-love sick-

Unforgettable memories

Karam shocked.Mika just shook his head in disbelief.Others don't know what to do.

Without realizing,Karam dropped his tears.Mika saw it and hugged him.

Hyerim:I'm sorry....i thought you guys know..

Jay:Aa..hannie-ya,why you leave us like this?

Injun:(hugged Jay)Hannie-ah..

Hyunmin:Hyunchul-ya,are you okay?

Jay:Hyung?Are you alright?

Karam:I..i'm hurt..My heart...it's hurt..

Mika:It's alright....(tapped his back)

Hyerim:I'm sorry....

Hyunmin:But..noona,she left yesterday?

Hyerim:yeah,i took them to airport.But,i have to get ready for your shooting so i leave early after sending them to airport.

Injun:Why you didn't tell us yesterday?

Hyerim:I'm sorry!When i talked to Hannie,she say she already tell you guys.When i got here,the manager told me to went to Ilsan Park to grab some stuff.That's why i didn't see you guys yesterday...i'm soorry!

Mika:It already happen.Let's go home for now.We discuss this later.


Karam just laying down on his bed.Hyunmin called him for dinner,but he say no.

Mika:How is it?

Hyunmin just shaking his head."No..he said he's not hungry."

Mika:But,he skip his lunch.And now dinner?I'm going to take him down..

Hyunmin grabbed his hyung."Hyung,let him be.He's already mature enough to think what best for him.Just give him some time.."

Mika:I hope so...

Karam just lying down.Covering his eyes with his arm.His tears flow from his eyes.

"Pabo,why you leaves like that?"


The next morning,

Karam went to kitchen and cook some breakfast.

Injun who awakes went to kitchen to have some drink.When he enter the kitchen..


Karam:Ah,Injun-ah,go and wake up the others..I already cook breakfast.

Injun:Hyung,are..you alright?

Karam:Hmph?Why you ask?

Injun:ar..nothing!I go wakes the others.

Injun run to Mika bedrooms.

Injun:Hyung!Wake up!Hyung!Wake up!!

Mika groaning."What is it?"

Injun:Its Hyunchul.Hyunchul hyung making breakfast!!

Mika:Well,he always cook for us.What wrong with that?

Injun:But...it just wrong in my eyes!!!

Mika:Hmm?(he wake up)Wait?Breakfast?Hyunchul makes breakfast?

Injun nodding.

Mika:Go and awakes the others..


All of the members went to kitchen and peeking at Karam.

Hyunmin:Is he alright?

Jay:I dont think so..should we call the ambulance?

Injun:Ya...Hyunmin hyung,what have you done to him?

Hyunmin:I didn't do anything..!!

Mika:He's acting strange...

Karam:You guys!I know you all hiding behind the walls.Get out from there and come here to eat.We have practice after this.

The others caught in suprised.

Mika:Let's eat..

While eating,the members just looking at Karam.Karam just eat 3 bowls of rice and about to eat another bowl.

Karam:Oh?You guys hungry?

"Aah,no!",the member says in unison.


The members went to studio and practices their dancing.Karam just keep dancing without non stop.

Mika:Hyunchul-ya,lets take break first..

Karam:It okay..

Hyunmin:Hey,if you keep pushing yourself like that you gonna collapes you know...

Karam:It's okay...

Jay stand up and start dancing along.

Injun watches for a second and he then followed Jay and Karam.

Hyunmin:I think i should start practicing..(stand up and dancing)

Mika sighed."Aigo,okay!Let's start over!"


The doorknob is pulled by someone.



Hyerim:Hey,i brought some food.

They all went to Hyerim.Karam followed from behind but then he stops.He feel hurt in his stomach.He bend down holding his stomach.Mika heard the sound,turn around.He shocked finding Karam holding his stomach.

Mika:Ya!Hyunchul-ya,are you alright???(run to him)

The others suprised by Mika scream turn around.

Karam:Hyung,it's hurt...Ah!(hold his stomach)

Mika:Ya!Call ambulance!


Mika sits on the chair holding his hands like praying infront of emergency room.Hyunmin just standing beside him.Injun and Jay keep wandering if Karam is alright.Hyerim keeps talking from her phone.Finally the doctor is out.The members went to him.

Mika:How's my brothers,doctor?

Doctor:Oh,he's fine..Don't worry.He eat to much and his stomach is having problem to digest it.I want to ask you,did he skip eating yesterday?

Mika:Ah,he did skip his lunch and dinner yesterday.

Doctor:I see.How about today?

Mika:He eats breakfast and we have dancing practice afterward.

Doctor:Hmp...that why.Next time,tell him not to skip meals and let his stomach empty.He could die if he keeps continued doing that.

Hyunmin:is he alright now?

Doctor:Well,you dont have to worry.It's all fine now.he just need some rest.He able to discharge today..

Jay and Injun smiled.Mika sighed relief.

Hyerim:How's Hyunchul??

Jay:He's okay now.

Hyerim:Fuh,that a relief...How can this happen??

Mika:I'll tell you later...


Karam opened his eyes after a few hours...He looks his surrounding.

He saw Injun,Jay and Hyunmin sleeping in the couch.Mika is at his side.Also sleeping.

Karam smiled.He try getting up."Ouch!",he holds his stomach.

Mika awakes hearing Karam voice."Oh?Hyunchul,are you alright?"

Karam:Ah,hyung.yea~i'm fine now..

Mika:Aigo,next time dont skip lunch or dinner.When i call you to eat,you must come and eat!

Karam just smiled and nodded his head.

Injun:(rubbed his eyes)Ah,hyung..You awake?


Jay and Hyunmin awakes.

Karam:Ah,guys..thank you for waiting with me...

The Doctor checking Karam pulse."Oh,he's okay now.He can discharge today."

Mika:Thank you,doctor.

Hyunmin:That's a relief.

Injun:Hyung,you scared us.

Jay:Yeah!Wait until Hannie finds out!

Karam looked down.The others just quiets...


Jay:ah!(covered his mouth)Mianhe!

Someone pulled the door.

Mika:Oh,who's there?

Hyerim:Hey,it's me.Are Hyunchul okay?

Jay:Noona!Oh,who's behind you?

Hyerim:Ah....someone want to visit Hyunchul.

All the members suprised."Hannie-ah!"

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is this an Old kpop group or a new cpop group?
ItzJaeKay #2
Love it<br />
So sad sometimes<br />
Good job
LOVE IT! *thumbs up* <br />
<br />
2K_anchovy #4
thank you soo much for making this fanfic :)<br />
i really enjoyed it<br />
im kinda sad though that it ended :((<br />
hope you will keep on making karam fanfics<br />
hwaiting ^^
ohdeerluhan #5
kamsa hamnida!!!^^<br />
You guys are the best!thanks for supporting me~<br />
my second fanfic is one shot.<br />
it almost complete..read it if you have time!
BWUAHAHAHA! ive finished reading this! xDD<br />
i lovee this story so DAMN MUCH! xDD<br />
OMO~ I love how they met xDD its sooo sweet~ Karam is sooo shy but in the end, he CONFESSED xDD<br />
I hated the president at first, but now.. i love him xDD LOL! <br />
Mika is so DAMN awesome xDD hahahaa!! Thanks to Mika for doing everything ;DD<br />
Hannieee~ you are soooo adorable! *pouted* im jealous of youuu~ xDD<br />
hahaa! Injun and jay are soo DORKY! xDD i love them so freaking much! <333<br />
Hyunmin is sooo serious o.O xDD haha!!<br />
Hyerim unnie~ is liike Mika too <33 hahahahahahaa!! <33<br />
Cant wait for your next story ;DD
hi ! i like your story very much .. waiting for your new fanfic ! ^^
ohdeerluhan #9
hehe..kamsa hamnida...<br />
my second fanfic is -one shot-<br />
featuring all daeguknamah's members..<br />
thank for reading!^^
cute ending :))