Admit It



The sound of her rejection repeated itself in my mind. How could I not have prepared myself for this? I was too confident to even think that she'd reject me. Now I'm up in the middle of the night unable to sleep because of the harsh churning in my stomach.

She said no.

The girl of my dreams said no.

And in front of my friends nonetheless. She didn't even turn around.

All I was given was a simple "No." My heart literally dropped and there was an urgent pang in my chest. For so long I've only ever thought of her. And now I'm stuck in my own self pity.

 I'm an idiot.



Not even sleeping a wink that night I make my way an hour early to school, having nothing better to do. I'm a mess. I didn't even bother fixing my hair or uniform. I walk into the deserted hallways making my way to an empty classroom. Taking my seat, I lay me head onto the desk finally letting sleep take over.


Huh? Rubbing the tiredness from my eyes I slowly look up. Shocked, I sit up straight and quickly fix my hair and uniform.

There she is. Standing right in front of me, a soft smile gracing her angelic face.

" I said, you're an idiot."

" I don't ...understand." I reply stupidly.  

" How do you expect me to answer your confession in front of your friends?" 

" I ..I " 

" You probably weren't thinking were you? It's a little embarrassing for me to answer you honestly in front of all of your friends." she said as a slight blush making its way to her cheeks.

"Maybe if you asked again my answer might change, maybe." she looked away shy.

And that's all it took.

I took a deep breath and slowly reached for her hands. I took them into my own and held onto them gently.

"Sohyun-ah, will you be my girlfriend?" She looked up and smiled at me.

"Why I'd love to Byunghyun."   

My heart did cartwheels as she looked into my eyes and smiled for the umpteenth time.

Slowly I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms gently around her small frame. She lifted her hands to cup my cheeks and placed a butterfly kiss on my lips leaving me red.

"Aaawe, what cuties."

 My head shot up to see my friends who were giggling their heads off. Sohyun, being embarrassed cutely buried her face in my chest and somehow I felt thankful for those morons.

"You're right, I am an idiot."

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luv4kpop #1
Did you make this story out of their new music video "Crazy?"
That was so cute~<br />
I wish it was longer. T_T<br />
*_____________________________________________* SEQUEL! can you make a chunjoe fic? hehe :))<br />
this story is short but i like it :D
-xttran #4
Kekeke, not much but it definately cute :3
what a cute story!!