One Shot

A cold winter day


‘Hey’ he whispered softly.

I turned around to see Cheondung standing in front of me with a soft smile. My heart suddenly skipped a beat. I quickly felt my face turning scarlet. Cheondung stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. He giggled sweetly, pinching my cheeks and then pouting.

God why does he do this to me.

‘Um hi’ I nervously whispered.

He let go of me and entwined his hand into mine. His fingers seemed ridiculously large against mine.  But I didn’t care. He was mine and that’s all mattered. My blush deepened. I looked away embarrassingly.  A gush of wind suddenly blew past and messed up my hair. The auburn leaves nearby tumbled and danced in the wind. The grass was still wet from the morning dew. Cheondung and I walked slowly through the park. It was freezing cold and snow started to fall.  

‘Hey you must be feeling cold. Take this. ‘

He took off his red scarf and wrapped it around my neck and then traced my lips with his icy fingers. I looked up into his eyes to see his adorable smile.  

Oppa… stop this. You’re driving me crazy.

My heart was about to explode.  I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his abdomen, too short to hug him properly. He chuckled, my soft hair lovingly.

‘Oh by the way I have something for you. ‘ Cheondung said sweetly.

‘Close your eyes’.

I closed my eyes. Butterflies invaded my stomach. I nervously waited to see what he was going to give to me. Then, I felt something warm and soft move against my cheek. I abruptly opened my eyes. I blushed a deep shade of red.

‘oh my. Um… Aish I blush too much ‘I said in frustration.

‘Nope. I want you to blush a lot. Gah you’re so cute’ Oppa said happily.

At that moment, I saw him blush too. It was so cute.

Is it possible to eat him up? God his so cute, those chubby cheeks gahhh.

‘I really do love you’ he quietly whispered into my ear.

It sent shivers down my spine. My head felt light and dizzy.

‘Oppa, I love you too’ I said softly and gently kissed him on the cheek.

 We then continued walking around the park, enjoying each other’s presence.


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bettydoongie #1
Did you guys enjoy my story? ^^ Oh and i already ate him up ;)
Sweet_Heart #2
well if its possible to eat him up well i can check if she wants to!kekekekeke~i know he is just sooo cute~