You are joking me, right??



And eventually it becomes Hyesung's habit to use SNS every midnight

He talked how his whole day was to Mr.Moon

He talked how bossy his superior is

He talked about how the annoying customers he countered at his part time job

He talked how lonely and stressed his life is

He talked how happy he is now because he gets new friend to talk about his days and his life

 Mr .Moon always listens carefully to Hyesung and gives advices

"Hey,Mr.Moon! Now we are friends! What's your name?? And what's your job?? My name is Hyesung!! Shin Hyesung ^^ "

"My name was Eric and no,I don't have job, how can a ghost have job?"

" Ahhhh!! This mikkulaji!! I told you to stop joking about telling me you are ghost!! You know how much I scared of ghosts and what's with My name Was?? It should be my name IS"

No reply came for about minutes and then

" you.........scared of me??"

"Of cause no!!! I said I'm scared of ghosts!! That's why I'm telling you to stop playing pranks to me!"

No words came from Eric

" Eric?? You there??" 

"Ummmm...go and sleep Hyesung-ah! And stop drinking coffee before you drink coffee so much Hyesung ah..that's not good for your health...and switch on the light when you use's not good for your eyes "

All Hyesung's movements stopped once he saw the message 

And eventually he let go of the coffee mug he was holding and turned around to look his dark room with no single light switched on

" How you know I'm drinking coffee?? How you know I switched off the lights?? "

" Go to sleep Hyesung-ah!! It's late " and his chat turned offline

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ellieg4453 #1
Chapter 5: It was so cute I'm happy they were able to meet in the end!! <3
Chapter 6: It was cute. I have been hiding too. Happy for him, but it hurts so much so see such happiness when it is missing in your own life
missstery #3
Chapter 6: An interesting and good fic. Thanks for the update, I think I should thank Eric's wedding, because that's why you finished this so fast, and it's very good. I never imagined that something like this happen, I thought he was playing with him and I do not think that is immature not wanting to hear the news. Only that everyone is different for accept the news and facts, everyone need a different time
Vee_RS #4
Chapter 6: Ahhaah.. It's unbelievable that hyesung don't scare of Eric.. And Eric always sweet.. I want to pinch those chubby cheeks. Hehhe
Thanks for your story authornim.. Love it
liyana6196 #5
Fighting dear!!! this is great fic^^