Chapter One.

Do You Believe in Fate?

   "Is this all your things, Sweetie?" My mother called, setting the last box onto my living room floor with a sigh. "Yeah, it is." I managed to murmur out as I took in the small apartment. My parents decided they would rather me have my own apartment rather than use school housing, to keep the cost as low as possible. The tuition was high enough without adding housing onto it, we sat down and decided it would be cheaper if I rented my own place and my parents decided that they would pay the rent, keeping me from having to worry about school fees, living expenses and housing. I was only a five minute walk from work and about a 10 minute walk from school so it was honestly perfect. And I didn't have to worry about sharing a small room with a roommate who didn't pick up after themself. "Maybe once you settle and start meeting some people you can find a roommate." My younger sister suggested, looking around the room. "Or maybe a cat." She shrugged, dropping herself onto my sofa. She probably worried about me more than my own parents did, she didn't like the idea of me being away from home and on my own. Honestly a worry wart was all she was.

"JiHee I'm not 12, I can deal with living alone just fine." I reminded her. "Plus, I'm the older one here, you shouldn't be telling me how to live, just go finish High School and then we can discuss how you think I should be living." This earned me her signature insult, sticking her tongue out at me. I shook my head, laughing her off as my mom looked at me. "When do you start work? Tomorrow right?" I had drove up here a few weeks before to apply for a few jobs and I was surprised to actually get a few call backs. "Yeah, I work at the coffee shop during the week after class and the flower shop on weekends and whatever hours they decide to throw at me, I'll work it out." I nod, giving her a small smile. I knew it would be a handful but it was a neccessity, tuition didn't pay itself, sadly.

  Once they had finally left, I began to unpack my things. We had brought my furniture and other larger things a few days in advance so I didn't need to worry about any of that. I honestly didn't bring much, soaps, bedding, some stuffed animals, pictures, what I could to fill in the apartment. Not to mention all of my clothing. Unpacking was honestly the easiest part of moving, you could sit on your and put things away, sort of like I was doing now. The ride from home to here was pretty long and I tended to get tired in long car rides, but who can sleep when my parents are having a karaoke contest in the front seat to Carrie Underwood? 

Finally after all my clothes were neatly folded and hung up I collapsed on my bed, feeling the material of the new blankets under me. The silence slowly started to seep in, the only sound heard was the cars on the road outside and the footsteps of my upstairs neighbors. I hated to admit but my sister was probably right, I should find a roommate or at least a pet, the silence of living alone would probably give me nuts. I glanced at the clock I had put on the stand next to my bed and sighed 10:45PM, suppose it would be best to sleep sooner rather than later. Work started at 7AM. I rolled off the bed, grabbing my tooth brush from the stand as well as my toothpaste, going to my bathroom to get ready for bed. Jotting down on the chalk board on the wall 'Stop and buy groceries after work'.


  The walk the next morning was honestly longer than I had expected, maybe it was from exhaustion, having had tossed and turned all night, but the walk seemed to drag on. I mean, I honestly could have drove but I would rather not waste money on gas unless I neccessarily need to drive, plus the town was beautiful. My headphones were in and my favorite song was playing, Ace by Taemin filled my ears and flowed around me. There honestly weren't many people on the sidewalk at 6 in the morning but the ones that were looked almost like zombies, obviously not morning people at all and the cars that passed by seemed to almost sulk as they drove, heading to another day at a boring job.

  Walking into the coffee shop I was immediately hit by the smell of brewing coffee. "Excuse me, we aren't open yet." A petite girl with brown hair called to me as she walked around  the counter. "Oh, no. I start work here today." The realization automatically clicked and a smile spread on her face. "Jeonghan? Hello it's nice to meet you! My name is Naeun, I'm the day manager so we might not see each other that often." She let out a soft laugh and gave me a small bow. I returned the smal gesture and followed her behind the counter where she gave me a black apron with my name on it. "The owner makes us all our own aprons, he says it's a small gesture to make us feel more comfortable at work." She shrugged as I tied my hair back in a low pony tail. "He said you were pretty feminine looking but I didn't expect this, you're honestly stunning." I let out a small laugh at her almost flirtatious tone. It was honestly something I had gotten used to throughout the years, everyone hitting on me and complimenting me on my looks, I tended to just brush it off.

  I got the hang of the job after an hour or so of Naeun explaining it to me, just in time for what she calls "study session" where the kids from the college come in and cluster at the tables with coffees and muffins along with their text books, studying for upcoming tests and  whatever else they needed. "There's one group that's in here every Sunday morning going over homework, they are pretty easy going and you will get used to them after a week or so." She informed me as I walked behind the counter to make a drink. "Also, outside of the business crowd and the college kids, we do tend to get a few Idols stopping in here so try not to act like a crazy fan if you see someone you are a fan of." She smiled politely as she left the counter to go deliver some coffees. The small coffee shop I worked at was honestly in a busy part of Seoul, The college down the road and a few corporate buildings as well as the SM building, Jellyfish, and a few other labels buildings. So I honestly didn't doubt what she said. I jumped a bit at the steaming machine and its high whistle knocking me out of my small day dream, finishing the coffee and heading to the counter. This sounded like it was going to be an interesting job, I was already starting to look forward to meeting the people around here.


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Chanbaek-love #1
Chapter 2: I loved the first chapter, and like the way you wrote it! I have never seen a story with this pairing, and can already tell this is going to be an interesting story......