Chapter II


Chapter II

On l’aime, on le hait, et on brûle de l’avoir.
(They love him, they hate him, and they long to possess him.)
The Frogs, line 1425

“Forgive me,” Roseanne kneeled before her bed at night, and whispered, “Dear God, forgive my sinfulness. And bless me now, for the opportunity which I am to receive tomorrow. Let Her Highness’s Peintre Royale discern the sublime in my humble work, which I created to celebrate Thy glory. Please! Je T’implore.”

After a moment of silence, Roseanne quietly stood up. The afternoon before again flashed through her mind, when Jisoo’s blithe, smiling face caught her so defenseless, that in the mere twinkling of an eye Jisoo had intruded her heart, so rude and impudent, in total disregard of how she had suffer since.

Smiling Princess, how lowly was my love for you… How I long to see your smile again, and how I long to possess you.

The next morning Lisa called on Roseanne at her cottage.

“Lady Nomnia,” Roseanne curtsied upon seeing Lisa.

“It’s a fine, little cottage that you have here, Miss Roseanne,” Lisa said as she walked into the passage, “Clearly you are quite meticulous as to its decoration and maintenance.”

Even though her cottage was not large or sumptuous at all, Roseanne had indeed always been careful to keep it nice and clean, and she had decorated it here and there with whatever suited her fancy, and thus created a cozy home for her that was hers only. “Thank you, Your Ladyship,” Roseanne replied shyly.

Lisa looked at Roseanne, and was amused by her amiable bashfulness.

“Now, Lady Corland will join us in a moment,” said Lisa as she walked into the parlor, and noticed Roseanne’s drawings which hung around the room, “but let’s first hear all the stories of these charming drawings that you have up here. They’re magnificent! You truly are an artist of the rarest kind.”

“Your Ladyship is making me blush…”

Lisa smiled at Roseanne’s reddened cheeks, and could not help thinking her uncommonly lovable.

“Call me Lisa from now on,” Lisa said, after adoring Roseanne’s cuteness for a good moment.

“Oh…I daren’t, Your Ladyship.”

“Well,” Lisa gave a sly grin, and a sudden desire to tease Roseanne came to her mind, “you can—and should—call me Lisa, if you marry me.”

Roseanne gaped at Lisa in utter astonishment upon hearing what she said. Her eyes and mouth were wide open, she was absolutely without words, and her entire brain was in a state of complete mess, unable to make sense of Lisa’s shocking request. It was the first time that someone ever proposed to her, yet it was nothing like the romantic, beautiful moment that she had imagined and anticipated so much.

Lisa could not stop giggling at Roseanne’s silly face, finding her cuter than ever, and continued to tease, “Well? What do you say?”

“…Do…Does Your Ladyship realize…” Roseanne was finally collecting herself a bit from the shock, but her entire body was still shaking as she spoke, “…what you are asking of me?”

“Of course I do. I’m asking the honor of your hand in matrimony, Miss Roseanne.”

“Oh, really?” Suddenly a voice came from outside. Instantly Lisa’s expression changed from airy and complacent to stunned and terrified, like a girl caught doing mischief by her father.

The speaker walked through the passage into the parlor, and Roseanne immediately recognized her to be Lady Corland.

“Well, well,” Jennie spoke with clenched teeth and a twisted grin, “Miss Roseanne…your genius is indeed admirable.”

“Oh! I’m sorry, Lady Corland… I’m so terribly sorry…” Seeing Lisa’s petrified state, Roseanne realized how exceedingly inappropriate what had just happened was, and was herself terrified that Jennie would disdain and loathe her and that her chance to recognition would thus vanish.

“I…I was just teasing her, Jennie unnie,” exclaimed Lisa, recovering herself, “I’m certainly not going to marry her.”

“Are you not, indeed?” Jennie glared at Lisa, ”Miss Roseanne, I am sure, would have rejected you right away, had I not intruded upon you, as any lady of delicacy would do to such a frivolous proposal.”

“Uh…umm…yes, Your Ladyship…is quite right…” Roseanne muttered, her cheeks burning like a hot flame.

“You see, Lisa,” Jennie smirked in complacency, “you’d congratulate yourself to marry someone as lovely and as talented as Miss Roseanne. You will never marry her because you are not good enough for her.”

Roseanne’s face became redder and redder, from both Jennie’s apparent compliment and the earlier incident, and she wanted to say something, but knew not how.

“You’re right…Jennie unnie… I’m sorry,” murmured Lisa in dismay. Even though she had had the complete expectation that Roseanne would reject her, she was still hurt hearing Jennie disparage her thus.

Jennie was satisfied by the result of her preliminary punishment for Lisa, and turned toward Roseanne. “I do admire you, Miss Roseanne. Such a pretty cottage, well maintained and beautifully decorated, and this parlor especially, with such a harmonious collection of exquisite drawings around the room. Everything here is a true reflection of your delicate character and refined taste.”

“Oh! Thank you…thank you so much, Your Ladyship,” Roseanne timidly replied, her heart pounding fast at Jennie’s praise.

“Now, Lady Nomnia here—whose character is no doubt familiar to you by now—told me about the grand painting of yours. Would you care to show it to me?”

“Ah…certainly, my lady! I put it in the drawing room. Would Your Ladyship follow me in there?” Roseanne replied, her heart still pulsing heavily, as she walked into the drawing room.

“Be careful,” Jennie glared at Lisa and whispered, before following Roseanne into the drawing room. Lisa was crestfallen from all that had happened, and quietly followed the two.

Jennie was impressed by Roseanne’s oil painting, so much so in fact, that she had declared it worthy of being permanently fixed at Cathédrale de Corland, where Jennie’s L’Enfer was housed, and where Jisoo had been coronated Princess of Hymnia a year before.

“You didn’t name it yet, I heard?” Jennie asked Roseanne.

“No, my lady. I haven’t quite come across a suitable one.”

“I feel the sublime beauty in this work, so much so that one name has been screaming in my mind ever since I saw it.”

“Really, Your Ladyship?”

“Yes. Le Purgatoire.”

“Oh!” Roseanne and Lisa exclaimed at the same time. The two words struck both as so befitting, so accurate, that Roseanne was unsure as to why such an obvious choice never came to her mind, and that Lisa was unsure as to why such an obvious choice never came to Roseanne’s mind.

“I take it that you both concur it should be Le Purgatoire? It’s settled then,” Jennie smiled in satisfaction, “I will discuss with Her Highness about properly fixing your work at Cathédrale.”

“Oh… Thank you, Your Ladyship… Thank you so much…for everything… Thank you…” Roseanne was so relieved by Jennie’s pledge, her body started trembling again, and tears soon filled her eyes.

As if she had foreseen Roseanne’s such reaction, Lisa rolled her eyes, shook her head, and silently mouthed to Jennie, “So sensitive.”

Jennie, on the other hand, did not expect Roseanne to be so easily touched, and for a second did not know what to do. But upon seeing that she was apparently trying hard to hold back the tears and to appear bright, Jennie declared, “Well, Lady Nomnia and I shall leave you be now. Expect Her Highness to send for you soon.” And with a gesture to Lisa, Jennie left the drawing room and exited the cottage through the passage.

“Cheer up now, Rosie,” with a wink Lisa said softly, before following Jennie out of the cottage.

Roseanne’s eyes followed the two ladies, and, seeing them both away, she at last bursted into tears. “Thank you…God, and thank you…Lady Corland…and Lady Nomnia,” she looked up in tears at her oil on canvas Le Purgatoire as she whispered her gratitude, and then sobbed on in the drawing room for half an hour in great joy.

At last…my Princess…I shall see you soon.

“Jennie unnie…don’t be mad at me now… I’ve said I’m sorry,” Lisa looked at Jennie and pouted, as the two walked outside toward their coaches.

Jennie only snorted at Lisa, and did not want to say anything.

“Come on…unnie…” Lisa grabbed Jennie’s arm and pleaded.

“I’ll deal with you later. Right now I got to go to Her Highness’s palace,” Jennie scolded as she stopped at the door of her coach and rid her arm of Lisa’s hands, and then stepped into her coach.

Jennie arrived at Jisoo’s palace, and was ushered to the west drawing room to wait for Jisoo. Then Jisoo was informed that the Marchioness of Corland had arrived, and that Her Highness’s presence was requested.

“Your Highness,” Jennie curtsied as Jisoo entered the drawing room.

What’s up, Jennie?” exclaimed Jisoo as she saw Jennie.

“I discovered a forgotten prodigy painter.”

“Really? More prodigious than you, my Peintre Royale?” Jisoo asked with great interest.

Jennie smiled in pain, unsure how to respond to the question she had been trying to avoid.

“What happened?” Jisoo seemed to realize Jennie’s thought, and so sat down on a couch, ready to hear the details.

Jennie recounted the story.

“So, indeed, in my Principality there is such unrecognized talent,” Jisoo remarked after hearing Jennie’s account, “What a great shame.”

“Your Highness is quite right,” Jennie replied with composure, “which is why I believe Miss Roseanne’s great work Le Purgatoire deserves a permanent place at Cathédrale de Corland, so that it’s at last celebrated equally as, if not more than, my humble work L’Enfer.”

“I trust your judgment, Jennie, but I’d like to see this girl and her work first.”

“Of course, Your Highness. I should think she’s expecting your call at this very moment.”

“Very well. I’ll send for her tomorrow then.”

“Your Highness is wise,” said Jennie as she stood up and curtsied, preparing to leave.

“Jennie,” exclaimed Jisoo when Jennie was making her way to the door.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Jennie stopped her steps and turned back for a moment.

“Don’t be upset.”

Jennie forced a painful smile, and left the drawing room.

The next morning Jisoo’s butler called upon Roseanne to invite her to Jisoo’s palace. “Her Highness is waiting for you at the royal palace, Miss Roseanne. Would you care to follow me to Her Highness’s coach?”

“Oh…” Roseanne replied in a thrill, and followed the order. “Thank you!”

How my heart trembled…the moment I heard that you are waiting for me, my Princess.

In the twenty years of my humble life, at last, riding inside your purple coach, in which you rode with, talked with, and laughed with your Peintre Royale, I shall witness the wonder and the glory that is Your Highness’s royal palace.

My Princess, I shall possess you.

Roseanne alighted from the purple coach at the gate of Jisoo’s palace, and took into view the fine scenery of the royal garden, where some hundreds of square yards of luxuriant shrubs glistened with morning dew. Behind the garden is the grand palace, and, as she walked up to it, immersing herself in the clear, crisp air of early summer, Roseanne felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if she were finally at the place where she belonged. At last she stepped into the palace, and was a little surprised that she was not as nervous as she had always imagined stepping into the royal palace would make her.

“Care to follow me, Miss Roseanne?” Jisoo’s first footman greeted her upon her entry, “Her Highness has been waiting for you in the west drawing room.”

“Thank you!” Roseanne replied in great composure. She was quite contented that she was able to control herself so well in such an intimidating setting. And to think that in just a moment she would see Jisoo, her beguiling visage, and her alluring smile, Roseanne was all thrill and anticipation.

“Miss Roseanne,” announced the first footman with a bow as he entered the drawing room.

“Your Highness,” Roseanne came into the room with a curtsy, and immediately caught sight of Jisoo, who smiled sweetly at the bashful girl before her. For a split second Roseanne’s heart skipped a beat, but at once she noticed the presence of Jennie and Lisa, both sitting across from Jisoo, and with vastly different expressions on their faces: Lisa was grinning cheerfully at her, adoring her cuteness as always, while Jennie was looking intently at her, as if she had many words to say to her, but could not.

“Ah, Lady Corland, Lady Nomnia,” exclaimed Roseanne as she bobbed a curtsy to Jennie and Lisa as well, “I apologize…I didn’t quite know that both Your Ladyships were here as well.”

“Never mind us, Rosie,” Lisa giggled as she spoke, “We’re just here to have fun and watch.”

Jennie glared at Lisa, but did not contradict her.

“Now, Miss Roseanne,” Jisoo opened , still smiling brightly. And, hearing Jisoo speak for the very first time, Roseanne could not help but was instantly mesmerized by the angelic voice that was so softly speaking to her. “Please, be seated. Here, beside me, if you want.” And Jisoo made a gesture to invite Roseanne to sit next to her, across from Jennie and Lisa.

Roseanne was so astonished by Jisoo’s request, and so thrilled at the prospect of being close to Jisoo, that felt astoundingly dry when she opened trying to say something. She could not believe that the beautiful Jisoo, who had tormented her in every single one of her dreams ever since that afternoon when she first caught a glimpse of her smile, was actually sitting in front of her, smiling to her, and asking her to sit next to her. The sudden, unexpected realization of the splendid dream that she had been having dumbfounded her, and she gasped dryly, and involuntarily quivered.

“Rosie is…” Lisa noted the sign that Roseanne was about to break down in tears, “…very sensitive, Your Highness. You’re overwhelming her now.”

“Oh?” Jisoo was a little surprised by Lisa’s words, and decided to help the trembling girl calm down. She stood up, walked to Roseanne, and held onto Roseanne’s arm. “Come on, now,” she whispered, and helped Roseanne walk back to the couch.

Roseanne felt a surge of electric sensation the moment Jisoo gently held onto her and whispered in her ear, and gazed down at Jisoo’s flawless side profile that was with an intent expression, as Jisoo slowly moved herself toward the center of the room. For only a second Jisoo turned her head slightly toward Roseanne’s face, caught her careful, attentive stare, and gave a smile, so pure and untarnished, that at that instant time seemed to have frozen for Roseanne, and everything seemed to have blurred, except the smile of the girl before her, and her heartbeat that was steady and distinct. It was at that instant that Roseanne realized, how helplessly in love she had always been with Jisoo, and how helplessly happy she was when Jisoo held her arm and walked quietly with her in that way. Immediately afterward she was frightened, and recalled the promise she had made to the spirit, that she would never love anyone, and that the moment that she loved anyone would spell her demise.

Oh, how foolish was I not to realize the ardent, fiery power of love…

But…I must be strong…and not forget why I chose this path.

Jisoo sat her down beside herself, and noticed Roseanne’s expression that had greatly changed. “Something wrong?” Jisoo asked concernedly.

“Oh, no, Your Highness…” with great pain Roseanne reminded herself that she should control herself, “It’s just that…meeting Your Highness is such a great honor of mine.”

“That’s all right,” Jisoo smiled, and with both her hands held onto Roseanne’s hands, “Don’t think too much about it.”

“Thank you, Your Highness…” replied Roseanne timidly, and, feeling Jisoo’s warm and smooth palms and seeing her smile, bright and sweet as always, she returned a sincere smile at Jisoo.

Thank you, sincerely, Jisoo unnie…for your warmth and kindness.

“Now, let’s see that oil painting of yours, Le Purgatoire.”

The painting was brought into the drawing room, and Jisoo was, like Jennie, immediately possessed by the sublime feeling that emanated from the painting.

“It’s simply marvelous! I agree with Jennie that it should be housed at Cathédrale. And it will be,” Jisoo pledged upon examining the painting for a moment, and then turned toward Roseanne, “And you, Miss Roseanne, with such talent that is so far unrecognized, should deserve a position at my court. I do have a dukedom vacant. Do you fancy a duchy of your own, Miss Roseanne?”

Roseanne, Jennie, and Lisa all stared at Jisoo in stunned disbelief, upon hearing her magnanimous offer of an entire dukedom to Roseanne. Jennie especially was struggling to believe what she just heard.

“Is Your Highness serious!” Roseanne jumped up in extreme excitation, and was ready to faint at any moment.

“I am, indeed,” Jisoo smiled after scanning each of the three girls’ expression, “But before I create you a duchess, I’d like to see your talent in action—You’ll paint me something first.”

“Oh! Of course, Your Highness! I’ll readily paint anything Your Highness wishes!” Roseanne’s voice trembled with thrill, and tears filled her eyes again.

“Good,” Jisoo grinned as an idea formed in her head, “You’ll paint a portrait of me. And if you do a fine job, I’ll create you Duchess of Lacuria.”


I added chaelisa as another ship because I realized there’s so much potential between the two characters I was writing, and it’d be a pity if nothing happened. So I made Lisa propose to Roseanne on their second meeting, ha

I also made it so that Jennie and Rosé are relatively formal in their speech, while Lisa and Jisoo are quite informal when speaking. I think this fits their characters well? Maybe haha

Anyway, I have a very good jenlisa scene planned for the next chapter (as Jennie punishes Lisa for proposing to Rosé ha). So stay tuned ;)

Thanks for reading!

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: This is lovely. Can't wait for more
Chapter 3: I am anticipating the Chaelisa vs ChaeSoo.
I hope your update.......I love your story!!!
Chapter 3: You're such a tease haha! But seriously, I loved all that between the characters here, that push and pull. It's exactly my type of romance. Both Jenlisa and Chaesoo moments were hot and really well written. I can't wait for more! (And did I mention already that jealous Jennie is my weakness? xD) By the way, I love the way you write your dialogues :D Even though the words and syntax are stylized to sound a bit more historical and royal, you can still hear in it the distinct voices of our Blackpink girls. And I don't think your dialogues are obscure, I understand them perfectly ;)
IntelligentYou #4
I absolutely love the way you've written this story <3

I thnk Rosé won't be able to resist Jisoo for long but she has to do or everything will come crashing down.

What a predicament </3
jgailslgd #5
Chapter 3: now i like to see more of unnies bullying the maknaes
Chapter 2: That’s a very interesting story, I love it :D It has an unique plot and your writing style gives it a very distinct historical mood. And it's a Chaesoo story which makes it even better. I've been waiting for a good fanfic with those two as the main focus c: I'm curious about how their relationship will develop. And of course, I have to mention my otp, I like jealous Jennie and I wonder what kind of punishment she has prepared for Lisa ;)
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 2: Gosh can't wait for that Jenlisa scene >_<
PinkPandas07 #8
Chapter 1: “you sever the feeling, as quickly as the meteor disappears into the night sky.” But what does this mean from the 1st chapter?
PinkPandas07 #9
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next update!! Hope Rose can obtain her love for Jisoo >.<