
+Black Rose+


Something for you guys! 


Hebe unbuckled her seatbelt as soon as the car stopped right in the parking space, with Danson eventually shutting the engine down. Before his sister left, he turned to her and reminded her of some things.

"Young lady, if you're not going to go home with me, leave me a message, okay? Be sure you leave some battery on your phone."

Hearing her brother, Hebe rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Alright already." she then stepped out of the car and shut the door, waving at the tinted window of the car, saying good bye to her brother. With that, she left.

Class has begun, and the students remained as stern as ever, while boringly writing on their notebooks. Gui happily listened to the teacher, with her feet swaying, her chin on her hand. Aaron often fixed his glasses on and attentively listened too the professor, while Hebe glanced towards Aaron from time to time... and Jiro.. was absent.

His sight and hearing was focused towards the professor who kept explaining and elaborating important remainders. But he couldn't ignore the fact that he could see Hebe glancing towards him from time to time through his peripherals. Noticing this, he pursed his lips and brought his eyes down towards his notes, but didn't return the glares that Hebe gave him. He just held his pen and wrote the notes.


"Say Aaaahhh!" Gui happily took the piece of shrimp in between her chopsticks and turned to Aaron with a huge smile on her face. Aaron slightly smiled, obediently opening his mouth and eating the shrimp. "Hm! It's good, huh? I learned that recipe through the internet." she added as she turned towards her lunch box once again.

Aaron looked around the cafeteria. It was kind of crowded... and there were only limited available seats. He sighed before he turned back to his ramen and mixed it with his chopsticks. A few seconds later, one of Gui's friends called her over and Gui then excused herself. Aaron watched Gui's back as she walked towards her friends' table. After assuring that she was already with the group, he turned back towards his ramen. He took a spoonful of soup, but he paused when he realized that someone was standing infront of their table. He pursed his lips, and brought his spoon down and turned to the side.

"What is it?" he asked.

Holding her food tray, Hebe bit her lowerlip. She felt that Aaron wasn't interested to talk with her seeing that kind of attitude. Seeing that there was an empty seat infront of him, Hebe cleared and asked if she could join.

Both quietly ate, and the silence lasted for about five minutes before Hebe took courage to break it.

"I just..." Hebe paused, holding her chopsticks a bit tighter. "..want to apologize."

Heaing her statement, Aaron shifted his attention towards his classmate infront of him.


"I didn't know that... Black Rose was that important to you." she added.

Aaron shifted his eyes to the side for a few seconds, and continued to mix his noodles. He remained silent, waiting for Hebe to go on.

"I'm sorry." her voice broke.

"Jiro told you that?" Aaron's question. Hearing him, Hebe bit her lip and nodded reluctantly.

"We have our own sense of justice. It's not our fault that we just decided to keep holding on to our belief. It's just that ours has a different point... that's why you don't probably see what I see, and know what I know. There's nothing wrong with that." he explained, eyeing the empty ramen bowl infront of him. "That's why, we won't probably get along with each other, but forget about it. You did nothing wrong." he shifted his eyes towards her while his feet got ready to stand up. "If you would excuse me." his last words as he left, carrying the food tray which contained empty bowls and glasses. With a worried expression on her face, Hebe just watched as her classmate left. After a few seconds, she turnedd back to her untouched lunch, and began to eat.

After a few, Gui finally went back to their table, and she was rather startled to see Hebe.

"Hebe? What are you doing here?" she asked, looking around the cafeteria. "Where's Aaron?"

"He went somewhere." she replied.

"He didn't even wait for me." Gui sighed while she got her bags and ran off to find him.


It left a loud, clanging noise as the detective squad brought the rusty metal door of the warehouse down to the dust. The leader of the group shifted his flashlight towards the bloody center of the room where he found the corpse of their missing suspect... Yi Cheng. He was still chained on that bloody wooden table with the knife stabbed on his neck... with a black rose atop of his chest.

"Release the body and assess the area." he ordered as he walked forward and examined the room, while his other colleagues busied themselves with the body and the evidences that they could possibly find. The officer ran his hands through the wooden wall, knocking every corner. Sure, it was solid, but he had to make sure. He walked around the area, finding for a flaw... which he eventually did. A certain part of the wall sounded like there was something behind it. He turned his eyes to the ground to find a hatch, which he pushed with his foot.

There, the passage opened, revealing a dark room. 
He wasn't sure what was inside, and he couldn't see anything. 
All he knew, that it reeked with the smell of blood when he took the first step inside that new room he discovered.

He coughed, slightly suffocated by the foul smell while his hand searched the wall for a switch. 
He eventually found one, which shocked him as he turned it on.

Different kinds of torture devices were inside the room. 
Frightening and deadly devices were all inside, with dried blood still smudged on them.

His jaw just dropped as he went further in.

But he grew more shocked, along with disbelief as he reached a certain part of the room, where he saw four black motor bikes. They don't have any plate numbers, only names. One was Black Rose, the other was Midnight Blade, and the other two was Night Flower, and the last one was... the Bloody Nightmare. He immediately took his phone out and dialled his captain, Detective Tian.

Upon hearing his phone ring, the busy man answered it immediately in his office.


"Detective... this is bad." he started, his voice shaking.

"What is?"

"There isn't just one.. there are four of them."

Hearing his lieutenant's statement made him stand up from his leather office chair.

"WHat did you say?"

"Lieutenant, I-" he dropped his phone. The officer gasped when the door that he opened suddenly shut closed, and he was still inside. He immediately ran past those torture devices and tried to open the door, but it was locked from within. He tried calling for help, but no one could hear him. All his colleagues were mercilessly killed... by someone. The officer just kept banging the door to pry it open, but he was unfortunately unsuccessful.

Then and there, the lights went off. The officer nervously shifted his eyes to the side, because he can hear footsteps.

"Who's there?" he stammered, as his heart beat went really fast, and his sweat was dripping down his forehead. He let out a scream, because he was unable to defend himself in the dark when a needle pierced through the side of his neck, eventually putting him to sleep.


N minutes has passed when the officer went back to his senses. 
Unfortunately, he was already tied up to a chair, and there seemed to be a long piece of wood attached in the middle of the chair's legs. At the tip of it where three slots, two above,and one below, like the holes of a bowling ball.

Of course, he thought of struggling, but he can't free himself. 
He was tied and chained tightly on where he was seated.

"Hello, lieutenant."

The officer shifted his head towards the person who was completely dressed in black. Same as how they described Black Rose.

"What do you want?!" he asked.

"Oh, lieutenant. I'm not the one who wants something from you. It's you who needs something from me." the man replied, dragging a chair towards the seated officer.

"Even if I die, my team will uncover your identity... and we will finally put an end to this hole."

The helmeted man couldn't help but hysterically laugh when he heard the officer warn him.

"Oh, your warnings are all scary, but when you were talking about your team, are they the bunch of guys surrounding Mr. Yi Chen's body... that I all killed?"


"You're an intelligent detective, lieutenant... but you have to know that I don't like it when you guys tresspass." he added, ping his leather jacket down and opening it for the officer to see. There were numerous slots attached inside where a lot of knives were kept... all kinds of sizes... and all kinds of blades. "Sorry to tell you that Black Rose is not here today. For now, I'll be entertaining you. Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Midnight Blade." he gave a few chuckles. "It's obvious with my collection as you can see.."

He then took three of his longest knives and attached them to those three slots while he talked about some sort of things with the lieutenant.

"Since you got this far... I'll let you see my face as a reward." Midnight Blade started, his gloved hands closing his jacket, eventually taking his helmet off. The officer's eyes widened when he saw a smirk across the man's face. He was just a young man. Midnight Blade shifted his attention towards a wooden pole that had some metal hatch attached to it which can be adjusted. He pulled the pole to the lieutenant's side and attached a samurai on it, leveling the blade just beside the detective's ear.

"Any last words detective?" Midnight Blade asked. "I can't be careless when you've already seen my face and heard my voice."

"You won't do it. You're a young man. You have another chance to start a new life."

Midnight Blade reached inside his pocket and got a remote control with a single button poking out of it.

"This is my new life."

His last words before he pushed the button, making the long piece of wood quickly shoot up, the three blades exactly piercing through the officer's eyes and mouth, while the samurai pierced through his ears, breaking through and passing through his skull. A few bits of blood were splashed against his black leather jacket which he just wiped away with his gloves.

"Maybe I'll let Black Rose take care of this body." he thought out a loud as he spotted the lieutenant's phone on the ground and picked it up. The call was cut off, but he went through the call log to find out who was the last person that the lieutenant called before his bloody demise. It was the head detective.

He breathed out a smirk before he threw the phone towards the ground and crushed it with his foot.

"Detective Tian, huh?"

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grace_leeu #3
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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If you would like unbiased critiquing and a good and detailed review, please visit Musical Sweets at:<br />
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Hope to see you there! <br />
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Lots of love,<br />
Musical Sweets
Hey happiness!!! Glad to see you here! I don't know if I'll update these stories as often as I do in winglin, but I'll see what I can do XDDD
Happiness #5
HELLLLOOOO! I'll either comment here or winglin! But then, I really love this story of yours! Mysterious but cool much! :) Love bebu! :D