Chapter 1.1

Bigbang Text Messages


GD: Hyung?

TOP: Yea?

GD: Can you make me a poem?

TOP: Sure.

TOP: Roses are red

TOP: Violets are blue

GD: Are you trying to make a poem but end up failing?

TOP: TOP doesn't give a .

GD: you're such a kid !

TOP: .......

TOP: A face like yours belong to a zoo

TOP: But don't worry 

TOP: I'll be there too !

GD: You just made a crapy poem.

GD: But aww. I know you have that in you. Seriously hyung? I'm starting to think that you basically started GTOP and all.

TOP: But not in the Cage

YB: Wait for it.

Seungri: Wait what?

TOP: Stay out of it, you midget !

GD: Why wouldn't you go with me inside the Cage?!

TOP: Because I will be laughing at you, What else?

YB: Seriously Jiyong you're obssession is getting out of hand.

GD. Shut up, you midget!

YB: You are not that tall!

Daesung: What's going on?

Daesung: and oh oh. Hyungs doesn't give a damn to Maknae. Shame.

TOP: bunch of Idiots.

TOP: Catch up you !

YB: Hyung's humor had me in tears.

YB: He just call me Midget 

YB: And Jiyong you aren't better than me.

Daesung: but isn't it right?

TOP: Guys?

Daesung: yes?

TOP: I just found out that the Cola can clean a dirty toilet bowl

YB: and?

TOP: I was thinking, If we drink coke too then is it gonna cleanse our intestines?

YB: Hyung is Random.

Seungri: Gd hyung.

Seungri: Hyung.

Seungri: Hyung?

Seungri: Hyung!

YB: ......



5 Minutes after


YB: Is no one going to complain that hyung called us idiots?!

Daesung: Well...

GD: Basically, He always call us Idiots what's your point Youngbae?

YB: Are you ing me Jiyongie?

Seungri: He is just ing around since hyung haven't finished his poem.

GD: Shut up.

Seungri: Why aren't you talking to me?!

Daesung: Here we go again.

TOP: The Daddy and his .

Seungri: He is not my Daddy!

GD: Hyung!

TOP: What?

GD: Compliment me.

TOP: Okay

TOP: You have eyes.

GD: .......

YB: Nice~








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GreenCrayon0711 #1
Chapter 1: This is funny. Jinja! Thanks for this!