

Behind the broken walls of this world, resided a lonely figure who desperately yearned for a human touch.

The figure emerges from a dim alley, holding a phone in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, earphones blasting a dull melody filled with sweet nothings.

The world he held so dearly between his arms was no longer there. His world was not shattered, no, it simply disappeared, with no trace left behind, just a dead image of his old self.

A lost existence amidst the throng of people, was what Namjoon thought of himself.

He thought, and the world thought, yet neither was right.

Kid Namjoon knew better than to mess with what he couldn’t handle. He was a boy, too young for cruelty, too old for innocence, and time, was simply unmerciful.

And so, as his story started to unfold, the layers slowly revealing the core of the unwanted truth, he stopped breathing.

His thoughts drowned him enough to let him choke in peace. To him, death was freedom.

And yet, why did he want to free himself from this supposed freedom?

Why was he so keen on saving the remains of the past?

Why was he so desperate to find solace in his chaotic mind?

“I believe in hope. I may sound very naïve when I say it, but I strongly believe there’s hope in this world. You see Namjoon, the world that hurt me and tortured me endlessly, is the same world that saved my mother’s life, it’s the same world that taught me how to fight for what I believe in and what I firmly want to protect, it’s the same world that changed me to the best. It’s the same world that lead me to find you Namjoon, so how can I possibly hate it?”

Those words, albeit cliché, somehow managed to break through Namjoon’s essence. Maybe because he too wanted, to believe in something, or maybe because a certain brunette told him that.

And that was the start of new era in Namjoon’s life.

The day he met Seokjin, he thought nothing of it, but the day he got to know him, was the beginning of an inner turmoil: His thoughts grew tasteless, his doubts sounded cynical, and every step he made felt heavy.

The effect of the brunette on him was too great to go unnoticed.

But strangely enough, Namjoon didn’t hate it. Not even one bit.

He let Seokjin shower him with his own philosophy, blabbering about the has beens and what ifs

Hi presence was oddly relaxing. Namjoon couldn’t complain. He didn’t dare complain.

Seokjin was scary in the way he held his grounds so confidently, but that’s what made Namjoon give up entirely on the look for freedom.

Because there it was, right in front of him, in the form of a beautiful human being, so genuine and so real.

And now, amidst the street lights and noisy throngs, he could finally answer his fears.

He sits on a random bench, takes off his earphones, and gently unfolds the piece of paper he held in his hand.


Dear Joon,

There is definitely hope in this world.

But the coward me stopped believing

I’m sorry.

Please stay alive. For me, for you,


Yours only, Jin

Namjoon often wondered how his life would have escalated had he not met Jin.

The answer was vivid, loud and clear.

The letter said it all.

But his heart was silent.

Slowly, he lifts his gaze up and meets eyes with the familiar brunette.

Namjoon was well aware of his insanity, but he liked to believe in this heavenly illusion.

Hands in pockets, Jin leans down to Namjoon’s eye level and smiles brightly at him.

“Let’s go home joon” Namjoon nods with a small smile as he gets up

Jin reaches for the other’s hand and holds it firmly. Albeit the cold touch, Namjoon graspes his hand tightly, fear written all over his face.

Please, once more, he begged, please let this dream live on forever.



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Chapter 1: Wow TT