Chapter 3


Chapter 3

Woojin POV

Saying that Hyeongseob and I were just close, was an understatement. Once we became friends, we stuck with each other and we never left each others side. Every rest day we had we spent together, sometimes we just rested, sometimes we went to the mall, it didn't matter where we went we just loved spending time with one another. I sat there thinking back to those days, when we were so carefree without a single worry about anything.

Third person POV


'Okay you all have a free day tomorrow, you can go and do what you want, just be back by curfew time.' One of the writers shouted when all the 60 boys were eating and in a second Hyeongseob was next to Woojin, 'Woojin! Teach me how to cook tomorrow!' He stared at Hyeongseob, 'You want me to teach you how to cook in a day? Hyeongseob I think it'll take me more than a year to teach you how to cook.'

In return Hyeongseob gasped hitting him, 'You're horrible. Just teach me how to cook something simple you moron like noodles.' Again Woojin stared at him, 'You can't cook noodles?' 'I'm pretty sure hyung can't cook anything.' He jumped when Euiwoong suddenly appeared next to him, 'Where the hell did you come from?'

'I was just standing behind you and I overheard the conversation so I came over to fill you in, but yes, hyung can't cook anything, in fact none of us Yuehua boys can, so you should teach hyung something so we won't starve to death in our dorm when we go back.' He smiled before walking off. Woojin looked at Hyeongseob's expectant face before pretending he was thinking about it, 'Hm I don't know I might have something on tomorrow.' Hyeongseob immediately glared at him, 'What could be more important than spending time with you best friend?'

Woojin sighed, 'Fine, I'll teach you how to cook but please, please don't make a mess or we're both going to get into trouble.' Hyeongseob's face lit up again, and he jumped onto Woojin, hugging him like a koala. 'You're the best best friend ever, see you tomorrow!' And ran off. An arm was thrown over Woojin's shoulder and it was none other than Lee Daehwi's.

'So tomorrow you're spending time with Hyeongseob? Did you forget you have to go meet Rhymer hyung tomorrow?' Woojin's eyes widened before he turned to look at Daehwi, 'Oh my god I forgot! How am I going to explain to him that I can't make it? I'm so dead.' Daehwi stared at him, 'Just tell him you can't meet him cos we need to go meet Rhymer hyung.'

Woojin stopped pacing around and running his hands through his hair in frustration to look at Daehwi, 'I meant how am I going to tell Rhymer hyung I can't make it, I'm not going to miss hanging out with Hyeongseob just to go for a meeting.' Daehwi's jaw dropped and he rolled his eyes, muttering to himself, 'God you're so whipped, I see where your priorities lie now.'

He stretched out a hand to stop Woojin from pacing around again, 'I'll just tell him you're practicing a difficult choreography and that you can't make it.' Woojin pulled him into a hug, 'You're the best dongsaeng ever, thanks! I'll see you guys on Friday!'


'Hyeongseob when I said I would see you tomorrow, I didn't think you meant 5am.' Woojin groaned when Hyeongseob jumped on top of him at 5 in the morning, waking him up. He contemplated if he should've pushed Hyeongseob off him.

He should've.

But he didn't and he woke up to nearly 15 people staring at him, all holding their phones. 'Ah and the younger of the cutest couple here just woke up.' Daehwi's loud voice was the first thing he heard. 'What are you talking about, why's there so many people here?' Right then he felt someone next to him move and his eyes snapped opened, turning to look at who was next to him.

And of course it was Hyeongseob, his arms were wrapped around Woojin's waist and Woojin's own arm was wrapped around Hyeongseob's upper body. 'That's why we're all here hyung.' Daehwi pointed to them. Woojin picked up a pillow lying on the floor and threw it at them, not caring about who it hit. 'Get lost and let us sleep in peace it's too early in the morning for this .'

They all started squealing like teenage girls at a sleepover, Jihoon slapped Jinyoung's arm, 'That was the cutest thing ever he just said "us", are they together already?'

'I'm pretty sure we would've seen Hyeongseob hyung telling everyone if they already got together so no I don't think so.'

'Maybe Woojin told him not to tell us? Since he's always hiding everything from us anyway.'

Hyeongseob sat up, rubbing his eyes, 'Why's it so noisy here?' Woojin opened his eyes again to look at him, 'Just go back to sleep I'll chase them out.' He nodded sleepily before falling back asleep. 'Guys can you all please just get out I want to sleep and clearly Hyeongseob just wants to just sleep too.'

'Wow look at Woojin being protective of Hyeongseob, fine we'll leave you alone, but just to let you know, it's already 3pm.' Seongwoo hyung whispered before leaving and closing the door behind him. Finally there was peace and quiet, and Woojin too went back to sleep, forgetting that he was supposed to be teaching Hyeongseob to cook.

Again he didn't know if it was because he was so out of it or if he just didn't care, that he didn't push Hyeongseob off his bed. But he should've.

The next thing he knew he woke up only to find someone's hair in his face, and that someone was Hyeongseob. He was backhugging Hyeongseob and their legs were tangled together. How they even managed to get into that position was beyond Woojin's capacity of thinking at that moment.

He felt someone poke his back and he turned around and came face to face with Daehwi, he reeled back and hit Hyeongseob's back, 'Oh sorry Hyeongseob.' Fortunately he was still in a deep sleep. 'Hyung, it's already 7pm are you two gonna get up and have dinner? We're all going to that restaurant near by, meet Sam and I outside in an hour if you want to go.' He stood up, getting ready to walk out, 'Oh and ask Hyeongseob hyung too.'

Woojin groaned, he seriously wanted to continue sleeping but Hyeongseob might be starving since he too hadn't eaten since the day before. 'Hyeongseob, wake up do you want to go out with the rest and eat?' The said boy stretched and turned around to face Woojin and with his eyes still closed he reached out and pulled Woojin back down on the bed and wrapped his arms around him.

'No, cook for me.' He mumbled into Woojin's chest. Woojin sighed, at least he didn't have to leave the dorms. 'Well can you at least get up and come with me, I'm not going by myself.' He tried to wriggle out of Hyeongseob's hold but was pulled back. 'Carry me.' He sighed again and turned around, 'Get on.'

Why he did this for Hyeongseob was something even he couldn't answer, maybe he just had a soft spot for him, with a face like that who wouldn't have a soft spot for him. He piggybacked Hyeongseob to the shared kitchen in the dorm and set him down on a chair at the table, before making his way to cook, surprisingly both of their favourite meal, pork cutlet and spicy noodles.

Minutes later Daehwi bounded into the kitchen shouting, 'What's that smell it's fantastic.' To which he got hit over the head by Woojin, 'Shush Hyeongseob's still sleeping.' Daehwi rolled his eyes, 'I take it you guys aren't coming for dinner with us then?' Woojin shook his head, praying Daehwi would be satisfied with his answer and leave quickly so he could cook in peace.

'Wanna cook for me too hyung?' He looked at Woojin with puppy eyes, 'No, and those puppy eyes are not going to work on me Daehwi, you should know that, you've been living with me for more than a year.' Daehwi huffed and glared at him, 'Then why do you cave in when Hyeongseob does it?' Woojin hit him lightly again, 'Firstly it's Hyeongseob hyung to you, and secondly I don't, it just depends on the situation.'

'Bull.' A new voice said from the doorway, belonging to the one and only, Park Jihoon. 'You'd do everything for Hyeongseob even if he doesn't use puppy eyes, all he has to do is glance your way and you'd say yes without knowing what it is.' He rolled his eyes, he knew his own feelings better than they knew them, and he was not "whipped" or whatever, for Hyeongseob, he was doing it because Hyeongseob was his best friend.

'That's not true and you know it, now please get out I want to cook in peace, go for your dinner you don't want to be late and keep Samuel and Jinyoung waiting.' They continued standing there looking at Woojin so he pushed them out, 'Leave.' He finally had some peace and quiet, quickly cooking the food and bringing it to the table. 'Hyeongseob, Ahn Hyeongseob, wake up or I'm going to eat everything.'

He poked Hyeongseob's arm and Hyeongseob's head shot up, 'Over my dead body Park Woojin.' He chuckled, 'Knew that would wake you up.' He sat back down and they finished their dinner in silence. Woojin washed up the dishes, not noticing Hyeongseob fidgeting by the doorway. He absentmindedly continued washing the dishes when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, he froze, 'Woojinie I'm sorry I fell asleep today. I was just so tired especially because I woke up so early in the morning.'

Woojin chuckled, continuing to wash the dishes, 'Nah it's fine, I was dead tired too. I'll teach you to cook another day then.' Hyeongseob rested his chin on Woojin's shoulder, 'Nah, I'm fine with you just cooking for me, I'm too lazy to learn and like you said, it'll probably take you years to teach me to cook.' He smiled cheekily at Woojin who rolled his eyes.

'Since when did I become your maid?' He walked away from the sink, back towards their dorm room, with Hyeongseob now on his back. 'Hey I never said you were my maid, it's just that your cooking is just way better that what I'd be able to do!' Woojin dropped Hyeongseob on his own bed before sitting down. 'Yeah but still, if I'm not there are you just going to starve to death or continue eating junk food?'

He started at Hyeongseob thinking, 'You're right, okay next time we have a rest day you're teaching me how to cook, and I won't wake you up at 5 again.' His arms naturally found it's way around Woojin's waist again, it was a normal thing for them, none of them questioned it. Woojin wrapped his arm around Hyeongseob's shoulder and they started talking about the performances, their favourite shows, their closest friends other than each other, anything and everything.

When they were together there was no such thing as awkward silences. Soon enough both of them fell asleep, still in the same position. The other trainees barged into the dorm and Daehwi shushed them, 'Where's Hyeongseob hyung and Woojin hyung?' The rest of them started hunting them out. Euiwoong ran out of the shared room between the 'Get Ugly' group members, 'Guys they're here quick come and see, and don't make noise.'

In less than a minute 30 over trainees were cramped in a room looking at them. Youngmin suddenly spoke up, 'Wait why are we watching them? This is weird, let them sleep, we should get out. Daehwi take a picture of this though, we can't let this beautiful precious moment be left uncaptured.' He shooed everyone out of the room, leaving Hyeongseob and Woojin to sleep.

The topic of Woojin and Hyeongseob wouldn't be dropped so easily, and it was the only thing the trainees talked about the next two weeks, of course only when they weren't in the room. Once any of the two walked in, the whole room would quieten down and everyone's attention would be on him, whether it was Woojin or Hyeongseob. And if they walked in together, everyone stared at them.

They continued that routine until of course one day he couldn't keep his curiosity to himself and blurted out, 'Are you guys dating?' The "he" being none other Lee Daehwi, the nosiest person in the whole of Produce 101, the whole room quietened down and everyones attention was on them. Woojin nearly choked on the water he was drinking and Hyeongseob sat up looking at him worriedly, hitting his back. 'Are you alright?'

Woojin nodded back in response, coughing before he turned back to look at Daehwi, 'What made you think that?' Daehwi gestured between them, 'Did you see the way you guys were sitting? Hyeongseob hyung was lying down on your lap, even Samuel and I don't do that and we're dating.'

With that one statement, it triggered the others to start reasoning out why they thought the two were dating.

'Yeah you guys sleep together- not in that way- and Daniel and I are dating, we don't do that at all, and you don't see Eunki, Jungjung, Euiwoong, Justin, or even Jinyoung and Jihoon doing that and all of them have been dating for the longest time.

'Yeah and people who are just "best friends" don't go around backhugging each other.'

'Or worrying about every tiny thing that happens to the other person.'

'Or looking at each other with so much love in each others eyes.'

Both of them turned to stare at each other before looking back at the rest, 'That's bull.' 'We're just very close, that's all, Daehwi you do that with Donghyun hyung and Youngmin hyung all the time.' Woojin continued, pointing a accusing finger at him. Daehwi looked back at him, exasperated, 'They're like family to me of course that's what I'd do.'

'Yeah well what if Hyeongseob's just like family to me?' Daehwi scrunched up his nose, 'No hyung that's weird. You know what, since you two are so dense I'm just going to drop this topic, Sam let's go.' Daehwi pulled Samuel out of the room and one by one all of them followed, going to their own dorms to sleep.

In the end only Hyeongseob and Woojin were left. Hyeongseob still lying down with his head in Woojin's lap. Woojin was running his hand through Hyeongseob's hair, 'Do best friend's really not do that?' Hyeongseob shrugged, 'I don't know, I've never had a best friend before.' Woojin's eyes widened and he stared at Hyeongseob, 'You've never had a best friend before?'

The older boy shook his head, turning to stare at the ceiling, 'Everyone found me weird, maybe I was just too noisy or too open or they just didn't like me.' Woojin stared at him, 'No Hyeongseob, don't listen to them, you're not weird or noisy or too open, you're being yourself, and if they can't see that that's their loss. They lost a chance at making a great best friend like you.'

Hyeongseob looked up at him and they locked eyes, Woojin ignored the way his heart started speeding up, he ignored the way he could feel Hyeongseob's heart speeding up too. It was just probably because of what he said. Yeah. He also ignored the fact that he knew Hyeongseob was staring at his lips, mirroring himself staring at Hyeongseob's lips. They were just best friends, best friends did that sometimes.



hyeongseob is such a soft child who I love so much, I hope everyone loves him also I hope ymc lets us know if wanna one are alive (-: do leave comments so I can improve!!

twitter -> @ultswoojin ♡

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sophea_elyssa #1
Chapter 4: omg ur story is really the best !!! i guess that u can do another flashback of jinseob but plz dont make them being apart from each other. i cant handle that :( jinseob is literally the couple that i ship the most in produce 101 :)
Chapter 4: Too sweet for my weak heart omg... That's so beautiful T.T When i was reading story im like making weird sounds, doing fangirling thinks and too much giggling. Im sure that around the people of me think that im crazy or something like that. Just realized how much i missed jinseob... Thank you author-nim for this heart trembling story i hope you would continue anyway, agh i think im gonna cry lmfao.

And the flashbacks.. They're the best *thumbs up*
Chapter 4: maybe you could reduce the flashbacks (since we already know jinseob is head over heels for each other lmao) but dont completely stop them maybe for important parts that could helps explaining the current story? or if you already drafted all the flashbacks maybe you could save it for the side story as a fanservices muehehe but either way i'm not complaining with the flashbacks tho i'm enjoying the jinseob moments, just giving some thoughts if you unsure what to do ^^
Chapter 4: Aww, thank you for a verylong chapter!!! ♡♡ I hope Hyungseob would clarify to woojin, he likes him, too :(. Can we like uh, move on but someone of the two would reminisce about the things they did tgt before (or is that confusing?) Jkjk, i'm fine with a flashback!! ^^
tweetamz02 #5
Chapter 3: YAAAA JINSEOB fic!!! Ty for this jinseob ;; I was worried i wouldnt find any fic of this pairing anymore since hyungseob didnt make it so im so happy when i saw that u updated this ^^ Pls continue writing this!! <3 Fighting author nim!!
Chapter 3: Guess who has reread this already like 100 times?
Yes, me
I love the way Woojin takes care of Hyeongseob and even skips meeting his ceo to spend some time with him, like omg can he become even cuter? No, I do not think so
You just updated but I cannot wait for the next chapter! You did such a great job, your writting style is a dream and I am whipped for it!
Chapter 3: JUST KISS ALREADY GDI. Thank God they already realized their feelings or I might've slapped them both.
Chapter 2: I am so WHIPPED for this story
*Has been rereading it almost 10 times*
I really hope you can update soon because I need the next chapter so badly!!
idkhahahahalol #9
this was so good!! i was looking for more jinseob and i finally found some :) thks for this and fighting!
Chapter 1: Gagehajskdkslsledlsl I'm so sad this ship won't be happening anymore bc hyungseob didn't make it