
Two Night Stand (Maybe More?)


Taemin was dragged by his friends to someone's party in a club and he was just a bit hesitant about the idea. Not that he was a saint, no, he was far from the word innocent. He smoke cigarette when he wanted to, he drank alcohol when he needed some relieve, and also not a beginner in the department. But tomorrow was his first day working as a real employee, not a part timer, so he didn't want to come into work with a stupid hangover. But of course Jongin would never let him come back home undrunk, neither would Jimin let him stay sober throughout the night. His friends were like Jekyll and Hyde, at bright day they were sophisticated gentlemen but turned into jerks at night. People said that friendship was built because they saw each other's resemblance in their friends, so count him in too, he was a messed up man just like his friends. That was why he was unsure about tonight's outing.

"Oh come on, you're not that bad at drinking, two shots won't make you drunk," Jimin cooed, "right?"

He was right, but, "tell me again why we're here?"

"To celebrate your first ever being a regular employee," added Key from behind him.

"It's someone else's party," he stated the matter of factly.

"A party is still a party!" he sang song.

"Why are you even here, Key?"

"I'm the one who invited you rascals out. You should be thankful."

"I doubt that," Taemin mumbled.

"I spot someone hot on the dance floor," Jongin smirked, "I'm going to get a good tonight."

"I'm not going to wake you up for work tomorrow!" He shouted at Jongin.

"Have no plan to go to work tomorrow," he walked away from the bar after a shot of tequila. Taemin sighed at that. Did he the only one who cares about his work here? Well, there was no way his friend could give a about his new job. Only him.

"Isn't it weird to have a party on Sunday night?" he questioned.

"This party been going on for straight two nights," Key offered a drink to his amused face and he put it down on the table, far from him so that he could pretend he didn't see it. "It's not weird, just a bit too grande."

Two days, huh? he thought. This must be some rich ' party, and if he's loaded as , he probably could-

"Na-ah, I know what you're thinking," Key poked his cheek, "the party guy is my catch, don't ever think of ruining my plan."

He scoffed in disbelief, Jimin had poured another shot of alcohol to his throat and he watched him groaned at the burn. It was already his third glass and he was sure that Jimin would turn to be an ugly worker in suit tomorrow -if he didn't puke on his suit.

"What is that?" Taemin stared at the abandoned glass, "beer?"

"For you who don't want to get drunk."

Taemin shrugged his shoulder and bottomed his treat, but when it went down his throat it didn't taste like one, it was way stronger. Key was tricking him.

"What a jerk!" He hit Key's arm hard. The later only laughed at him.

"Enjoy the night~"

He watched Key disappeared in the midst of the crowd. He could spot Jongin grinding some petite boy with black hair, and Jimin, he just had to be flirting with the bartender.

"Whatever," he mumbled, shoving the empty glass for a refill.

"What would you like?" asked the other bartender.

"Anything weak, have to stay sober."


There was a clink not long after and he was served with another liquor. He took a sip to his glass, only to taste another strong alcohol running down his throat. He raised his eyebrows to the bartender,

"What is this? Peach?"

"Yes, I swear that was the weakest beverage in the house."

"Peach liqueur is the weakest, really? No wine or beer?"


Taemin rolled his eyes along with his chair. His body started to feel warm after some shot of the gin Key gave him earlier and his recent fruit liqueur, his head was a bit airy too. He sighed loudly because when he looked around, he realised that was left alone, no sign of Jongin, or Jimin, or even Key.

"Ha! Talking about loyal friends who'd like to celebrate my day," he grumbled.

"Here," the bartender gave him another glass." From that guy over there."

He looked at where the finger pointing and saw a man with his glass raised for him. Taemin raised his eyebrows, eyes scrunching the next second because he could barely see the man's face without his contact lenses. With a simplified smile, he took his gift and gave a little taste. And oh, he paused with a big smile threatening to betray his cool stance.

"What? I thought you don't have something weak?" He asked the bartender after finishing the sweetness in his hand, liking the lingering aftertaste on his mouth.

"I brought it myself."

Taemin turned to the voice behind him, a man holding a bottle of white grape wine in his right hand while the other was holding out two wine glasses. The said man sat next to him, motioning the bartender to go away and it was even weirder to see that he actually left them alone.

"Who are you? Do they allow you to bring your own drink?"

"Let's just say, I am a friend of the birthday boy."

"That makes sense," Taemin hummed.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Was dragged here," Taemin chuckled. "And thank you for this," he rolled the wine glass the stranger just gave him a moment ago, "at least I won't have a bad hangover tomorrow."

"Sounds like you're not interested in getting drunk."

Their eyes met for the first time and Taemin was remained speechless from how deep the later's gaze was. It's like he was into something he would regret tomorrow. But hell, this man was one fine of a creation. Tall, handsome and small face, deep voice, and that smirk was tantalising. And yeah, Taemin was weak for tall guys, so he knew he was going to be in big trouble.

"Yeah, big day tomorrow, so I'm not gonna mess that up."

At least he tried to shove him away, for now. He just hoped that the man would get it and left him alone because he was not going to follow him even if he asked him to.

"Need to wake up early, I see."

Taemin saw the man his lips, the pair looked soft and probably tasted sweeter from the wine he drank. He trailed the sharp jaw down to the nice neck line and the broad shoulder wrapped in well made black shirt; didn't he mind how intense his eyes were on the later. He was totally ignoring how the later enjoyed the way he observed him. Their eyes met again when Taemin looked up back at him. There was a smirk on the later's lips.

Oh no, this is not what he wished for. With an embarrassed face, he sipped on his wine, "And you?"

"Well, I'm not a fan of heavy liquor and I'm here just to hang around."

"Being a good friend?" He swore he could feel eyes on him, piercing through his skin as if the man was about to tore him out of his clothes.

"Maybe... You know what? I actually expect nothing tonight," he kept staring deeply at Taemin, from head to toes and the atmosphere was kind of heavy, "but now I want to get into your pants."

Taemin scoffed at that despite feeling huge wave of chill running along his spine. Damn, this hotties was such a jewel. He watched the guy drank his wine elegantly, looking very expensive and he was distracted at how his adam's apple bobbing to his drink. It took all of his insanity to look away.

"Dance with me," he whispered on Taemin's ear before he stood up from his stools.

"What if I said no?"

The man leaned closer to Taemin's face and just ing smiled at him, "Can you?"

He found himself being guided in the middle of the crowd. He was about to turn on his heels but the guy had his hands gripping on his hips, preventing him to run away. Taemin knew this was going to be a big mistake, no, agreeing his stupid friends was the biggest mistake here. But when he felt a face sunk on the back of his head, breathing through his hair, he knew this probably not gonna hurt so much.

He swayed along the way his new buddy moved, enjoying how those palms ran over his waist and stomach, and he didn't dislike how the taller guy humming to his ear. In fact, it only fueled him. Once in a while the later would grind his hips onto him, and by that, he knew approximately what he got in store for him. Taemin had to bit his lips from saying that he was impressed.

As the night turned darker, the music got louder, crowds getting fueled up and people were not exactly dancing, but now grinding. Taemin was no different than them, he himself was doing the same with this new guy. He even let him peppered kisses on his neck after making sure that he wouldn't leave a mark. Though he knew that there were already few of them on his shoulders and collarbone. It was indeed hot, he was sweating, and with the tight hug from the later, it burned Taemin to the core. His head lulled to the stranger's shoulder with his neck fully exposed as a treat to his partner while their hands interlacing; the later's free hand scarily close to his half hard member.

"Come with me?"

Taemin had no idea how that question would sound like a demand. He was feeling unsure for a second, but when the guy kissed him for the first time on his lips and got him at how delicious it was, he knew he had no strength to refuse. They stumbled upon the crowd wih this guys phoning someone, probably driver. And after another round of kissing in the open air, just outside the club's door, he was pulled into an expensive looking car with hands roaming all over his body.

And the rest was history.




Taemin groaned when he heard his phone ringing. He roamed around his pocket, but he had no pocket, his hand was immediately made contact with his skin and that was weird. Then he shot wide awake. He was stark and there was another man beside him sleeping ever so peacefully. He didn't recognise the face, but damn it! The stranger had a freaking handsome face with huge eyes and strong set of jaws. He was about to shout yet he prevented himself from doing so. Another blaring ring and it woke him out of his shock.

"Hello?" He whispered.

"Where the hell are you?" The other side yelled at him.

"What time is it now?"

"It's six thirty, you dumb !"

"Oh !"

He stumbled out of the bed, it was a loud scene but the other party was not moving, not even an inch. Was he dead? Taemin's eyes rounded almost immediately. He definitely had made such a ruckus with the thud and forcefully grabbing the blanket that covered the , perfectly sculpted body. Tiptoeing, he studied the face closer and as he heard a steady breathing coming out of the man's nostrils, he was thankful that he was alive.

"Taemin, you there?"

Oh, crap!

"I'll be late to my work, oh my God!"

"Now you remember that?"

"Shut up!" he whispered to the phone. He wore whatever he found on the floor, his clothes, his pants, and he cursed how stupid he was right now. Not even caring bidding goodbye to the beautiful sleeping body, he stormed out of the room, an apartment in an expensive area he noticed. He cursed again as he failed to stop the first taxi he found.

"Wait- did you have an excellent one night stand?"

Only then he remembered that he was still on the phone, "This is a disaster!"

"Yeah, and you have to know that you got me and Jimin locked out. I don't even know if Jimin is dead or alive, he's freezing on the door mat for sake!"

"I thought you guys bring the spare key?"

"We don't because you insist to stay sober."

"Now you blame me? You dragged me to that damn party!" he hissed.

"Just get here already!"

"I'm on my way, !"

He groaned at how absurd his Monday was. Gosh, he needed some aspirin by now, his and jaws were excruciatingly sore. He groaned knowing that it was probably from last night's activity.




Taemin ran with all his might, he had spent so much money on taxi fare today just because he said yes with that stupid one night stand. Oh, God, even though it was ing amazing and exhaust him to the bone, he didn't regret that.

Or maybe he did now.

His new supervisor was tapping his shiny black shoes on the floor, ears steaming with anger as he saw Taemin walked into the lobby with a terrible complexion. He lowered his head feeling guilty all of a sudden. He jsut got accepted and yet he was late, not to mention how messy he was right now. Well, he was in a hurry.

"You're two hours late," he hissed. "Do you even serious with this job? Oh, I can find another one for this spot. There's a long line of people aiming for your spot here, so get some sense to it!"

He could say nothing and just took the long speeches into his ears without processing it to the heart. He kept apologising that it spilled out like an automatic reply machine, but for a mere second there, his head went blank and all he could think about was how hard he ed last night. He remembered how that stranger manheld him, the way he kissed his breath away and how great the way he jerked his hips. It was one of the best night he ever had.

"Do you get it?"

Taemin shook his dirty thought away and nodded, "Yes, I understood, I'm really sorry."

His new supervisor was namely Mr. Yoo, he read it on his access card, led him to the receptionist desk. He was given a new access card, replacing his old one. Now he was Lee Taemin the employee, not Lee Taemin the intern. He was a bit proud of it. If only his day started off better, this new card might excited him so much.

His desk was on the 7th floor and he was brought all the way to each cubicle there saying that he was the new guy and that he kept asking all of them to help and take care of him. It was becoming boring and tiring. Moreover he was feeling a bit sore down there, so walking became a bit too much today. Man, he really overexerted himself last night. But it seemed that Monday really wasn't his day, for his stomach growled a bit too loudly when he reached the senior assistant manager's desk. Resulting a look from the said man.

"Are you missing your breakfast, new guy?"

Mr. Yoo bowed in apology, and he bowed along. His supervisor explained his tardiness and it got the dino-like man laughed out loud. Taemin wanted to ask why the supervisor acted all formal with the assistant manager, he wasn't even the CE, but why he was seeing him like someone with a higher level? Should he be worried over this? When he thought he was about to get another warning, what he got was a good laughter from him and a snack bar.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim, but I really-"

"Just take it, you kind of remind me of my first day here."

"Oh," he scratched his neck and smiled awkwardly.

"And Jonghyun, just call me Jonghyun."

Mr. Yoo shook his head, signalling him to say no, but he had already nodded his head; now hanging awkwardly as he said, "Okay."


Taemin was delivered to a small cubicle not far from the assistant manager's desk. They said he could move next to Jonghyun if he managed to show an excellent job. He sat down with a loud sigh, hand massaging his sore back. They supposed to meet the CEO but it seemed that the CEO had not arrived yet. And judging from how Jonghyun mentioned him and rolled his eyes, he could guess that the assistant and the CEO were close. Because who even dare to actually rolled his eyes to their boss in front of people?

He took a deep breath before closing his eyes, rubbing his throbbing temple right after it. His head was aching for some reason, and his body was sore all over. Did he ever mention how twisted his body last night? Well, last night he was ed with all kind of position on every surface of he hotel room. He didn't even know that he could spread his legs so widely like a ballerino, nor he never thought he could bend so much. Now that he was taking his time, he could mention which body part was aching terribly.

After quite some time, he opened his eyes, he could see the list of job he had to do today. So he started to his computer. His desk was rather empty and he had had an idea bout how he would decorate it later, but now he just needed to do some basic stuff such as logging in to the company database, read his work-related emails and studyig the CEO's schedule. However, his stomach growled again and he put his work to a halt.

"I guess a little trip to the pantry won't hurt," he patted his stomach.





He tore the wrapper before taking a big bite of the snack bar. The other hand was busy making his own coffee. Taemin didn't have aspirin, but a cup of caffeine might as well did the magic. He absentmindedly stirred his coffee, biting the snack bar and stared empty to the elevator not far from the pantry.

Then his head started to swim around his previous night. Taemin never knew he would turn out like this, reminiscing his one night stand over and over again, because as long as he remembered, he was never a softie for that. He never stayed. It was rather funny to make an exception about last night. He chose to cuddle with that guy spooning him after a quick clean up.

Something was different with this guy, not in the negative aspect though. It's just- the kisses were different, the itself and the way he held him after their hot session was heartwarming. Perhaps it was just because of the handsome face or the big eyes that got him captivated.

His cheeks soon burning when he remembered how eager that stranger kissed him, fighting over dominance, and lapping his tongue all over his mouth; it felt so good. About the kiss, Taemin when it came to his one night stand would occasionally let his partner kiss him, yet last night he found himself initiating the kiss and also inviting him into his mouth to explore.

The black haired guy suddenly sat up, muttering profanities as his head played the scene where the stranger had steadily penetrate him deep, taking him after an intense preparation and lots of . His body shivered as he felt a tickling feeling in between his cleft.

Was he furious right now? Yes, for he kept jumping on his feet to shove away his memories.

Why? Because he wasn't that drunk last night, he remembered every second of it and that guy was not drunk either. That was just another one night stand yet he couldn't forget it!

Bottoming half of his coffee, he was determined not to remember one of the best, hardest, longest he ever had. He sat down for a while to calm down, counting his breath until he found compose in him.

The elevator dinged and he saw people in suit walking back and forth doing their job. He watched them carefully, in and out of the metal box with papers in their arms. He was becoming more calm. It dinged again and someone familiar walked out of it. His eyes followed the tall figure to the other side of the building. He took a sip of his coffee but choke on it the next second, because, damn! He might be going crazy as of right now. He didn't just see someone awfully similar to the guy he slept with last night.

"Get a hold of yourself, Lee Taemin!" He slapped his cheeks again and again until he felt them stinging. "You're not crazy!"

Afraid, he hurried back to his workspace and went through his mails again, trying to absorb himself into work so that he didn't have to think about that handsome guy. He gritted his teeth with determination and eventually got his head full of work. The first ever task Jonghyun gave him was arranging the schedules and taking notes of everything that his boss might needed for his meetings for next week.

Of course, it was only another hour that he was disturbed by a phone call. He jumped out of surprise, and picked it up.

"Lee Taemin-ssi?"


"It's Jonghyun. Come to my desk."


He put a halt to his work, saving what's important of a document and went straight to the assistant manager's desk. He would sit there if he did good on his orientation month. He could do that, three months and he would be sitting there replacing him who would resign for whatever the reason was. When he reached the desk, he saw that Mr. Kim, or Jonghyun, was smiling at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"Ready to meet the CEO?"

"Oh," he paused. "Right now?"

"No, tomorrow."

"Uh," he laughed dryly.

"Don't be nervous, he might be a bit strict and annoying, nagging at you too, but he's a professional. He hate tardiness even though he always late almost every day," he chuckled. "He likes his schedule arranged with enough time in between just in case there was some unforeseen event."

"Yes," he nodded and bowed slightly.

"Maybe you need to do something with your hair. I noticed it since earlier, it's sticking out here and there."

Taemin looked into his phone and suddenly feeling embarrassed at how messy his hair was. He stood up to tidy his shirt and smiled awkwardly to the shorter guy.

"That's better," he laughed, "it's just, our CEO is a bit sensitive about cleanliness. I gotta tell you that before he points it out."

They were both heading to the exclusive area where the CEO's desk was. The room between the CEO and his assistant was divided by a wooden wall. Jonghyun knocked it and he heard a deep hum from the inside. He was shook for an unknown reason when he heard the deep voice. That sounded very charismatic, just what a CEO sounded like.

When he was an intern, he never roamed around this area, never allowed to. He only had the privilege to go to the first floor where the document was stored, second floor where the cafeteria was, the third floor where he took papers from the workers, fourth floor where the copy machines were, or the fifth floor where he had to prepare the meeting rooms. He had seen the previous CEO, but never saw the new one. Said that he officially took over his old man's place just few months ago and had expanding the business just like how people expected of him.

"What is it Jong?"

"Cranky from the morning, are we?"

"Thanks to your ridiculous birthday party."

"I thought you have fun last night."

"Can't say no to that, though."

The typing voice kept echoing through the room, "Why are you here anyway?"

"I told you that there's a new guy to replace me."

"Your father has finally decided to let you take over his company?"

He snapped his head to this Jonghyun guy. What? He was rich? The later smiled awkwardly to him, and replied their CEO with a bored sigh, "Well, he's stepping down... but we're not discussing that. This is the new guy, he comes to introduce himself."

He saw the chair turning from the bright screen beside the desk to the door where Jonghyun and Taemin stood. He bowed immediately, blood rushing through his veins and he could hear his own heart beat on his ears. He was nervous, a bit afraid just from hearing the deep tone of his boss, this was unusual.

"Name is?" he bit his lips, something about his CEO's voice reminded him of his one night stand.

"Lee Taemin, sir," he kept bowing.

When he heard a low hum, he decided that it was time to look up and bloody hell! What he saw in front of his eyes was scaring the out of him. He went pale when he met the eyes that were staring straight at him. He lowered his head to avoid the gaze, but he didn't fail to notice the small smirk at the corner of his CEO's lips.

"Well, Lee Taemin, I'm Choi Minho. Glad to see you."

Taemin bowed again, sligtly moved behind Jonghyun in hope that this Choi Minho guy wouldn't remember too much. Through his bangs, he finally grazed those big eyes, those sharp nose, the strong jaws, and the kissable lips which he knew that pleasure could come with just that pair of lips.

For God's sake, he was the guy he had with last night. He slept with his CEO! He just had a superb, wildest, best of the best night with Choi Minho, the CEO of his new company! He wanted to kill himself right now. Or maybe he wanted the earth swallow him alive. He wanted to run out of this. Should he resign? He needed this job, though.

"Jong, can you leave us a second?"

"What? No!" He shot his head up and maybe he was a bit too loud saying his rejection. "Uh- I mean-"

Jonghyun was looking at him weirdly before he hesitantly said okay despite the begging look Taemin had on him. He wanted to grab on Jonghyun's sleeve but he might think that Taemin was a freak who dared to touch him on the day they met, so he just watched him to the door, feet moving towards it in instinct. He held the door handle desperately, back facing him.

"So," he heard the deep voice behind him, "we meet again."

Taemin felt shiver running down his spine, teeth abusingly biting his lower lip when he heard the amused tone. Judging from the playful tone on his voice, that guy without no doubt remembered everything just like he did. Oh well, they weren't drunk in the first place, right? It was rude of him but he couldn't look back at him. God was cruel.

"I- I have works to do, so if you please excuse me-," he trailed off, trying to sound calm but failed at it.

He heard a chuckle after a pause and it caught his curiosity so he glanced back at him only to find him looking at his figure. "What?"

"You did have a nice ."

He rounded his eyes in disbelief. Taemin was dumbfounded when that guy stood up abruptly and walked towards him. He was already cornered to the door and he had no way to run when the guy stopped right in front of his face.

"Say, did you enjoy it last night?"

"No," he replied curtly.

"Oh really? I thought I remember you saying it was one of the best night?"

"I'm-" Taemin could feel his cheeks burned.

"So it was, huh," he hummed. Taemin flinched when the guy touched his hair, eyes locked to the floor so that he wouldn't have to remember more fraction of their night.

"You left without a single note," he added.

"I think that's the concept of one night stand?" He timidly replied.

"Agree," he smiled, "but it's just a shame to not be able to tell you how much I enjoy your company last night. Since we enjoyed the night so much, I was hoping to get a small note with your number on it, but I guess I pulled my luck too much?"

Taemin glanced at him once and he regretted right away because he failed to look away from it. Their eyes met for a long time and Taemin's body suddenly remembered every second of their time together. The guy leaned closer to his face and Taemin was not moving an inch. His eyes fluttered to see those luscious lips in front of him, his tongue still remembered exactly how it tasted. They were just a breath away; Taemin swore he never wanted to kiss someone that badly before. But this was his boss!

"I'm so glad to have found you."


"Let's just say, I'm captivated by your features."

He felt the fingers trailing down his neck and took a little peek into the collar of his neck where he sure there was a trace of the later's mouth somewhere. He braced himself to politely pushed those figers out of his shirt. His breath had somehow hitched when the taller down his arm.

"I have your boxers in my apartment," the taller guy whispered.

"Huh?" His eyes roamed back to those eyes.

"You wore mine this morning."

"I did?"

"I need you to give it back."

"I- I can bring it for you tomorrow-" he was silenced with a sudden movement of the CEO, close enough for a kiss yet not placing one.

"I want it today."


"I should drop by to take it, so wait for me after the work hour."

"No!" He shook his head, "No, I don't think it's possible."


"I- I will deliver it to your apartment," he said. Hell no, he would never let this guy went to his house where his two friends exist. Taemin never brought someone back, so he wanted to keep it that way. Or else, he would become the mock of the house for entire month.

"Okay, my apartment, tonight."

Taemin let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding when the guy stepped back. When he thought it was over, that guy pinned him again to the door and he was ing squealed like a girl.

"Oh, and I have this for you," he took something out of his fancy suit and showed it to Taemin. "I've never done this before, but you're an exception."

"What the hell-"

It was a polaroid when Taemin was riding him with face scrunching in pleasure. When the hell did he take it? What was with these photos? He didn't know he would take one. And his face, oh God, he did look like he enjoyed riding it so bad. His eyes fixed on how the thick shaft was planted inside him; he remembered the delicious stretch and he wanted to feel it again.

"I thought that you were so beautiful that time, so I took it as a souvenir."

The voice woke him up from his flash back, goosebumps decorating his skin.

"You're crazy, give it to me!" Taemin reached for it but that guy was quick.

"I will give it to you if you're agree for a dinner date later."

"Hell no!"

"Then I will keep it for my own pleasure. Trust me, I'm late because of this."

Taemin gasped at the remark, did he just admit that he was late because he was jerking to his photo? He's crazy! He tailed after Minho to his chair and he plead to him.

"Please... give it to me..."

"Oh? This feels like a déjà vu," he smirked, "that's just how you beg me last night."

"Ugh!" He blushed so hard and stomped his feet in desperation. "You're not giving it, are you?"

He was about to leave the room when he was pulled into a kiss, a hard and deep one. Taemin protested at that sudden attack. He knew he was supposed to push him away, yet he didn't really try. Choi Minho, his boss, wasn't even trying hard to make him still.
In fact, he had been anticipating this kiss since earlier. The time he recognised the face, his eyes immediately captured the sight of those lips. He swore he didn't scream in his head nor squeal that he wanted to be kissed by them. After some coaxing, his stupid mouth moved along with the scorching kiss, betraying his brain. He sighed into the kiss when their tongues got involved, and each other's mouth. No, sighing would be underrated, he moaned into the kiss.

He loved this too much, the kiss was shocking but not unexpected. He noticed the glint of want in the CEO's eyes when he first saw him, he didn't fail to see how the later his lips after boring lasers to his lips. The tension was still there, as if last night was not enough.

They parted hesitantly, his hand still holding on to his shoulders and Taemin swore he hated the smirk on Choi Minho's lips. He knew he was doomed when he realised that there was a hand feeling his half hard member. Was the kiss so arousing? How could he got a from that? , Taemin's days here as his personal assistant just going to be hard. Minho would never make it easier for him.

Taemin wiped his lips and glared as his squeezed. It was so stupid of him, why did he kissed him back? Just why? He just dug his own grave, didn't he? And just why did his body have to react to the touch? He wanted to scream. If his friends knew this complicated situation, he would be teased for life.

"Can't wait for tonight's date."

He gave the later a dreadful glare. Pivoting on his heels, he walked to the door with an uncomfortable situation in between his legs, muttering ' it, you, my life' lowly at how ridiculous his fate was. The boss crossed his arms on his chest, amused as he heard the mumbling. It was fun to .

"So it's gonna be a two night stand?" he winked. "How many f word was there? More than two?"

"Shut up!" He groaned just before exiting the room with a delicious chills on his back, "You're horrible."



 That's it! One shot for everyone! No scene because I'm holding myself. Don't want to become a complete ert lol.

I hope you enjoy reading this no matter what. This is just another plain, commonly used plot, but I wish that this story is not as common as the other. Tell me your opinion to this!

Lastly, thank you for reading, thank you for subscribing, I LOVE YOU! Comments and upvotes are appreciated^^

Have a nice day,

aqcelnicorus :D

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 3: This is so adorable. :)
Chapter 3: They’re so y and adorable!
I guess Jongin won the bet then? 🤣
Chapter 1: The odds really!
And too demanding 🤣
Beau1996 1370 streak #4
Chapter 3: Yeah - they are together!!
Chapter 1: Assdgdmfkfodjskak i can’t.
This is so y and cute at the same time
Chapter 3: Rereading this again my heart clenches in a gooood wayyyyyy huhuhuhu I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
Chapter 3: Rereading this again my heart clenches in a gooood wayyyyyy huhuhuhu I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
Chapter 3: This is so awesome, i love it so so muuuch. Boss Minho huhu hes very gentle, i cannot handle it. And finally they are officially dating, thanks for made this story huhu
WOWWW I love this story so muchh.I love boss Minho too(?).So, this always makes me blush .I want to say thank you for create amazing 2min fics.Thank youuuu.
Chapter 3: These was so awesome, i loved it i should learn ro write from you.