
Happy Birthday, Princess


"Surprise!"  Matthew and Taehyung said at the time. 


"What's up?" She asked.

"Happy birthday," Matthew said as he gave her a box.

"Matthew-oppa, my birthday isn't until tomorrow."  She replied.

"We know that," Taehyung spoke out, "just where this to bed, alright?"  He continued.

That's what happened she opened the box, and saw a princess dress and tiara in it.  She took out the dress and tiara, and saw matching sandals.  She smiled, and put these on.  Once done, she made sure her hair looked nice.  She turned off the lights, and went into her bed.  There, she fell asleep, almost feeling like royalty.

It was the next morning, her eyes awoke.  It was like she were in a castle, it was pretty and all.  Her bed was so fluffy, and her room was pink.  Like she were dreaming, dreaming in a story book. She walked up to the window, and looked outside.  Seeing her garden, like it were tended to day and night.  The flowers were abloom, and the air smelled fresh.

She walked downstairs like this, feeling like a flower come to bloom.  Her eyes widened, as she walked into the room.  A feast, no, a banquet was prepared for only her.  With candles lit, giving off the sweet fragrance of butterscotch and vanilla, she wondered why her ktichen was such a beauty unlike the night before.  Is her birthday so important, so important that her dream were to make it look unworthy of her?  A dream so vivid, that she wished it to be true?

And with the dishes made of blue, and hand blown, be of good fortune, for the day of next?  A perfect time, to forget about the past, and not to self-reflect?  To not have negative thoughts, or even fathem the thought of it going horribly?  Oh! Mayhaps if it were a true vision, she'd never waste time of any day!  Why are these things, these things going her way?  Like a wolf, ready to eat, and there lay the prey? 

One might say: "Too perfect" or "Not worth the time", another may say that it is the perfect way.  Which way?  The way she wants it to be.  One that is able to see, into the future.  The best day that can be- why say maybe?  Even with the looks of the place, she can never say she hates it.  To feel like a princess, to feel like a queen; to feel like a beauty, to feel like a peacemaker.  Why is this her?  Only the princess getting her way?


With the sounds of labor, come the end of the day.  Getting a drink, you must right away.  To feel whole, to feel worth-while- one must remember why they do this.  Is it for money, or for greed?  For disbelief or dismay?  A wise person may say that with money comes bread and water. But another would say that working brings fun and time spent wisely throughout the day.  To feel whole, to feel worth-while- labor well during the day, and rest peacefully and worthy at night.  Feast upon your fortune, the fortune of life.

While being this, consider others, as they would consider the lamb in the midst of the night.  About to be fed upon by the wolf.  Take it, rescue it, and love it.  For this lamb isn't  food nor cloth, but a princess in need of love.  Dressed in pink, lovely hair, and a big smile.  A smile who loves her life, and wishes for a beautiful day on her birthday.

She tastes he food, she tastes the drink.  The food and drink prepared by her friends- Matthew and Taehyung.


She looks into the feild, and looks up.  Her name, in the sky, written above.  With a heart that makes her feel like a princess, a princess that feels like she's the center of the world.  If her dress were to catch fire, or even turn warm, the love of her friends would cool her down, by taking her to the sky, making her walk on clouds.

With this plate of food, and with glass of drink, may her day be the perfect day-


This day, which be her birthday.


--The End--



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