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I always wonder what will I be on the future?

Thoughts always come to me if there will be someone beside me on the future
Not a handful but even if it's just one.
That one person that won't ever leave me whatever happens..

But before I could even have it...

My almost at lose vision just vaguely seeing this man in front of me telling me it's gonna be alright..

Well I don't know why he's saying that..

I just felt numb at the part of my chest while holding something piercing right inside it

slowly closing my eyes because I can't hardly take it anymore.

The voice of the man kept telling me not to sleep though.



South Korea


When I open my eyes I just saw him at his usual position, sitting at the side of my bed while reading some comics.

He close the comics upon realizing that I had already woke up.

He flashed his great smile like he always do glad that I wake up everyday.


He stood up and pull me next that I just lazily let him.

I don't know what kind of person he is and for a reason we got connected....


"Ah choo!!!!"

A loud sneeze whooping out on my nose just got out while I had my hands on each of my pocket walking together with him

"It's really cold today" head raising upward looking up on the sky he said that while I just try to fit myself with my coat so I won't feel the cold.

I glance up on him while he just flashed those smile that never disappear on his lips.

I just look so tired.

My short hair wasn't combed at all..

My eyes had those bugs that I know had me the sign that I'm lacking of sleep..

And I had this sneeze for 2 days now.

My hand tend to rub out my nose and I'm about to rub it again when he handed me a handkerchief..

"You'll have to make sure you're always fine" he said while I just kindly took it and rub out my nose with it....

"I know" I just replied

His name is Gong Yoo
If you ask me how I met him maybe it will take hours before I could tell it but to make it short I'll just tell the special details.

He is an android from the future if you will ask me if I believe it well I highly doubt it at first..

He first told me when I woke up was that..

After having a bad day at everything I decided to hop on the woods to refresh myself but something made it really different

"You did well" he said, of course I just saw a stranger for that matter upon waking up on the middle of the woods..I just move aback while he is smiling so gently

But the thing is that there's this chain like thing piercing at my chest I notice which made my eyes almost clasped together just by looking at it....

I'm just dumbfounded looking at the chain that when I look up just to see where it came from I just stood up and move away coz I felt fear upon seeing it's connected to his chest too...

"What's this?" The first thing I thought of saying.

My eyes can't stay still just staring back and forth to the chain connected to him then to me.

"I'll tell it to you kid so you better listen carefully" he quietly raise his voice that I just stop from looking at it and landed my eyes on him

I just quietly straightened myself

He bowed so diligently which makes me feel so confused

"I apologized for causing you to almost die"

Slowly upon processing what he just said..

I remember it all of a sudden.

My eyes just bloat out

The sun is about to set while I'm already on the middle of going down and get home when I rest myself on a big rock.

I wipe drips of sweat on my chin then try to breathe

I close my eyes for a lingering seconds when something tuned out and it's so loud that my attention immediately came to it.

Seems to be it came from somewhere up

I just look up on the sky when all of a sudden right at that exact moment a fast but small like sharp thing came towards me hitting directly at my chest resulting of my body dropping like a sack at the ground.

My body just felt like shaking and it got numb..

The small thing turned to a big capsule and the thing that pierces me is just a part of it.

A man went out and immediately raise me while that thing still pierces me


He try to find something at his so called manual so he can help me..
He flip every pages while looking at me every second if I'm still breathing.

My vision just slowly reduce

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shortykiddo #1
My ahjussi & my smol baby in the same page. Gonna love it