Chapter Sixteen


chapter sixteen


Jin had the target in cuffs and shoved him in his car.  "Nami!" The girls rushed to their leader when Nami walks out from the hotel; all of them look at her with concern. "Unni, you're hurt" Bomi said handing her a handkerchief, 

"Nami, hurry and go back. The police is on their way." Jin ordered his sister, Nami just nodded. She was too exhausted to argue and since she knew the girls deserves the break they need. "Alright girls, lets go back" Rayna said giving the younger members a slight push as they walk back to their cars. Chaeyeon was still quiet, walking with her head down. Nami glanced at her as she daps the blood on her forehead. "Hey, you alright?" Chaeyeon nodded slightly, but Nami wasn't convinced. "You know still have the girls....." Chaeyeon look up at Nami, surprised by what she said. "Oh no...i mean, i know. But he hurt you.." Nami was more surprised to see how flustered Chaeyeon was, she never seen her and Nami couldn't help but chuckled. "You mean this? this is nothing. It's just a scratch, nothing serious" Chaeyeon smiled slightly.

"Unni!!! hurry up!" Nami and Chaeyeon was surprised to see Bomi by Nami's Porsche, excitedly waving to them. "Yah! who said you can ride with Nami?" Rin shouted from one of the gang's car. Nami and Chaeyeon couldn't help but laugh at the two. "Bomi and Chaeyeon can come with me, see you girls back at the house" Nami said as she unlocks her car and Bomi excitedly get in the back.

"Congratulations to RLSS on solving their first case and successfully capturing The Blue Dragon!" Raven announced as she raise her soju glass up high and everyone clinked their glasses. "I'm so glad Jin and Namjoon decided to him to prison" Raven said as she took a sip of her tea. Everyone gathered at Nami's house to celebrate and Rayna, suggested that alcohol was the best way to celebrate; but according to everyone, Rayna and alcohol rarely separate. "Even though hyung is not here to join us, we can rest peacefully tonight thinking that bastard will no longer escape" Yoongi exclaimed excitedly, evidently drunk. "that'll be nice for some of must be nice to be so gullible huh?" Elle mumbled, making the boys confused. "Unni!! i think you drank too much! haha!" Rin who was unexpectedly cheerful, trying to distract everyone. Almost all of them already half drunk, except for Rayna; Nami scolded her gang for almost serving Bomi and Raven soju. "Noona, you've drank almost 7 glasses come you're not drunk at all?" Jungkook boldly asked Nami and she couldn't help but smirk at how he addressed her, she was sort of amused. "yeah, how come? maybe you need to drink more" Jimin said pouring another sloppily into her glass. "Yah, what are you doing? i'm your partner, pour me some" Elle said pulling Jimin by the back of his collar, Nami watch them in amusement. Elle rarely gets drunk, like Rayna, she is good at handling her alcohol; but maybe 7 glasses of Soju was too much. "Unni....i feel sick" Raven whined as she leaned agaisn't Rayna who was hugged by both Raven and Bomi, with an expression that is obviously tells that she's done with the younger member's drunken habits; while Taehyung and Hoseok passes out on the floor. Then Nami notices that Chaeyeon is nowhere to be found except her two empty glasses next to Elle.

Nami walk out to the inner courtyard to find Chaeyeon on her phone, she look like she was arguing with someone but she hung up as soon as she notice Nami approaching. Nami tried her best to look normal and act as if she didn't notice she saw her on the phone. "Oh Nami ah....what are you doing out here?" Nami offered her a plain water she got from the kitchen on her way. "Oh thanks..." Chaeyeon took a sip as Nami breathes in the fresh air. "Are you going to be okay?" Chaeyeon asked, which made Nami laugh abit since she was worried about her and not the other way around. "You drank alot...i never seen you drink that much" Chaeyeon added as they both took a seat on the wooden bench. "you know, my mother used to train me to drink and sometimes it was poisoned...she wanted me to be some sort of a ninja" Chaeyeon was shocked, for a lot of reasons; it was the first time Nami told her about her childhood and what's more, it was not something Chaeyeon nor anyone would've imagine. "i drank so much that i got used to it...even the poison" Nami said laughing as if she just told the most funniest joke ever, but Chaeyeon noticed that there was something in her eyes that she kept glancing away from Chaeyeon. "Well...make sure to drink lots so you won't get too hungover in the morning" Nami says, still avoiding eye contact; but she was forcing a smile. Chaeyeon just nodded and what Nami had told her, made her realize something; she wasn't alone. 

The next morning was extremely peace and quiet; too quiet until Raven came running and slam Chayeon's and Rin's room, who were still wrapped in their futon due to hungover. "unni! have you seen Nami,Elle and Rayna unni?"Raven asked in such urgency, Rin grunted and pulled her sheets above her head while Chaeyeon shook her head 'no'. "What's going on?" Chaeyeon asked when she sees Bomi walks in rubbing her eyes; "Nami and Rayna is one is at home" Bomi answered with a big yawn. "what do you mean?" Rin sat up suddenly, surprising Chaeyeon who was making the bed. "uh...well i saw them at dawn when i was about to go to the bathroom..i saw Nami with others going somewhere with multiple cars" Bomi said stretching her arm upright, something in Rin's face as if she figured something. Just as she was about to say something there was a loud crashing noise followed by Raven's scream from the outside that made the girls completely awake. "unni!!" they heard Raven shouted, the three girls stood up and scurry over to the main entrance. They were shock to see Nami barely concious with her brother Rayna supporting her, she was bleeding from her waist. The girls was shock,but the look on Kunishiro's and Nami's gang was neutral, as if it was a daily occurance. "Elle, fill in the girls" Rayna ordered, Elle who was walking behind them was drenched in sweat and blood. "What happened?!" Bomi yelled,obviously scared of Nami's situation. She never seen her like that, even the other girls except the ones who stayed longer with Nami. Elle ushered the girls back to their room as they watch their leader being carried onto the table of the living room as Rayna gets ready to patch her up. Once Elle got the girls back in the room, the girls yelled at the same time; demanding to know what happened. "She went to see the blue dragon's leader before they transfer him into the prison....and she went to their territory. I was with her but..." Chaeyeon was surprised as the other three, but they anxiously wait for Elle to continue. "She tried to kill them"

author's note


Welp, yeap. I'm exposing Nami's true nature little by little. Sorry it took so long....
Hope all of you still read and have time to comments and i know some of you does. Noel(Raven's creator) gives me live commentaries lol because we're related and her comments are all savage. She said i need to make her character more flirty lol  TT

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So sorry for the MIA, i just got back from Holiday(Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia!) and i also got sick. Now i'm in my bed recovering and have loads of free time XD


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Chapter 37: Hopefully it's not a time period for Nami!! D: but her being sick got them all worried esp the girls. TvT honestly I'm gonna be sad when this ends but it has been a great ride so far!! Can't wait to finish the journey.
Chapter 37: Oh, I wonder if Nami has type of terminal disease or once her mission is over then she might have to go to jail in place of the other girls, maybe? I don't know. Hopefully it won't be too bad and maybe there will be more couple development with the others before the end of the story.
Chapter 36: fights help out a lot.
the tension and such.
but its good that Nami is also thinking about the guys for sure.
curious as to what will happen now and i'm curious if Yoongi will be able to comfort Raven a little more later on~
really good chapter and worth the wait!
glad you were able to make up with your sisters!! haha
Chapter 36: It is good that girl got some consequences for her actions, but I can understand why the girls were upset. But Nami is right in her explanation that they can't do revenge all the time since there are most people to worry about.
Chapter 35: It is funny how the guys have a shock moment of realization that the girls can actually be girls when it comes to shopping and things like this.
Chapter 35: Oh shiet. Real shiet about to go down once Raven finds out unless Nami gets to it first. XD
Anyways the boys reakizing the girls are girls Inc ethey go shopping. It's kinda cute. XD
Welcome back and hope your other stories are doing fine!!
Chapter 34: oh shiet.
Yeon and Jin, wow. o.o
but i love Yoongi and Raven's interaction, but i'm loving Elle and Jimin the most!
i ship these two to be first!! bwhaha
Chapter 33: i'm curious about Enma!
and glad to see Joon and Nami having a sweet moment. lol
Chapter 33: This was a cute interaction between them. I hope we can see this same interaction between the other couples too.
Chapter 32: i'm glad Raven got found and the girl too!
and yay for the tattoos being a gps of sort!
Jimin and Jin with looking at Chaeyeon's tat... bwhaha
and Elle giving Jimin the cold shoulder in a sense. lol
anyways, hope they find hte person!
and and... Namjoon and Nami and their bike ride, cute and hope they talk at the little special place.