hall had black and white tiles that formed a beautiful symmetric pattern, while the walls where creamy white with a subtle pattern. There was a beautiful golden chandelier hanging at the ceiling. Taekwoon wondered how those candles were put on and off since the ceiling was pretty high, he just hoped for the servants it wouldn’t be too dangerous to do so. There were golden candlesticks attached to the wall between the different kinds of paintings that were hanging on the walls. Each painting showed the family on it. Some of them showed the whole family while some just displayed a few or just an individual member of the Cha family.

“Good evening and welcome to the Cha mansion.” The butler who had opened the door said. “You must be Taekwoon.”
“That’s right.” Taekwoon said as he pulled his attention away from the big hall way.
“Mr. Cha and his Daughter are waiting for you in the living room. So if you could kindly hand me your jacket then Miss Yang can lead you to the living room.”

Taekwoon nodded and then handed his jacket to the butler who then walked away to put it away. In the meantime Miss Yang had showed up and told him to follow her.

“Mr. Cha, Your guest is here.” Miss Yang said as they stepped into the living room.

The living room was just slightly smaller than the hall way, but it still was at least ten times bigger than the living room of Taekwoon’s home. The flooring was in parquetry, which was a decorative and artistic way of placing different colored wood in geometrical patterns. On the floor were some red rugs with a subtle black pattern to give the floor and room in general a bit more color. The walls were red and had some paintings and a mirror attached on the wall. He then saw Mr. Cha sitting on one of the black velvet couches that surrounded the coffee table. Next to Mr. Cha sat a young lady. Taekwoon thought she was really beautiful. Her beautiful black hair was styled in twisted curls, only her bangs were kept straight. The dress she was wearing really fit her hourglass like figure. Taekwoon also noticed that she seemed to be pretty nervous as she was looking down at her skirt and played with the edge of her left sleeve.

“Mr. Jung Taekwoon, take a seat.” Mr. Cha said calling him over. Taekwoon nodded politely and walked towards them. He then took a seat on the couch that was in front of the one Mr. Cha and his daughter were sitting on. Miss Yang walked over as well so she could stand next to the side of the couch Mr. Cha was sitting. “Please take some tea.”

Miss Yang quickly took a cup, spoon and saucer and placed it in Front of Taekwoon; she then took the teapot and poured the tea in it before she added some milk and sugar in the cup. Taekwoon thanked her politely, before he looked at the cup in front of him. The cup was made of porcelain in a royal blue color with golden accents at the top of the cup. The saucer was in the same color and matched the cup perfectly just like all the other parts of the tea set.

“Thank you for coming over.” Mr. Cha said.
“No, thank you for giving me this chance, I really feel honored.” Taekwoon spoke with a bit of a nervous tune in his voice.
“No problem. When I saw you in town you really looked like a hard worker to me.” Mr. Cha said as he took his own saucer with the cup on it in his left hand, stirred it with the spoon with his right hand and then placed the spoon on the saucer next to the cup before he lifted the cup to his mouth to take a sip. “I assume you must have a lot of unanswered questions of this job, but first I want you to meet my daughter Yeona.” He spoke when he had placed the cup back on the saucer.
“Good evening, it’s a pleasure to meet you Jung Taekwoon.” Yeona spoke softly as she shyly looked up at Taekwoon.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too Miss Yeona.” Taekwoon said as he looked in the girl her eyes. To him her eyes were very pretty; they were a beautiful color of chocolate brown. The subtle natural makeup look made her eyes stand out even more.
“Make sure you two get along well since you will be spending quite some time with her.” Mr. Cha said, causing Taekwoon to look away from Yeona’s eyes so he could give his full attention to Mr. Cha who then began to explain his job.

He told Taekwoon that he had to work from seven in the morning to ten in the evening for the first few weeks. So he could adjust to the tasks and Mr. Cha could make sure he was a butler he was looking. Once it was decided if Taekwoon was completely suitable for the job and he really wanted to take it then he would move in into the mansion. Taekwoon heard that he would become Mr. Cha’s butler and apart from preparing breakfast, lunch, tea time and dinner, he would also keep Yeona company and protect her when needed. He was also told that he would earn forty Pounds a month, which was to him a ridiculous high salary. The work seemed to be tough and he had to learn a lot to be able to fit such a high position in this house hold. Luckily the other servants would help him around.

After everything related to his new job was told, they all took another cup of tea and talked a bit more. Mostly about Taekwoon’s experience from his other jobs and his family.


Authors Note: Here it is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Also if you have anny sugestions or ideas that could happen in this story, let me know! maybe I will end up using it since I still dont really have any idea where this fanfic is going to xD so dont feel shy if you have any sugestions or ideas! 

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Okay it took me less time then I thought to finish the next chapter :D If I finish it in an hour I will be able to update it before I go to work. if not then I will probably upload it tonight between 8 - 10 pm CEST (UTC+2)


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Chapter 3: Since there are pictures in the hall, will taekwoon notice yeona is not in them and there is a boy in the family?
Chapter 3: Awww!!! Authornim, I'm in love with your story <3 can't wait to read the next chappie ^^ Fighting!!
Bap_IsEverything #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update ^_^*
Bap_IsEverything #4
Chapter 1: Im looking forward to your updates ^_^
Is it wrong to be hooked with just the 1st chapter?
Authronim.. U wrote Hakyeon in trh 1st pharapgrah.. Isn that must be Taekwoon? Hihi