× 008

roleplay burn book × submissions are now open!

" holy shiz fam this rp is ed up. geez where do I started? from admins that only care for their partner and inner circle of friends, lot drama happening on the timeline, super biased and facechased members, and there were problem before when admins told a member to die and kill them self. "

a/n: um. that last part what the hell. i hope that member is out of there and fine because that's not a light topic what even.

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the last three commenters look so pressed i'm actually embarrassed for them
there's a fine difference between a confession thread meant to relieve anxiety and make admins aware of potential mistakes and a "roleplay burn book" that's obviously meant to create drama. it doesn't take an idiot to know that something like this is bound to spur drama and tarnish the images of both rps and rpers. but apparently, the majority of rpw lacks common sense these days as seen from both the author and the confessors. if you want to make admins aware of a problem within the rp, keep it within the rp rather than publicizing it. what's the difference between making admins aware of it through dms and making admins aware of it through publicizing it? one difference is the anonymity that the confessor possesses through a stupid roleplay burn book thread and the courage that they suddenly attain that they didn't have to directly confront the problem like a big kid. this author says that they seek to create no drama, but the fact that there is no sense of privacy seeks drama in itself. names of rps and rpers were specifically asked for, and if these confessors are petty enough to talk behind the façade of an author who's watched mean girl one too many times, they can grow up and tell admins / rpers directly to their faces. when it comes to a confession thread, anonymity should go both ways. this thread was obviously made out of not only saltiness, but immaturity and the thirst for drama. miss me with your bull disclaimer about not seeking drama when you ing reek of it. if you're salty about an rp, grow up and grow a pair of ing balls and tell the admins yourself rather than publicizing it. the author and the confessors are people who can't handle their salt and their problems like mature people do so they resort to publicizing their problems for the world to see, only for it to create more problems rather than solve them. bring back 2012? sorry honey, it's five years too late for that. however, it's not too late for you to grow up and face your problems directly because inevitably, along with rp becoming more ooc, it's become more dramatic. that's life. life is dramatic, life gets ty, and you need to learn how to grow up and live it properly. everyone's subject to their opinions and to expressing them, but some people need to learn how to express them sensibly and maturely in a way that it'll solve their problems rather than cause more.
oh wow i love how people want old roleplay world back but still making negative comments with immature grudges on roleplays like there isn't enough dramas around here already. honestly. if you don't like a roleplay and how it is being handled, either leave and join another one or even better, make your own. since you love it your way anyways.
maldupays #4
i like how you don't want to disclose to the public who you are while allowing people to submit negative opinions about roleplays and list names anonymously. this entire thread just caters to cowards that can't confront anyone directly. everyone has negative opinions about roleplays and sure, those thoughts get out to the public one way or another via fl and whatnot, but you're obviously thirsting for "tea" and even though you want to claim these are just opinions, they do negatively alter some people's views of roleplays and therefore, tarnish a roleplay. just have a look at your author's notes and you'll have a prime example of a deluded person. we can all sit here and agree that we like spilling tea or reading through them at the end of the day, but these aren't even subtle and what's more is, they're anonymous. everyone's allowed to have an opinion, you don't need to reiterate that, but you obviously tagged this thread so that people looking to join rps would come across this yet claim it's not meant to tarnish roleplays? ironic, right? especially given these aren't just opinions, they're negative and while they're only entitled to those who make them, you literally implied that this was for people who might agree with those submissions, meaning, you want people who hate an rp to join together to trash talk it, no? you can try to reply to this and come off as witty as you'd like but the firm fact still remains that you're thirsting for some drama and unlike the rest of those who made these anonymous submissions and the owner of this thread, i don't mind if who i am is made known to the public because i don't have anything to hide. disagree with me all you want, but come at me when you have better reasons for talking anonymously.
redtee #5
Chapter 9: honestly those who thinks these confessions would ruin a rp's image are childish. like this anon said, an opinion of ONE roleplayer does not define how the rps generally are so why get so butthurt? that's pretty contradicting. i really like this page even though i just found it recently and it's not like i'd start thinking "ah these rps on this page are bad i shouldn't join them" just because one person has problems with it. keep up the good work!
Chapter 9: amazing