The Girl Behind the Mask

The Disguise of a Shark


The dance studio was empty, except for the one girl they were looking for. She had her long hair down, wild and free. It flung side to side as her body twerked to the beat of the song. She danced around completely carefree. Her eyes closed as she leaned her head back, her body and arms waving in time with the music. It was easy to tell she wasn’t going by any choreography, just simply moving as she felt the music. Even still each move was graceful and swanlike. She had no idea she was being watched.


She sang along to every line. Normally she was very self-conscious of her voice, but when she was alone… or thought she was… she sang aloud. The mask that normally covered and lower half of her face sat in a pile atop her jacket and bag. Sunny Hill played in the background; it was her favorite other than hip-hop and rap.


The tallest boy among them gasped, watching in complete wonder. His mouth hung slightly open as was normal for him with anything that caught his interest. He swiped his bleach blonde locks aside, wondering why anyone would ever place a mask on such a beautiful face. The three boys all huddled together at the doorway, peeking inside the studio. Each one pushing the others aside for a better view as they watched her dance. They might as well be classified as stalkers now. They had been out and noticed her at her job. They weren’t even completely sure that she was the person they had hoped she was.


The song came to a close and the next one started. Her ballet training was obvious as she slid to the floor, dancing and rolling around. Honestly, she loved the feel of the cool hardwood floors against her skin. She would have made a bed to the side and lived in that very room if she could.


“That can’t be her… she… she looks way too…” The shorter boy with jet-black hair whispered. “Girly?” The youngest among them finished his statement, guessing what he was getting at. “Yeah…” The black haired boy replied almost as a sigh. If that was really /her/, then she really did have two separate lives and identities. Her looks and movements were completely different. Her voice still had the same powerful ring to it, even when she was singing rather than rapping.


“Should we go in…?” The youngest looked to their leader, the blonde haired boy. Wondering what he thought they should do. “Yeah..” He started off unsure, but grew confidence as he continued. “Yeah! Let’s go in.” He pulled the door fully open and swallowed before entering the studio.


Her head snapped to the doorway as she heard footsteps, her eyes widening at the three boys standing there. They all looked nervous and slightly awkward. She recognized two of them, but otherwise was entirely confused as to why they were there and approaching her. She hoped beyond everything it wasn’t for the fact that they knew who she was.


“Um.. Sangah?” The blonde asked, looking at her with hopeful eyes. He bowed slightly after he spoke, showing respect to the noona before him. The other two bowed also, hoping they wouldn’t make her angry by intruding on such a private moment.  

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Go appar <3
It's really good so far appar! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^