Eye Opening

Unforgettable Romance

Sorry for taking so long, but here's can update from me!




Eye Opening


Second year of university has begun and Kibum was moving into his new apartment. The plan was that Jonghyun and Kibum would move into the same place, but the older didn’t want to move out of his family's place just yet. Jonghyun wanted to be sure that his mom and sister were going to be okay on their own.

He'd officially move out a little later but would stay in the apartment some days.


Kibum was officially moving out of his parent’s house and all he needed to do now was just grab the rest of his belongings he’s left behind ‘till the last minute.


Before leaving his room, he scanned it with his eyes. He was still going to be visiting every now and then but he wanted none of his belongings that he felt he needed so much to be left behind. He spotted his large cabinet. He knew he wasn’t one to retrieve whatever fell behind that thing because it was just too much work so he walked towards it now.


Moving it aside a tad bit, he could see that a small box was hiding there. He recognized what it was and he made sure to take it with him knowing it had something to do with Taemin.


It's nearly been three years since he's last seen this box.


He hasn’t seen the boy in a long time. Taemin was getting ready to be a part of his family’s company whilst taking a course for it. The boy was just too busy and they all understood what Taemin needed to do and having hangouts with everyone was not going to give the younger the rest he needed.


Kibum, of course missed Taemin, everyone in the group did. From what Jonghyun told him the other day, Taemin couldn’t even stay with them for an hour because he was called to organize something for the company.


All five boys lived slightly above the average person but it was Taemin who was wealthier than all of them, the next being Minho. Each family had a company of their own and four out of five had the option of working with it or not.


Jinki’s family was a family of dentists and because he was familiar with it he decided to work in his family’s building that they put up.

Minho’s dad used to play for a well-known soccer team and later became the manager. The man later made an academy for children to learn the sport professionally and since Minho also liked the sport, he decided to join his father. With his help, it made the company expand into something bigger than it already was.

Kibum’s parents were people in the medical field but that wasn’t his thing. He was more into art and fashion design so he chose that as a career. His family supported him knowing that from a young age the boy liked anything that dealt with clothing and colour.

Jonghyun’s mom held a small music store that became popular in their area when Jonghyun practiced inside. They later moved to a bigger place that now had teachers to teach lessons to anyone who wanted to learn. Jonghyun wasn’t in the store often. He liked to worked in his own little studio he built, composing many songs for singers anonymously.


Taemin was the one who had it hard. He had to keep an image for himself and his family while growing up. He couldn’t do a lot of the things he loved to do because of the company, that meant he had little to no time for dance practices he loved to do.


He was a part of a dance team in their area ever since he was young. Many saw his improvements as the years passed so he became quite popular because of that. It wasn’t a surprise that he was offered to become a choreographer for a huge entertainment company only days after he graduated from high school. He refused it though.

His family loved to see him dance, they even encouraged him to go for it but he knew the company was important to his family.


His parents gave him a choice for his future but it was his grandparents who didn’t. He didn’t want to disappoint them. They were very great people but it was when he finished high school that they became strict. They needed someone in the family to handle the company and although his older brother could, he didn’t want to give any more stress to him.


His brother, Taesun, had high dreams for himself, he wanted to become a composer just like Jonghyun. Taemin didn’t know about that dream until his last year of highschool when he went into Taesun’s room and saw the composing equipment. No one was really allowed in until he says they could come in. Now Taemin understood why. Taesun would hide the equipment in his closet before allowing anyone in.

Taemin, being the always curious boy he was, listened to the song that was present on the screen and he was surprised at how great it sounded. He listened to the others he could find and he was caught by his brother. Taemin told him to continue with it because he heard passion in those songs. He didn’t want Taesun to give that up for him.


His brother felt guilty for not being able to give up his dream so Taemin could have his come true but he knew Taemin would feel guiltier if he didn't follow what brother wanted for him.


Taemin sacrificed a lot for his family and they were just thankful for it but they couldn’t help but feel sorry as well.


Taemin liked doing things for others, liked to put himself aside for the happiness of others.


Sometimes it hurt the boy but he never complained and others knew that.




It was the evening when Kibum got to his new place and he made sure to place the box on his bed before doing his usual night routine.


The box that was now resting on Kibum’s bed held something that no one really knew about, Kibum didn’t take a look at it the day he picked it up from the ground.

He never really forgot about that last day of highschool but he always pushed it to the back of his head. Taemin really did seem like he was fine so it messed up with his head whether he saw something that day or not. He never bothered with that little box either because even though he never wanted to admit it to himself, he was afraid to know something so intimate about the younger boy. It was rare to see intimate sides of the boy, so he wasn't sure what to expect, he didn't want to ruin the image of who the boy was to him.


He never said anything about that day he saw Taemin crying to anyone, not even Jonghyun. He knew the younger wouldn’t want anyone to know about it because why else would he hide behind the building and cry to himself?


Kibum was nice and relaxed when he sat on his bed and looked at the box. Before opening it, he answered a video call from his boyfriend and made sure that the camera attached to his laptop was showing the box as well.


“Hey, what’s that?” Jonghyun questioned.

“You can’t tell anyone about this,” Kibum pointed a finger to the screen and took a pause, he positioned himself in front of the box and sat down with his legs crossed. “Taemin was holding this and…”

“The box?”


Kibum opened it and it was then he realized that it was a photograph.


“No no, the thing inside it…” Kibum shook his head and tilted it “It’s an old... picture?” he said as he poked his finger inside the box to flip some pieces right side up. “Well, not that old but it seems old.”

“Okay…” Jonghyun dragged out. “Why can’t I tell the others if it’s about our maknae?”

“I’ll tell you later but I’m going to piece this back together.”


Kibum didn’t get a response.


“Taemin ripped it?” Jonghyun asked when he saw his boyfriend dump the contents of the box onto the bed.

Kibum nodded.

“Then… maybe he doesn’t want anyone seeing them, Kibum throw it out.”


By now, Kibum had one-third of the photo and it was only the bottom halves of two people, but one person was obviously Taemin when he completed one person.


“Kibum? Throw it out.” Jonghyun repeated.


Kibum hands paused over the photo immediately and looked at the completed picture, not knowing he was holding his breath.




“Bummie? Kibum, throw it out.”


Kibum wasn’t listening. He was only wondering what was going on in the younger’s head, then he remembered the only thing he heard Taemin say behind that building.


“Out of anyone in the world, why did I love you?”



“Kibum throw it out” Jonghyun sighed not even bothering to look at his laptop anymore as he continued to write lyrics.

“No… Jjong, you have to… oh my god…”


Kibum’s voice slowly got quieter with each word that came out of him.


Kibum didn’t know what to think, it's almost been three years since he had this with him. He didn’t know what to say because what else was there to say when all he could do is wonder?


How long has it been for him?


Kibum didn’t want to jump into conclusions but he was 100% sure he heard right.


By Kibum’s tone, Jonghyun studied his boyfriend’s face but he only saw shock and sympathy. The boy on the screen looked upset and he didn’t like that. It didn’t only make him worry for his boyfriend but for Taemin as well since what's on the bed was his.


“Bummie? What is it?”


All Jonghyun heard was fast whispering so he focused and listened closely.

“Oh my god Jjong… you…” Kibum continued in that whispering tone and paused. He wiped a tear that accidentally spilled from his eyes whilst looking at the photograph.


“Kibum what? What is it?”

“You have to come here please…” Kibum finally lifted his head and looked at his boyfriend.




It didn’t take long for Jonghyun to get to Kibum’s place. Once the door opened, Kibum bombarded Jonghyun with questions of do you know where Taemin lives now? Have you seen him recently? Do you think we can see him right now?


Jonghyun held him by the shoulders, “Kibum what happened?”

“Jjong, why didn’t I—”

“Why didn’t you what?”


Jonghyun looked at his boyfriend having a fight with himself, not even explaining what was happening.


“I should’ve said something.”


Jonghyun knew he couldn’t get anything from Kibum right now. He knew Kibum wasn’t even listening at this point.


“I know where Tae moved to but I’m pretty sure he’s asleep, he’s been pretty busy that’s why we haven’t seen him for awhile.”

“Let’s go there now.”


Jonghyun knew his boyfriend wasn’t listening at all and it was obvious he was being irrational. Jonghyun sighed and hoped Kibum would later explain everything.


Kibum was freaking out, he knew Jinki’s plans after he finished university. He wondered if Taemin knew too.


He probably does. Oh God.


How did Taemin do it? How could he hide like that? How did he keep that all in?


But it’s been three years, a lot can happen right? Taemin probably stopped right?


Jonghyun just looked at his boyfriend talking to himself, usually he wouldn't get tired of Kibum not paying attention to him but it was the evening and he was tired so he decided to go to the bedroom himself to see what his boyfriend found.


He looked at the ripped picture and from what he knew this was the very first picture the two boys had taken together.


This picture was special, now it left him to wonder why Taemin had ripped it to pieces.


“Kibum… where’d you find this?”


He had to ask because he knew Kibum and Taemin haven’t seen each other because their schedules just didn’t work out together.


“I found it behind our high school… on our graduation day…”

“You’ve had this ever since?”

“Yeah, but I forgot about it and— I’m so stupid Jonghyun. We have to go see him.”


This made Jonghyun question what really was happening.


“What happened?”




They taped the photo together.


“Okay, we’ll bring this with us and show it to him and you’ll tell him you saw what happened, okay?” Jonghyun said as he was finishing with the taping.


“But what if he doesn’t even feel the same way anymore? I mean, we saw Tae and it looked like it didn’t bother him.”

“That’s what you also thought that same day…”


Jonghyun picked up the photo with both hands to look at it closely. He knew that the picture held some valuable meaning to the two friends and that this was the only copy, the digital one got lost right after the two developed it. He also knew the two didn’t make two copies because they both made a promise to stay together.


He didn’t know why but Jonghyun turned it around and on the back was something small that took his breath away.


There was a date and everything.


“April 15, 2006

        I know you probably wouldn’t even want to know, but I think I like you hyung.”


This was written nine years ago. Almost ten.


Under that.


“May 23, 2007

        No, I think I love you hyung. Sorry.”


Jonghyun knew this was Taemin’s handwriting. He used to tease the younger because it looked like chicken scratches.


If Kibum had this since three years ago that meant Taemin held these feelings for six years before ripping this.


“Kibum…” he called.

The other just lifted his head up thinking something was wrong with the photo besides it being torn apart.

“Taemin, he… he had feelings for hyung since we were in middle school. The date—”


Jonghyun looked at it again… it was only a few months after Taemin started being close with Jinki. That meant the boy had liked him ever since the beginning.


“He… liked — no, he had feelings for hyung since the beginning.” Jonghyun whispered, still looking at the photo.




They knocked at Taemin’s door and thankfully the boy was awake. Taemin was quite surprised to see the couple looked like they ran to get here.


“Hey guys, come in?”


Taemin left the door and walked to the living room, leaving the two to enter by themselves. Kibum took his shoes off quickly and followed the boy.


“Taemin we need to talk—”


Kibum paused seeing movement from the corner of his eyes.


On the couch were Jinki and Luna.


Oh how his own heart ached.


Even if Taemin didn’t confirm anything, he knew Taemin still had feelings for Jinki.


Jinki and Luna weren’t living together so that meant Jinki and Taemin could’ve been living together. From the many times he remembered hanging out with the boy and this topic being brought up, he remembered Taemin saying he didn’t want to live with Jinki.


The boy didn’t explain any further.


But Kibum knew.


Taemin was once again giving Jinki space for his relationship with the girl.


How come no one noticed Taemin’s feelings for the older though?


“Hey Kibum-ah, we were just about to watch a movie? Wanna join?” Jinki asked.

“N-no…” He looked at Taemin, “It’s fine, I… I just need to talk to Taemin.”


“Hyung we can talk after the movie, I’ve been wanting to watch this but I’ve been so busy, sit down, you too Jonghyun hyung,” Taemin said as he pointed to the composer who appeared much later, “I’ll get us some more snacks. Hyung, play the movie.” He said to Jinki.


Taemin left the room and Jonghyun and Kibum just looked at each other then glanced at Jinki. Kibum wanted to cry.


How long was Taemin planning to keep this a secret.


Jonghyun looked to the kitchen then back to Jinki who was now cuddling next to Luna.


Why…? It didn’t make sense to Jonghyun. Why did Jinki bring Luna over when it was not his house? Why didn’t Taemin say anything. He knew Taemin and Luna weren’t close, he knew they just hung out because Jinki was with her.


Taemin came back to Jonghyun and Kibum still standing in their spots. “Come on guys! Sit!”


Taemin sat down on the other end of the couch and Kibum noticed it.


He noticed the gaze Taemin gave Jinki before sitting down. The boy was plain obvious and they only realized it now.


I guess that’s how it is, once you get to know something, you begin to see everything that dealt with it. You begin to open your eyes a lot more than you think you already had.



This took awhile and for that I'm sorry. I recently got a new phone and it's with a pen! I think it'll be a lot easier for me to start writing again because of the pen and if you know me, you know I hate typing on my phone.

 Anyway, thank you for reading and for being patient with me. I hope you all enjoyed this update.

'Till next time, bye!

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I'm back into writing!! But I'm not going to promise that update will be regular, but this story will continue!!


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Chapter 8: Hi, hope you're doing good. Still waiting for your update upon re-reading this. But no pressure at all. Just want to say, am a fan of yours. :)
Jinki25 #2
Chapter 8: Vuelve 💚
Chapter 8: Waahhh... cant wait for another update! I thought it will always gonna be unrequited love. Haha. Got some thinking Jinki, huh.
Chapter 8: Wow..... This chapter is so good... How they talk to each other, like they challenge who's gonna win in that battle...
And knowing taemin not ever trying to get rid his feeling for jinki and want to keep jinki happiness
Jinki gonna be a loser if he lose someone like taemin
Chapter 8: I felt a lot of pain reading this chapter and it just hits every question with an answer. Very well written ? Also, thanks for reminding the readers that there is a lot going on in the world. Stay safe everyone. Support each other~
shojinryori #6
Chapter 8: 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 Taemin! Poor guy. Please make this all end happily!
Chapter 8: Oh Taeminnie... Poor my baby :'(
Jinki25 #8
Chapter 8: Thank you.
Chapter 7: Oh you posted!!!!! Thank you so much.. Can I cry!?
Where's the like bottom when you need it!
I'm looking forward for their fake relationship to begin, Yay.. I can't really put any thought of how it will be but I'm excited..
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update