

Tycho "A Walk"

•  Jay Park 

As i shuffled around the apartment putting on my clothes while at the same time trying to remember what happen & with who.

I closed my eyes and took one deep sigh and cleared my mind and tried to concentrate on last night (!) all i can remember is

going to the bar.

*Ring Ring*


jay! where are you pix is waiting to go over the new move for your next show yelled Gonzo into the phone over the blaring

music. making my headache even worst. 

()! kay I'm on my way i got caught up ill b- 

aren't you always, just hurry up and get your over here 



• Yumi

I walked into the studio just making it in time to set everything up before they started shooting.

"yumi! hurry up where about to start in 10 minutes" yelled my boss.

" okay Jae" I yelled back while quickly shuffling through the chaos 

I drop my bag and riffle through it grabbing some of the equipment out and begin setting everything up. It took the hole 10 minutes but i succeeded and

got it done lucky they didn't start exactly in 10 minutes or my boss would have chewed my head off about me not being at the set earlier. I let out a

quick sigh as myungsoo one of the other trainee walks over and hands me a coffee. I grab it and give him a smile.

"Thanks" I  say before taking  sip

" No problem, i could tell you needed it"

"i swear you can read my mind"

" hmm, i guess"

*Ring Ring*

"ill be back in a sec"

myungsoo just nods while he takes a sip of his coffee


So tell me did I win the bet.

what are you talking about Ji-eun

did you have fun with jonghyun last night or not ji-eun said impatiently through the phone

"no okay" we did not I'm just not that girl okay I say before taking another sip of my


yumi when are you going to just go out and have fun and let loose i knew i should have got you wasted- last night

yah-! I do know how to have fun okay so stop hooking me up with with you label friends okay, they are all so y, they act

like they ain't have in years or at all.

hahaha- yeah that's cause they haven't, they are all such workaholics.  they don't even think about dating.look yumi I have

one more guy i want to set you up with he's great okay just your type i swear okay...

ji-eun wae wae... i fakingly whine

please yumi please...I know you're gonna love him okay please this last time for me.

okay okay..but this is the last time.. and I swear ji-eun if he's another y guy I swear I'm so gonna tell thunder about you

big fat ultra-crush on him.

yay! she yells excitedly I don't even have to worry cuz I know that your gonna fall head over heels for this guy.

"Yumi i need a High-Definition lens!" yells Jae"


ji-eun i gotta go I'll call you later.

kay bye yumi.

I grab the lens from my bag and  gulp down the last bit of my coffee before  making my way back over to the photographer station as i

watch yet another beautiful girl as she effortlessly mesmerizes the camera. causing all the workers to clap and compliment on how beautiful and

how she's such a natural at modeling. Everyday i always seemed to find myself falling more in love with this world, i loved it. from the sound that the

camera makes to all the wonder people that i work with and all the clothes, this would be like heaven to any girl i mean to play dress up and some of

the most beautiful clothes from all over the world and from some of the most talented designers. their was nothing like it. That feeling of being behind

the lens and being able to capture these magnificent moments of art and beauty. That what I lived for soon. and I  would be the one who would

capture those moments.

• Jay Park 

@ sidus HQ studio

Finally you bring your here yells Hep, as i make my way over to where everyone was standing 

Whatever,  lets get this done i got a crazy ing headache

After about an hour or two of practice i feel way better, some how dancing soothed my head ache, their's just something about when I'm dancing

that clears my mind.



Author note: so i know it's been a while but I've been kind busy lately, but i haven't forgotten about this story. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, well those of you who do read it. I wanted to display some of yumi so you can kind of she what she"s like since she"s a main character in this story.  welp byah for now!

"gif tyme"!!

man i love it when he dances!

myungsoo one of the trainee's since i knew that he wanted to be a photographer i thought why not! throw his y/adorable self into the mix lol.

park sora aka. ji eun, one of yumi's best friends.

sigh...yumi  has such a y boss lol.


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Lizzzzou #1
Chapter 4: Can you make the chapters longer ? :) pleaaaase :D
Lizzzzou #2
Chapter 2: It's not crappy it's good :) I want another chapter :3
Lizzzzou #3
Chapter 1: It's a good start :) but you should put more punctuation it would be more understandable