Chapter 1

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V takes a reflective stare into the sky. A retrospect of his chief reminder glowers in his mind. When you become guardian, you will live for century, changing immortality and more time to waste.


The air is crisp, clouds brittle as if threatening to rain, and a slight wind whisks away. The troop stands together by the fountain, gauging in the mystical message sent by the Head Chief. The city has been in long peace and it kind of scares them as to what the news is about.


Citadel wants to meet them. It is the tower where the chosen Guardians operate to protect the kingdom, where rays of energy discharged to ensure there is no imminent danger terrorizing the restored realm.


“Holy, The Chief opens a portal for us to get to Earth?” Jimin recalls for the umpteenth (lost counting) time. He twirls a small, gold ball between his fingers. It has become his habit to bring it everywhere he goes, and it helps him with his fingers’ blood circulation, he convinces.


“To fetch some old dude, I believe.” J-Hope pinches his chin, feigning to contemplate but he fails miserably as he catches Jimin over twirls the gold ball and it falls on his foot instead. He quickly dodges without a second thought, sending the gold thing rolls astray. Jimin shoots him a nasty look before revolting to spear him on the gut. Those limbs tumble on the ground with hasty breath, but the others barely manage to spare them a glance.


Suga explains, playing a little with the crystal water on the fountain. “Prince Jin had undergone his punishment for more than fifty decades on Earth, for a wrongdoing that nobody dares to put their fingers on.”


“I bet it is time for him to retrieve his title as the crown prince. I mean, only fools who would let go of the throne and got themselves into deep .” V is well aware about the legend.


All the recruiting Guardians know about the gruesome relationship bestowed upon those two. Hence he doesn't despise the Metroplex much since the city crown prince trusted his best friend himself.


Teleporting to Earth feels like blinking for two consecutive seconds, and they drop on hillside of a mountain rich in green lush, follows up with a series of unfortunate event whereby an odd plane almost crashes on them with a girl survivor strutting out of the wreckage, looking shockingly unfazed but rather frazzled.

Then is when he meets one of the super soldier from Metroplex elite army.


By the time Airee reaches Earth, her plane lands or it's better called crashing, on hillside where the bastards calling themselves the Guardians of another realm next to hers, which she doesn’t bother calling their homes’ name, covers her plane in spell and crashes her near the cliff. She climbs up, stands proud on the debris of metal. That's when the conflict begins.


"Hey look! Ain't her the from Metroplex something?" The intense eyed guy chirps. And he looks disgustingly chubby.


"Yes she is." The guy which his teeth couldn't get any smaller nods. "But lady, we're sorry to crash your plane, yeah we thought we could save your plane from going down the cliff and cause massive explosion."


Airee couldn’t pinpoint whether he clamps his hands together in act of apologizing or that’s part of his over-confident hands gesture –the same thing he does to his eyebrows.


"No need to be considerate toward her. She ain't worth saving." There's this guy with a tall, strong nose so high like his ego. A mass of hair donning above his eyes are too strong for her liking and he looks malicious like his corrupted mouth.


The funny face one as if he is constraining his fart, who greatly resembles some actress from Taiwan tilts his head aside. "Are you mute by any chance? Cause there’s no way you’d let that gun talking aren’t you."


Airee hasn't even said a word, but she let her gun fires back for her sake. "3 metres away from me. No one gets near."


V scoffs, Suga's words die in his throat, and Jimin eyes widen, mouthing an unclear 'real ' and that Taiwanese actress look-alike guffaws, excitedly confirming his prediction. A little battle is just about to begin.


There's one thing that clicks in V’s mind when he gapes at the girl, ridiculously cute one especially when eyeing her close up like this, except for what she's holding which happens to be pointed at his head, and heck, the bullet just makes a beeline to knock him some sense, and back to that one thing he can describe her is, she is bizarre.


ing bizarre with that deadly looks of her, utterly far from girls back in his homeland, if he feels like comparing. But he has to remind h

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ButterflyShida #1
I'm here!
Bluechunsa #2
Interesting, I can't wait to read the first chapter :D
Bunny_BunnyKookie #3
I wants the Kookie!
I love this story
OMG great poster!!!! I guess tae rocks becoming the guardian of the galaxy (ehem S8). I'd absolutely not missing the update of the first chapter now, dear author <3
Give me the Cookie! >. <

I'm looking forward to seeing the first chapter~
SehunPony22 #6
This seems really interesting,and I can't wait to get started reading your story :D