We know...how it feels

My My You'll Be Mine

Yaaaaay~ ! ♥ The 2nd Chapter is here ^^ 
[i don’t know what…but when i finished the translation…The chapter gaves me…11 PAGES ._. ~ well…Nevermind…Hope you like it ^^ ♥] 



Chapter #2: We know how it feels


-hum…I’m surprised that “Inspirits” haven’t struggled to get this place…-YoungJun said leaving a few bags of Infinite on the floor

-best thanks that nobody wanted to take the home, if not…we would spending much money right now…-JungRyul interrupted

-How many rooms are inside? –The manager of A Pink asked getting out of the van

-let’s see…-Hyoan answered-Inside are 3 rooms, but it’s different when there are 14 people…and there are two groups…-the manager said a bit complicated

-At night someone could sleep in the main hall…-A Pink manager proposed-Because a room will be filled with only the luggage

-The smaller room would be filled with only suitcases….-YoungJun said approaching to door, and then he opened it- wooo….there is a difference between the baggage that you carry when you say “I’ll go out for a week” and when a idol say “I’ll go out for a week”-the words of the manager referred to the number of bags

-looks like they will go out for a year…-JungRyul laughed

-The boys of Infinite, are rehearsing?-A Pink’s manager asked getting out the bags from the van

-Ne, the rehearsal room is a few blocks from here…-Hyoan answered entering a few of bags in the house

-Oh, I see…well, this…guys…Can you help me with the luggage of the girls too?-A Pink’s manager asked

-we aren’t going to let you carried the luggage alone…-JungRyul went to take some suitcases

-Thank you very much…really-the manager smiled taking other handbags and suitcases, and later leaving it into the house

-The girls of A Pink, are in Mnet?-YoungJun asked helping whit other bags

-No, they are in the hairdresser-the woman said, leaving in the house other bags, and coming back for more suitcases

-They were surprised?-Hyoan asked now carrying the lastest suitcases of Infinite

-No…way to the hall, nobody said something…-the manager took other bags and went back into the house

-Shinja?-managers looked at each other surprised

-actually, I think they thought they were dreaming…-the manager laughed getting out of the house

-Huh? Why?-YoungJun asked taking the last bag-The doggies bag…-he complained a bit hitting the bag with the floor, and the fours faces of the managers changed

-…THE DOGS!-the manager of A Pink ranf to the van where the CEO was waiting- I’ll be back in the afternoon, Thanks for everything again!-she bowed quickly and sat in the co-pilot seat

-I have to look for the dogs…-JungRyul complained

-they are in the rehearsal room with the guys…-YoungJun responded

-Do you really think they have been rehearsing whether dogs are there?-JungRyul raised an eyebrow

-Doodbye my beautiful princess…-Hyoan said waving while he was seeing the van going far away

-Aigo…-both managers sighed looking at the boy




-Yah! Nurung!-SungJong chasing the dog around the room-Yah! Give me back my bear!

-Why do you carry him in your backpack…?-SungGyu asked looking for the Maknae chasing the dog

-Because I had no time to save it into the suitcase-SungJong replied-Hoya-hyung!

-Come here, little ~-Hoya smiled trapping Nurung

-Thanks….-the less appreciated taking the teddy

-I’m the only one worried…?-DongWoo watched the rehearsal room and saw his colleagues divided in parts, while the dogs ran from side to side

-About what…?-Woohyun asked leaving the check of his cell

-Do you remember what happens when we get tired at night, and we want to sleep…?-DongWoo asked

-What? Sleeping in the same house with A Pink will be gun-SungJong smiled supporting his chin on the head of the teddy bear

-will be as if we-re on a second season of “You are my Oppa”-SeongYeol said while leafing through a magazine

-You really don’t understand-DongWoo complained

-Why you complain?-Woohyun asked laughing

-…They aren’t out sisters, isn’t a program, there won’t be cameras…-MyungSoo have stepped forward to say, looking at the ceiling

-THAT!-DongWoo pointed to MyungSoo-Someone is thinking!

-nobody goes to school…-MyungSoo could keep talking till the afternoon come

-Y-YAH!-SungGyu stopped him-What the hell are you thinking…?

-The A Pink girls are pretty…-SeongYeol murmured looking at a magazine where they appeared

-Guys…-Hoya called for each member

-What…¿?-the boys asked, turning to look at the dancer

-They…are…seven girls-the boy said while playing with Tofu and Nurung

-Yah! Do you think we don---?-All reacted looking for the other guys

-…Annyeo, annyeo…-SungGyu laughed somewhat embarrassed

-I don’t think that will happen…-DongWoo laugh was nervous

-I’m just saying…-Hoya said

-Yah! Better start the rehearsal…-SungJong interrupted

-better rehearse, because the ogre is here and isn’t happy to see the guys lying on the floor…-JungRyul entered the rehearsal room

-Are you coming for dogs…?-DongWoo asked bringing him Coco

-apart of that, I also came to tell you that the rehearse time will be until the 6PM-he said carrying Coco-we need to order the house before A Pink arrives-the manager said

-Huh? And they can’t help…?-Woohyun asked not understanding

-we don’t will check girl luggage again…-leader SungGyu laughed

-It’s not that…-manager interrupted-now they will finish the “My My” Promotions and the girls are nominated for the 1st place today, and also they will be MC’s…

-aaah…they will be tired-SungJong deduced, and the manager smiled approving what he said

-Good-the manager interrupted while he was carrying the three dogs on in his arms-I hope you will start to rehearse…Understand?

-Ne-the seven boys nodded and saw the manager left the room




-I have to sleep…-NaEun whispered while the women was brushing her hair

-You must be tired…-the hairdresser told to the girls

-and this day will be a loooooooong day~-Bomi sighed

-I think we will win again today-an optimistic EunJi smiled

-yah…don’t get excited-ChoRong laughed while the makeup girl was working on her

-I don’t getting excited; I know we will win-the singer smiled

-it’s true…EunJi Unnie is right-NamJoo said while she was reading a magazine

-I’m the only one worried that when we finish the Mnet recording, we have to go home…?-Yookyung asked looking at their partners

-you aren’t the only, Unnie-HaYoung said supporting the girl

-Why is there so much concern to get back home…?-the hairdresser asked

-…our department suffered from a plague of cockroaches-NaEun grimaced naming the insects

-wooo….And where will you sleep?-the woman who was putting the makeup on ChoRong akes look at them

-with Infinite-sunbaenim-YooKyung responded

-Yah! Hong YooKyung!-EunJi laughed turning to look at her

-In…finite?-the hairdresser asked in surprise

-Aigo….-leader sighed-just because their department was affected too…

-heeee~ the vocalist, Nam Woohyun bought the first CD of A Pink…-the woman who is now dedicated to making up Bomi stated

-Really?-Bomi asked laughing

-Woooo…-the other girls were surprised

-I really thought you were a close group…-the hairdresser said combing HaYoung

-Annyeo Unnie…-the Maknae laughed looking at the mirror-we only recorded a few of Birth of Family together…

-Heee~ what a shame-the makeup girl complained

-The other time we meet them…was in the Idol Championship…some were n the same group with them…-ChoRong said while playing with NaEun’s hair

-I like their songs-the group visual smiled

-Nekkeo haja~-EunJi sang a bit making the girls laugh

-naega neol saranghae~-Bomi joined singing the other part

-Oh~-A Pink and the girls of the hairdresser room playing making the step of the song while all laughed

-Aigo…-YooKyung sighed-Do they make these thinks with out songs…?

-While we were recording in Birth of Family…I see they knew the choreography of “Mollayo”-NaEun interrupted with a smile

-Then…Infinite likes A Pink-a woman of the room said- And? What will you do when you get home?

-the most probably, it’s that they will be there-NamJoo whispered changing seats with Bomi, so the woman started her makeup

-their schedule ends before that our schedule…-ChoRong said looking at this cell

-I don’t want to see Coco and Tofu again-NamJoo grimaced-while we take care of them on Birth of Family…they gave me a bit on the face~

-Oh, its true…-HaYoung grimaced-I’ll hope that Dalie won’t be afraid

-At all of this…the singer reacted-Where are they…?-EunJi asked

-Your managers came and took the dogs…-the woman was in charge of makeup answered

-Oh…I hope they won’t fight…-YooKyung made a slight pout

-I’m worried about Dalie more then Kwikie…-Bomi said-while dogs of Infinite-sunbaenim entered the apartment they screwed Dalie…

-aaah~ that was the chapter when we took care of Kwikie…is it?-NaEun asked and four girls of A Pink noded

-woooo….now will see how they are…-ChoRong smiled

-aren’t the best in the world-HaYoung warned

-Tofu bit me…-Bomi complained laughing

-aigo…-the hairdresser sighed-I wish you were talking more about them, to their dogs…

-Huh…?-the leader of A Pink looked at the hairdresser-Unnie, What do you mean…?

-they are at a higher rank than us…-HaYoung smiled nervously

-but that doesn’t mean you can’t be together…-the makeup artist smiled

-…Toge---?-EunJi was going to ask, but her words stopped-Yah! Unnie…What are you thinking…?-the girl laughed

-we have to say that…-the hairdresser started as she finished HaYoung’s hair-a group of 14 people…7 men, and 7 women….in a house…both sides are very attractive

-…Unnie!-the seven girls complained

-What? Don’t say you haven’t thought of that...-the hairdresser laughed

-Annyeo~~-NaEun said laughing

-Done…-the hairdresser said and lokeed at her watch-you must go to the pre-recording…

-Ne~ Kamsahamnida-the seven girls bowed and left the room

-aigo….How they…wooo…They really not thought about it…?-the hairdresser complained

-They will care someday…-the makeup artist laughed-I hope they have luck today on Mnet…

-me too…-the woman smiled


   The schedule went by as Hyoan had read in his cell before giving the good news to both groups of singers. The boys of Infinite took charge of rehearse, and prepare the choreographies for their next first concert, thought it was a cold day….clearly in the rehearsal room you could feel the heat. When the clock struck 5:30PM A Pink girls were studying what to say when the cameras of the program went on, thinking of what to do when the program finished, and what would happen….if they wont today.


-nice job…-YoungJun smiled against the boys

-I’m dead…~-SungJong complained turning the neck a little to make a slight elongation

-Can we sleep?-the leader asking stretching his arms

-the schedule is about to end…and no, you can’t sleep…yo have to clean and order the house, and then have a shower-the JungRyul manager told to each member

-Hyung~ I’m tired-SeongYeol complained

-yah, stop claim-Hyoan took the remote control he had over the seats and the TV of the rehearsal room

-Bomi-sshi…-YoungJun smiled

-Do you know their names?-Hoya asked laughing

-she has a navi suit-SungJong smiled

-I like A Pink-YoungJun smiled

-We don’t let you enter the house then-Woohyun bothered him laughing

-Yah…don’t make this to me~-the manager Young complained

-waoo…compete against T-Ara-MyungSoo repeated that Bomi said in her role of MC

-Yah! What are you doing…?-SungGyu asked, laughing as he looked at SeongYeol

-What? I said it, the girls are cute-SeongYeol responded by keeping his cell

-You sent a message…?!-DongWoo snorted of the child

-Yah…I want A Pink for the 1st place…-the boys smiled at him-i wished that an idol would help me to reach the first place someday…and we know how it feels to be rookies…-SeongYeol saig, looking at TV

-Well…-Woohyun rose from the floor-Who will do what…?

-About what…?-SungJong asked curious

-we have to clean and order a home…-the singer smiled-I guess…our beloved managers will help us-Woohyun said this turning his head and looked at the three men

-okay…-JungRyul sighed

Yah, all above-YoungJun ordered and wnet out of the rehearsal room

-Ne~-the guys responded going out after the first manager who left




-You are a big problem…-the KungFu Panda manager sighed looking at the five dogs running around the house, pets only barked and chased to each other-come here Dalie…-the manager took him in arms because he is the least sociable dog in the house

-Annyeonghaseyo, A Pink Inmida!-sounded on TV, calling the attention of the manager-Omo…-she smiled watching her seven girls on the screen-They look precious…-she murmured watching television

-Are they mucho to…?-JungRyul words stopped to enter the house and see the manager-Do you cleaned the house?

-u-uh…You came before…-the manager was surprised-j-just a little…I mean, I have not opened the suitcases…-only the dogs bags…and put the TV on a table…

-Thank you very much Noona- SungJong smiled warmly taking Tofu on his arms-Oh…A Pink

-With neon pink…-the manager smiled at the screen

-Are you worried…?-YoungJun asked looking at the manager, she nodded without taking her eyes off of the girls who spoke on the screen

-Noona, don’t worry, all will be fine-SeongYeol smiled sitting down next to her and watching television-they are beautiful…

-I like you honestly-the manager let out a gently laugh-they are beautiful…-she murmured watching TV

-Today is the Good-bye Stage?-SungGyu asked

-Ne…but A Pink will be back with another song of the CD…-the manager smiled-I’m worried…because they are hopeful of winning the prize for today…

-Noona…-SungJong looked worried

-Well…-the girly manager got up to see a performance of another group began-What else we have to order…?

-Blankets, and beds…-Woohyun responded by opening the door of the larger room-A Pink can sleep her-the boy smiled

-b-but…this room is the bigger-the manager interrupted-Why can’t you sleep there? Men needs more space…

-some can sleep in the other room, and others in the living room…only at night-Hoya interrupted the manager with a smile

-But…-the manager tried to say

-Noona, you don’t have to worry-SungJong smiled again

-I adore you more and more-the manager smiled and hugged the Maknae

-…Your face is precious-YoungJun whispered behind Hyoan

-Hyung, don’t bother me…-Hyoan told and enter to the room and take a few blankets- WE HAVE TO ORDER!

-….Ne!-the Infinite boys responded


  Ensuring that dogs don’t do a disaster, they let all of them in a corner of the house with a fence surrounding them, really they didn’t know if that would be the best, but after been scolded a few times…The five dogs were sleeping quietly, while in the program was on TV and the people went and came moving in the house.


-I never seen so many creams and bath products…-the manager JungRyul was in the charge to order the bathroom

-…Was terrible…?-SungGyu asked laughing

-your medicine cabinet was also a problem…-JungRyul looked at him laughing

-How is the kitchen…?-DongWoo asked to the boys

-is clean…-Hoya and Woohyun sighed tired

-A Pink!-Hyoan exclaimed watching the television making the most people turn to watch television

-is a remix?-MyungSoo asked to A Pink’s manager

-Ne…-she replied watching TV-I love how the dance on the Remix…

-I like the dance…-Woohyun said watching television

-You also like their songs?-the girly manager asked showing in her hands the two mini-albums of A Pink-and this aren’t CD’s of my girls…-she let out a soft laugh

-Y-Yah! Hyung!-Woohyun looked at YoungJun

-it was the right time to bother you~-the manager laughed

-After they finish, we will know who wins…?-Hoya looked at the TV

-Ne…-te manager said leaving the CD’s on the table-I have to look for my girls…-she smiled and taking the keys of the van

-You won’t stay and see who wins Noona…?-SeongYeol asked somewhat surprised

-The CEO will tell with a call…-she smiled while she buckled her shoes-Well…-she take her bag-See you later!-and she went out of the house

-Aigo…-the three manager sighed

-What was that…?-DongWoo turned and look at them with a laugh-the three are in love with her…?

-Annyeo…isn’t that…-JungRyul sighed with a laugh-it’s… that…let’s say that is a managers code….that you don’t understand…

-Huh…?-none of the Infinite boys understood

-the manager of A Pink already know the results, she received it when I was ordered the bag with her…-YoungJun said, he was in the same room ordering

-And…What happen?-SungGyu looked him curiously

-…That-Hyoan said pointing the TV, showing that T-Ara had won the 1st place, instead A Pink leaving the boys a little surprised, but all quietly watching the TV


    Anyone who saw the scene at the time could say that the girls were not affected, but the guys of Infinite itself, had watched the smiles on the faces of them, feeling slight chills while some nostalgia. Starting to remember when they won, and then left to win, while their image between the first places was always exciting their hearts. Let’s say…that they knew thet the smiles of the girls weren’t sincere at that time.


-Guys…?-the manager asked looking at them and Woohyun rose from the floor

-Hyung…-the singer called him-Can…we go to buy food?-he asked

-...Huh? Really?-JungRyul showed a slightly incredulous expression

-Can we…?-DongWoo asked looking to the managers

-we can’t have nothing for when they return…-SungJong smiled slightly

-don’t tell me that you…-Hyoan smiled a little excited

-don’t bother and just take us to buy…-the leader asked scratching his neck

-…Ok-YoungJun smiled with a proud feeling


   The manager of A Pink had already come across the street from Mnet, and the girls had entered the van after receiving some gifts from the fans “Pink Pandas” with a big smile. The closing of the door wasn’t a hard silence…more than anything…it could be interpreted as a silent with some sadness.


-Do you want something to eat…?-the manager asked turning to look at the girls, but the seven girls were immersed in their worlds, some sleeping, others with eyes closed while listening to music

-What to do…?-the CEO asked her sitting in the co-pilot seat

-actually…I don’t know-the manager said and felt his cell phone rang-huh…? A message on Twitter…?-let out a sigh, and opened it, a bit surprise-…we have to let them in the house with Infinite…

-Huh…What are you saying…?-the CEO stared fully indignantly- your girls are---!-the manager left him speechless whe she showed the message on her cell-..T-They really will do that…?-the girl smiled-wooo….

-Are good guys…-the manager murmured and looked through her purse pulling the Repackage Album Paradise

-Why you have that…?-the CEO asked letting out a laugh

-Don’t laugh…-the manager complained a bit embarrassed




-Yah…you don’t have to be like that…-the manager YoungJun tried to encourage the girl

-for more than that between them say things like “we must not delude ourselves”-the manager talked sitting on the floor-…term illusion….i heard them today on the hairdresser room…very excited

-Aigo…-the manager sigh, and searching in a suitcases handed to the girl a box-when you go for your girls…put volume up at the last song…-the man smiled warmly-just do it…


--------------End Flashback…


-We are in the sea

-East sea…

-Just us and the fire…

-The sea is like my heart

-Busan, busan Haeundae

-Someone likes the cookies of shrimp?

-Shrimp? Spicy shrimp

-Ah…Spicy Shrimp? Busan gulls also likes

-Gulls like spicy things?

-Yes, I called Gull Hoya~



-Unnie…-ChoRong complained a little for the high volume- What is it…?

-Unnie…What are you listening…?-HaYoung asked strangely, the manager just ignored themn and listened to the dialogue of the boys

-Is an Infinite CD…?-NaEun asked to see the box

-Yah…just listen-the manager said curtly as she drove


-Now, the rapper Hoya will start, what is the first attack?

-Only let your body flow…


-Unnie, What are you doing?-Bomi asked and the guys started to sing


-Whenever the sun is hidden

When the white clouds flow

When the wind passes

You shine


The time lapsed

Creek deep into my mouth, even if I say so

It seeps into me again

Full of nostalgia



The weak you

The shy you

Come and shake me



The freshness you

Still in my memories



And me

Always live in nostalgia


I’m, I’m

Locked in our memories


  The girls listened intently to the lyrics of the song, which was the song that only people who buy the CD could listen, feeling a warm feeling inside of them for the song and the voices of the seven boys of Infinite.


-Is a beautiful song…No?-the manager turned to look at the girls, while she parked

-Ne…-NamJoo said

-Yah, you have to go inside the house…-the manager told them to go down-your stuff is inside…and the guys of Infinite…isn’t inside

-E-Eh?-all of the girls looked to the manager with strange

-just down, the dogs are inside…and Dalie may be under attack-by saying this, half of the group had entered the house

-Is it okay? Do this…?-The CEO asked looking the girls who had entered into the house

-If they will be happy…Ne-the manager smiled and sent a message by phone


   The girls entered the house running for the sake of Dalie, while they were entering the place they look that was tidy, each carrying a dog in his arms and sitting in different parts of the house with a small pot, or a look that showed some sadness. EunJi went out the house without a dog and walk to the small parking in the back of the house, hiding behind some brushes, while ChoRong only went out home to walk with her headphones and her wallet in the jacket.


-Dalie-ah…-Bomi whispered Dalie-I don’t know what happens to me…-she said this and smiled slightly, and her eyes welled up a bit

-Who would say it…No?-HaYoung caressed Coco-Why you are cute with me now…?-she asked to the dog who her face now tenderly-Minahe…Coco-ah…-she whispered, letting out a small sob

-Kwikie…mianhe…I couldn’t back with a smile…-NamJoo whispered, hugging the small dog as a few tears go out of her eyes

-Tofu-ah~…-NaEun called while the dog on her legs its putting in a back position, triying to reach the girls hands-…I don’t why we are like this…-she whispered with her crystal eyes

-well…we could say…we were hopeful…-YooKyung whispered Nurung-she smiled nervously and a tear fell from her eyes when the dog her cheek

-Yah! Really that kind of tellers annoys me~!-claimed SungJong, the first to enter the house and found the girls sitting in various places around the room, which quickly reacted wiping the tears-u-uh…

-…What?-DongWoo came over to see

-H-Hi…-YooKyung smiled slightly-Infinite-sunbaenim

-aigo…-Woohyun sighed- Yah~ you aren’t cute with tears…Look…this will happen, not just today…aigo…I mean…ash…

-Yah…-MyungSoo left the food bags on the table

-…What is?-NamJoo looked up

-…Well…-DongWoo laughed a little nervous- we could say…that is to raise your mood, you worked very hard today…-the boy surprised the A Pink girls a bit

-Why…?-NaEun asked with his eyes that showed the tears that threatened to fall

-…We know what it feels…be illusions after winning for first time…-SeongYeol said looking at the girls, which looked down with a sigh

-I don’t like seeing girls like that…-SungJong said opening the containers of ramen-come hear…-he smiled at each girl

-S-SungJong-sunbaenim…-Bomi looked surprised

-aigo, just call me SungJong…-he smiled warmly

-to eat~-DongWoo said leaving pillows on the floor to sit, the girls stood and bowed-I thought we had talked about this…-he laughed

-really…Thank You Infinite-sunbaenim-the five girls lift their faces and tears flowed from their eyes

-is no necessary to keep the tears…-Hoya told to the girls-we know how it feels...be a bit illusions…-he smiled supporting each of the girls, making them cry and hug the other girls

-Yah…since when are we so depressed…?-HaYoung asked laughing as she hugged her fellow

-we will win someday again…-Bomi smiled, wiping the tears of NaEun-don’t cry little…

-we will win again…-YookYung smiled embracing NamJoo

-see, you can always...-DongWoo smiled

-now, to eat-SeongYeol interrupted

-…left two girls…-MyungSoo said watching the girls

-…Eh?-A Pink looked aroung

-EunJi-sshi and ChoRong Unnie went out…-Bomi replied to remember




-I shouldn’t make them get excited…-EunJi whispered leaving a pot appear on her lips-they wouldn’t be depressed if I had not said “We will win!”…now…will be inside the house…laughing like never…Just if a didn’t get excited…-she took a stone and threw it against the wall, the stone bounced and hit the floor

-there she is…-SungGyu whispered

-well…you talk to her…I’ll go for ChoRong…-Woohyun who was behind the leader ran out of the parking

-E-Eh..? A-And what can i…?-the leader turned to look, but I was alone-“What to say…?”-he spoke in his mind

-babo…babo…EunJi babo-the girl said throwing many stones against the wall, one by one and all bounce-Auch…!-she complained, a stone hit her forehead, but behind her complain she felt another much higher-…huh?

-Ash…-SungGyu complained while touching his forehead-you should have a little much care…

-u-uh…SungGyu Oppa-the girl reacted to said that, and then suddenly blushed-i..i-I mean…SungGyu-sunbaenim…-she corrected nerve to believe that she had been disrespectful-oh…I’m really sorry…

-Don’t worry…-leader smiled as he closed one aye because of the pain-only will turn red…

-I really didn’t want to…sorry-she apologized again

-Yah…these this happen-the leader smiled and sat down near she was-and don’t worry…call me Oppa…-he said laughing-sounds good…not disrespectful…

-e-eg…I’m really sorry…-she apologized again-I don’t’ really…aigo…-she sighed-I think that anyone would see me…

-congratulations on the Good-bye stage…-SungGyu said with a smile while he watched the wall

-Thanks…-she thanked looking down-though…would have preferred it to be a “Congratulations for w---“

-No matter if you don’t won, you can always try again…-the boy interrupted surprising the lowest

-But…Oppa…it was a Good-bye stage-the girl said with a pout

-but the point…yo…ah…aigo….-he became entangled with his words and hid his face laughing nervous-the point is that…

-…I understand the point-she showed a wide smile and gave him a little hits on the back-Thanks Oppa…

-yah…-the eldest looked her and saw a teardrop falling from the eyes of the girl-y-you are cr…

-A-Annyeo!-she refused wiping the tears with her hands

-Yah…EunJi-sshi…-the boy called her, and she just looked down-Eun…-would call again, but he felt the sobs of the lesser-EunJi-sshi…-the boy looked a little worried disordering her hair a bit with his hand-if you want to cry…just do it…-he gave support to the girl with those words

-i-I’m not…--but the girl was useless to keep the mourn-i-i-I’m sorry…

-Don’t apologize…-the leader of Infinite returned to the girl the small hits on her back, but giving a feeling of tenderness for the girl to stop her tears




-I could be eating at home now…-Woohyun complained while walking just one block away from the house-…Where could she be?-he asked, looking from side to side-I don’t think she walked too much…-he muttered and stopped at a food store-There she is…-the guy smiled with satisfaction approaching to the girls who was sitting outside the tent-Yah…

-…-The girl was unresponsive, had her face against her legs while listening to music

-What is it…? Yah…you-Woohyun called again getting closer-Yah~ A Pink leader~-he keep walking a little more

-“I should go home…”-the girl thought as she listening that the song was ending

-ChoRong-ah!-the elder call and she looked up-u-uh…-he stood a moment in silence to see the eyes of the girl

-N-N-Nam…-she would talk and remember the state of her face-a-aigo…sorry-she got up quickly and cleaned up the trail of tears on her face with the sleeves of the jacket

-You…shouldn’t go out alone…-the boy said and looked at the bas she was carrying- What did you buy…?

-Things…-she replied-that I wanted…to…give encouragement to the girls…-said this and made the eldest smile mild

-W-We…buy food for all-Woohyun interrupted

-R-Really…?-ChoRong looked surprised

-Ne…-the boy smiled-Let’s eat them…its cold here

-I don’t know…what to say to the girls…when their see…me-she whispered with a somewhat afflicted face

-“We have to give the best of us the next time”-Woohyun told the girl

-…I guess…-the leader of the group looked down

-“And I thank Woohyun for come and search for me, so I’ll give him a candy”-the boy said

-Huh?-she asked with an incredulously looking face

-I had to leave a big bowl of ramen at home…-the boy responded-and search for you~-he said complaining-I deserve a candy~-the singer smiled waiting for a response

-…Really…you didn’t had to get out…and get me…aigo…Ah…again…I’m sorry…-the girl said looking down

-relax a bit…-the boy spoke gently and ruffled her hair-you didn’t get the win today…you were excited, and now are in this mood…you will have more chances…~ not always you have to decline, you have to look up

-seems you know much about…-ChoRong said with a sigh

-I have passed it…-the boy said, giving her a little hit on the shoulder

-hee~…Thanks-the girl let out a smile

-Now that you get a goods mood…I deserve a candy-he said stretched out his arm

-…Aigo…-the girl sighed, laughed and left a candy on his hand

-Yah~! Greedy girl!-he said following her-I did a lot for you…now I have cold, the big Nam Woohyun came and made your mood up~

-And Park ChoRong thanks him, and gives him a candy waiting for he to be quiet for a moment~-the girl turned her face a looked Woohyun

-…Really?-Woohyun asked with and offended face

-Did it work?-the girl asked

-Annyeo~-he denied throwing the candy on his mouth-now I want to talk all the way back home~-he laughed and making the girl laugh too

-For made my mood good…thanks sunbae…-the girl gave him a bag of candies

-Yah, save it for yous girls…and just call me Oppa-she smiled and played with the girl covering her eyes with the jacket cap

-Yah!-ChoRong complained taking off her cap-…Yah! –she exclaimed laughing to see him away from her

-Run or I’ll eat your ramen!-Woohyun joke with her and started running toward the house, after seeing the girl ran


To be Continued...~ 

Yeah...i know how much you hate this -talking about the to be continued- 

Well....Now...i'll going to read Pinkfinite Updates :33 ~ And...keep writing ^^

I WANT COMMENTS .`_´. ~ well...Hope you like it ^^ ♥

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it's been 2 years already *sighs*
Chapter 5: update later... i want to know who is happen next
krizle #3
update soon .. im sorry because i love wooji couple ..
strawburies #4
wae u no update ono
ㅋㅋㅋ they can be in only 1 van? XD that's cool! author-nim, all your pairings here are the one I ship.. and.. I Love You for that! I wish you make a HoMi moments too.. I love those dancers~~! Thanks!!!
pinkie #6
i can't imagine when they're in the van.. how full it is! lol
i thought you're a WooRong shipper since you have a lot of their special part in every chapter kekeke :)
update soon ^^ i'll be waiting for this fic :D
ah and sorry because i never commented :( i just sign up here last week :(
yuichan17 #8
I love woorong moment!!!!
pinkfinite definitely is the cutest!!! ^^
update soon...
I hope that has to do with YeolKyung or DongJoo!<33
Thank you for updating! ;) Can't wait to see what happens next!~
Just-PinkFinite #10