When You Breathe~

Look at me, I see you

The bright light of the screen was blinding as the click of keys commanded every single letter. The words of a lifetime were forming themselves on the page as beauty arose from the cave of imagination, inspiration. The sounds of light clacks to be heard against a hard surface reverberated throughout the room in light echoes. A world where anything can happen; watching as that world was created from the dust of the first three worlds,

“Look at me.”

The words Tae-ree whispered didn’t effect him. Her eyes bore into him, watching in hurt as she gazed over the beautiful features that she had seen for so long but had never got tired of. The strands of his dark hair were positioned perfectly, framing his dark, deep eyes that always seemed to be in deep thought. Those beautiful eyes glinted in the dim, artificial light; something she had seen happen frequently, and yet it still made her melt; new little butterflies awakening within her.

She continued to watch, entranced at the young man as he went about the mundane duties that took up most of his life. No matter what her eyes could not be deterred from his earthly beauty as he wandered about the apartment searching for something.

Tae-ree already knew what he was looking for and sought it out on his dresser, which was placed on the opposite side of the room from the man. Glancing over the tabletop she searched with her eyes, the watch that his parents gave him, not last year. Rummaging she looked up to see the face of a beautiful girl, a girl she knew well. She was a fine oriental beauty if Tae-ree had ever saw one; her features were fine and her nose was straight. She had beautiful plump lips that a model would love to death and her eyes were dark as night when you looked at them, though admittedly that could simply have just been the camera.

In the photo she was laying awkwardly and smiling into the camera, or more specifically to the person who was holding the camera.

Pushing the watch off the dresser, Tae-ree watched as the man crouched over, shaking his head as he swore he hadn’t left it there, and clasped it around his wrist, his eyes widening when he noticed what time it was

“I’m late!” he gulped and ran about flustered, as he pulled out anything that he thought he would need, running out the door in a hurry.

Tae-ree gazed on for a matter of seconds afterwards, replaying his presence in her head as to not forget him. As she went over to the mirror on the other side of the room, she glanced at her own reflection. She examined her figure in the mirrors reflection. She wasn’t ‘bad’ looking per say, but neither was she anything special either. Her nose was a bit crooked and her hair was always quite messy, and had been that way for a while. Her face was a little pudgy and her figure was small, some would say petite and even stick-like.Or at least what they used to say.

It had been a while since anyone had commented on her looks, though actually no one had ever had the chance to. No surprise either, since no one had actually seen her.

Tae-ree heard a click from the apartment door as the figure of the man appeared into the room. “Dang! Forgot my keys.” he muttered, strutting down the hallway. Her reflection in her memories fading, nothing left in the mirror but the room around her, as she turned to face him, stealing her mind and soul as she gazed lovingly at the man.

The one they called, “Minho”.

How desperate she wished to speak to him, to be able to communicate with him. To touch him and he touch her. For him to be able to gaze upon her figure and tell her she was beautiful.

Like what he did with that other girl.

Taking in a breath, trying to convince herself she actually had one, she closed her eyes tight and mumbled out,

“M-Minho-ssi! I...I-”

Right at the moment, he turned towards her, pacing in her direction, causing her to stumble backwards through an automated reaction. Then without even taking any form of recognition towards her, he walked right through her, a sudden light breeze filling her but, just like her distance memories, fading away like it never existed. Tae-ree forced her eyes to close, fixing them tightly together and releasing a dead breath, as she flickered her eyes open once again and glanced at the very man that made the impossible possible. Making her unbeating heart race.

Yet, still he didn’t know. He could never possibly know.

Why did she have to be dead?

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update soon!
This is really good! Please update -w-
Accidentally_in_love #3
Dear all my lovely subscribers!<br />
Sorry for hanging you on the first chapter for so long :P I guess this fic hasn't continued because my lovely sonicboom has departed the site :'(<br />
Yet!! I tracked her down!! (hehehehe, actually we're friends in real life so that wasn't hard XDD) and i'm hoping she will agree to continue this story because, wayheeeeeeyyy, I have a four month long summer!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!<br />
Hope to see chapter 2 arise soon :D<br />
Please update ^_^ This is so awesome!
ImWeird #5
omg update soon!
aww so sad :( cant wait for more