CHAPTER 8: Scandal (1)

An Ziyan and Maiding: Sad Love Story
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Maiding POV

Sigh.. i put my head on my desk. im so ing tired :(. I only being here for 2 weeks and now i already "help" them doing some task for the company. I think my eyes going to be like panda if this is happen every weeks. In two weeks Chen will come to Shanghai to visit me. he suppose to come last week but i beg him to postpone becuz i'm afraid that i didn't have time to spend with him if he was in here. I look at the clock its only 10 am and i felt that all my body and my brain can fall apart anytime.

"Michael.." I was shocked. I knew that voice..his voice making me sit straight. The other workers was looking at me strangely. I bet they pray for my safety lol.

Mr An Cold...

" sir"

"I wanna u to come with me. We are going to the construction site. Now get up and follow me."

I sigh..I only wanna relax for a few moments and now there is another task :'(..

"Michael..lets go!" he rises his voice cuz he notices that I haven't move from my seat.

"yes sir.." sigh..


I look at the person driving beside me. He didn't talk anything since we were in the car. Honestly this is the awkward moment for both of us.

"Err..Mr An where we will be going"

He took a deep breath "construction site"

"I mean where?"

"Datong Gang"

"where is it?"

"near Huang Pu river"

" it far from ur company?"


"ahh..u know back in Korea I never visit the construction site. This will be my first time."

"........" krik..krik

"errmm So what should we do if we were there?" I asked him.

"tch. I will explain to u after we were there." he sounds annoyed with my questions. Okay.. I should keep silent..

So after few minutes driving, we arrived at the construction site. We were welcomed by the manager of the construction site. I was so excited. The manager gave a helmet for safety reason. So I follow both the manager and Mr An walk in front.of me talking the things about the construction site. Honestly I don't even understand what did just he said. But my eyes wanderings around the construction site. As I follow both of them I didn't realize that there is a few bricks fall from the first floor to where I stand. The only things that I heard was Mr An shouting my name and I felt the back of my body hurt so bad. When I open my eyes I saw Mr An was on top of me. Did he just safe me? I felt that my heart thumping really fast.

Mr An pull himself away from me and he help me to get up

People around us was panic especially the manager cuz he was asking a few times if Mr An and me are if both of us are okay. Mr An look at me worried

"are you okay" he asked me. His voice sound worried.

"im just my head hurt so bad. I think it bump into the cement."

"let me see it" he went to check my head. After making sure that im okay. He went into his boss mood. He was scolding at his who responsible for making the bricks fall.

I felt pity for that person but I can't say anything becuz of that person mistake I almost die.I just look at Mr An while he was scolding at his workers sometimes he so handsome when he was angry. Wait...did I just say that?


It's a very awkward journey back to the Company. Both of us being silent in the car. I was staring at the front. I didn't dare to look at the person beside me. Why my heart thumping really fast just now. Am I fall in love with him?


Two weeks later..

I was attending the annual meeting with all the head department and of course Mr An Ziyan. Although I'm not one of the workers Mr An insist that I took part on this meeting. As I heard one by one of the head department present thier report I was writing some important fact and things that I learn from them. Actually at the same time my eyes occasionally watch Mr An..sorry I can't help it. There is something in him that mesmerized me.

After the meeting was dismissed. I was walking towards my desk but suddenly Mr Bao stop me.

"Hey Michael...I know what u did just now?" he told me. Huh? What I did?

I sit on my chair and he sit on my desk.

"what did I do?"


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