



  • Darkness - the partial or total absence of light.
  • Alone - having no one else present; on one's own.
  • Warning - cautionary advice/advance notice of something.
  • Danger - the possibility of something unwelcome or unpleasant happening.
  • Rain - rain falls.
  • Euphoria - a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
  • Smack - strike (someone or something), typically with the palm of the hand and as a punishment.

    Lessons in performance.


This is a story that is my precious gift to the most important person in my life, Diamondame. <3
You have been there through my ups and downs, you have supported me and always loved me unconditionally. 
You, you are my shining star and I hope that this brings you as much joy as it has me. 


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Chapter 1: Such a precious gift to give to an important person!
Now let me say I really adore the way you write, the way you weave words into stories that enchant the brains of the readers, making them imagine everything that's happening, feel many emotions at once and be so hypnotized by the story that it's impossible to stop reading until there is something to read...
(hope this makes sense lol, just yeah, love your stories!)
Chapter 1: ..... I ..... I can not with you right now.
That was a precious gift. Thank you, my love. <3 I am humbled by your gift, and your words. I really do nothing special. But I am glad it helps.
Now that the Ugly Crying is over. To business...
I may never live again. My tombstone shall read "Slayen by her wife and Cha Hakyeon." <3 <3 <3