
One Night Could Possibly Mean Forever
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Chanyeol was sitting at the cafe waiting for Baekhyun, he had woken up earlier than he usually does. There was so much going on that sleep was the least of his worries, with Baekhyun being back his best friend was a mess, thank goodness Kris was able to stay. Sehun had notice that both he and Suho where on edge and he knew, it worried him. Then there was Kyungsoo who was sick and refuse to go to the doctors. Saying that it was just a bug and it will go away soon. He loved his boyfriend but he wasn't liking this stubborn side of his, especially since it was about his health. He had to find a way to get his boyfriend to the doctors.

Chanyeol looked up just in time to see Baekhyun walk in, he watched​ his ex walk in and sit down. They both stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

“I'm going to try to be as civil as possible, in this situation. So speak, I won't interrupt you. I won't judge you until the end.” Baekhyun looked at his ex he had really matured since the last time he saw him.

“I never wanted to leave, Chanyeol you have to believe that, but I was sick, I had PTSD which stands for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, after having Sehun I had nightmares, which caused my insomnia, my angry outbursts, and  panic attacks. Until I finally just wanted to avoid Sehun all  together. I didn’t know how to talk to you about it, when I tried to, I got scared and I got stressed, which is why I ended up having a panic attack. The only thing I could do is seek help but unfortunately in my mind that meant I had to leave you and Sehun behind. After a year went by I was better, I thought of going back but the thought of it caused me a panic attack.” Baekhyun was looking at the mole on his tum the whole time he was talking, a habit he did when he was nervous. He finally looked up and faced Chanyeol,

“After another years of therapy, I was finally better and the idea of seeing you and Sehun again excited me. I wanted my old life back, to get to know Sehun, I knew I missed a lot of firsts in his life. But I wanted to make up for lost time and catch all the other firsts in life.  When I went back I saw you and Suho leaving the house with Sehun you both looked so happy, and so did Sehun. I followed you guys to the park, I saw as you took Sehun out of his car seat and he cried because he wanted Suho to hold him. I watched as you guys chases each other around in the park, I also watched when Sehun fell and instead of going to you he went to Suho. I realized that Sehun already had a mother and that he was happy without me. So Chanyeol that is my story,  judge me if you want.” Baekhyun said still looking at Chanyeol.  

Chanyeol was still trying to process everything that Baekhyun has said to him.  When Baekhyun left he imagine so many scenarios in his head, like that he found someone else, or he hated being a mother. But never that he had PTSD, but even after what Baekhyun said he was still angry, he could have helped, they could have seeked help together, as a family. Sehun would have grown up with his mother. But at the same he felt guilty, he should have payed more attention to Baekhyun. Instead all his attention went to Sehun and his work, so this is partly his fault.

“You should have told me Baek! We could have found help together. I would have even let you go on your own to seek help, because I would have known that after you got better you would have come home, to me, to Sehun. It could have all been different.”

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol with tears in his eyes.

“I know but it was so hard, I was so scared to talk to you about it! Scared that you would leave me, so I decided to leave you, before you could leave me.” He said still crying.

“Baekhyun I loved you, I would have done anything for you, for our family.” Chanyeol said a little mad.

“What now? Are you guys taking Sehun out of the school? Will I never see him again? Please just let me be his teacher! We don't need to tell him anything! I just want to be near him.” Baekhyun begged Chanyeol now at this point sobbing.

“I have to talk to Suho about it, I know it sounds strange to you, that I need to get his approval but as you have seen, the two have a strong bond. Suho was the mother that you never were, he was the one who would get up in the middle of the night when he cried. He was there for his first steps, hell I didn't even see his first steps, his first word, when Sehun got sick, Suho would stay up with me to take care of him. He is my best friend without him I could never have handle it. So I never make a decision without him.” Chanyeol said with tears, remembering how much he appreciated his best friend.

“But I will try to convince them that it's for the best. I never want to deny Sehun the chance to meet you. Maybe you can babysit, when Suho can't. We can figure something out. But of course, if you want more like taking him home for weekends or even, having half custody you have to go through a lawyer, and believe me I won't make it easy on you. I have one of the best lawyers.” said Chanyeol feeling a little sympathy for his ex.

“ I won't get a lawy

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Chapter 5: I just found this story and I love it
Chapter 46: Thank you for the clarity author-nim. My heart almost dropped to ground when I read first chapter itself TT
Chapter 45: Author-nim, I truly love this fic. The way you potrayed all characters and their feelings are so realistic. Yes, it is really a good way to end the story like that. Bcoz it is difficult to show a particular end.

Happy that you did so well and its a long journey for all of us. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I wish you to write many many many more ChanSoo fics in the future!!!
_crazy #4
Chapter 45: Great story!! Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 44: This was such a heartwarming chapter <3 all the babies and kids playing with each other and the adults enjoying as well. <3
Chapter 44: I’m jumping in happiness. This chapter is so heart warming. can’t believe that they overcome all challenges and now they all are happyily settled and grown their family members. Truly I will miss this fic. Only 1 chap left. Sobs TT

Excited for the new fic!!! Hope that it is ChanSoo story again :)
fuwaathrun92 #7
Chapter 43: i binge read your stories in 3 days and i'll never regret it. plus, it distracts me from the recent sad news. thank you so much dear author for writing these beautiful stories. keep on doin' what you love, dear author
Chapter 43: That was very sweet <3 I loved this chapter. It made me tear up T.T Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 43: I actually feel very sad for the kids. It must be so hard for them to take such a huge news. Really love the way Luhan had his thoughts and convinced Sehun to be happy. Can't be more cuter than this ^^
armysakuragi #10
Chapter 43: i love the way you put luhan sehun feeling in this story..i love this ff so much