Start and Final

Kiss Cam
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"Come on Saeri, live a little, will you?"

Naeun and I are currently in the library, supposed to be studying for Chemistry since the Finals are coming up. However, my whiny bestfriend just won't stop pestering me about this Basketball game that she really wanted to watch, resulting for me not to understand a thing from the book I was reading. Apparently, she has no one to accompany her and I'm her only bestfriend who have been with her through thick and thin that would gladly and willingly go with her and watch the said game. Her words, not mine.

But, being the lazy bum I was, I rejected.


"Why are you like that?" She whined more as she went beside me and wrapped her arms with mine. I tried to shrug her off but she had so much strength, which I have no idea where it came from considering how she hates gym class so much, and wouldn't let go.

"Hey, we're in the library, be quiet before the librarian shuts you up herself." I whispered to her, trying not to catch unwanted attention.

"She can do that for all I care." She continued to beg me to come with her and I was repeatedly saying no. Not until the librarian, with her brows furrowed, glasses hanging loosely on her nose and both her hands on her hips, came and madly told us to be quiet or else she'd kick us out of the library, that I gave up and agreed to her "request".

"Fine. Now just be quiet and let me study in peace." I said to her which caused her to jump in joy and hug me like I just saved her life.

"I love you so much, Saeri."

"I hate you."



The game was on a Saturday and I was trying to lift myself up from my comfy bed and prepare for the game, but I was still sleepy since I stayed up all night to finish a part of my thesis that I needed to send to Professor Lee. I buried myself back into the comfort of my pillows and blanket and was about to drift off to a deep slumber again when I heard my bedroom door open, followed by a shrill of a very familiar voice.

"Park Saeri!"

I groaned but I didn't bother moving from my position. I felt her sit on my bed but I still didn't open my eyes. "Hey! I know you're awake, it's already 1 pm and you're still sleeping, now get your arse out of the bed and dress up. The game starts at 3."

When she saw how I didn't even move an inch, she shook my body hard, over and over again until I gave up and sat up straight. When I finally faced her, I saw her triumphant smile that I really wanted to rub off her face.

"I should probably change the passcode of my door." I muttered as I stood up. Naeun just rolled her eyes because deep inside she knew that I wouldn't do it.

"Just go to the bathroom and wash up. You look hideous." I threw a pillow at her which landed on her face and I laughed before I ran for my life to the bathroom.

When I finally finished showering and dressing up, I walked down the stairs and saw Naeun in the kitchen. I went to her and saw her arranging foods on the dining table. "Take out?" I asked.

"Yeah. We should eat before we leave." Naeun answered.

Naeun and I just ate and chatted comfortably. Catching up on the latest episode of Running Man, the variety show we really love to watch. Gossiping about the students in our University – wherein Naeun did the most talking, considering how I don't give a single sh*t about what this and that wore or what brand of bag or make up they used. Thinking of what food we should buy later at the game and if there would be a cute boy who will also watch the game.

"Do you really want to watch the game because you like to or is it because you just want to get yourself a boyfriend?"

"Both." Naeun smiled giddily. "Just thinking about it makes me so excited."

I just ignored what she said and continued eating my food. When we were finally done, we decided to leave already. However, Naeun, being the "fashionista" she was, asked me to change my outfit because according to her, no guys would call dibs on me if I go out dress up like a boy.

"Which part of my outfit looks like a boy fashion?" I reasoned out to her as I looked down at my Supreme sweater, jeans and my favorite pair of vans. These are decent clothes, why the hell would I even change it? Plus my closet consists of 70% Supreme sweater and jeans. Excuse my deep love for Supreme.

"Everything." She answered as she continued to rummage through my clothes. After God knows how long, she finally came out of my closet with a dress on her hands. My eyes widened. Who would even wear a dress in a game?

"Girls." Naeun said which made me realize that I probably said that question out loud.

"You know we are just going to watch a game." I said to which she just rolled her eyes at.

"Exactly. That's why you need to dress up to catch them boys." She smirked, holding out the dress to me. "Besides, you would look hot in this."

I rolled my eyes at her and snatched the dress from her hands. I put it back in my closet and dragged her outside my unit.

"Hey! Why didn't you change into that dress?" She pouted as we walked towards the elevator. We went inside as the doors opened.

"I'm perfectly fine and contented with my outfit. Plus, I'll just watch the game with you. I don't plan to impress boys."

"Oh come on! Try to be a girl sometimes."

"I am a girl." I said, emphasizing the word 'am'.

"Don't go to me and cry if you still have no boyfriend in a few years." Naeun huffed, giving up on my stubbornness.

"Don't worry, I won't." I crossed my arms and showed her my triumphant smile.



The moment we arrived at the venue, with popcorns and drinks on our hands, Naeun jumped like crazy like a 5-year-old kid who got her very first lollipop. I just shook my head at her and marched ahead trying to find a good seat. When I finally found two seats with a great view, I called Naeun who was still in the place I left her at, taking selfies with her back on the field.

"Kim Naeun!" She turned her head at the sound of my voice. I gestured for her to come over which she obliged to, thankfully. When we finally settled down, Naeun started taking pictures again.

"Hey Saeri, let's take pictures. I need to update my Instagram because it's rotting." I just gave in since I don't want to ruin everything especially since she's so happy and excited. Naeun should really be grateful to have a friend like me.

Naeun, finally contented with the amount of pictures she took, finally stopped and just munched on her popcorn while waiting for the game to start. We were busy talking about random stuff when I felt someone poke my shoulder. I turned my head to look at the person when my breathing suddenly stopped and my whole body froze. A very gorgeous man was standing in front of me, his  eyes looking directly at mine and lips turned upwards in a very adorable way.

"Hi! Is this seat taken?" I heard him ask, pointing at the seat next to mine. I was too mesmerized by his beauty that I was unable to talk so I just absent-mindedly shook my head. The guy thankfully smiled in return before plopping down beside me. I knew I looked stupid for staring at him for too long so I thanked the heavens when I felt Naeun nudged my side to catch my attention. I looked away from the guy and faced Naeun who was now giving me a knowing look. I just shrugged at her and cleared my throat, setting my eyes on the field trying to ignore the presence of the demi-god sitting beside me and the glaring daggers my bestfriend is throwing at me.

I guess luck was still on my side when the game finally commenced and Naeun now gave her full attention to the players who came out, fortunately distracting her from the stupid and embarassing thing I did. I was trying my best to focus on the game but I couldn't help myself from glancing sideways from time to time at the demi-god beside me. From my peripheral vision, I can see that he was so into the game because he wasn't even moving an inch and his eyes were focused on the game happening before him.

It was actually cute when I saw him frown when the the other team scores and when his face would light up whenever the home team would make a goal. I was aware that I seemed like a creep but I just couldn't stop myself from looking at such a beautiful masterpiece God created. Like what other people say, we should learn how to appreciate art and that is exactly what I was doing.

The whole game, I was distracted by this guy that I didn't even know it was already time for a break and the players were getting ready for the second set. Naeun suddenly stood up, "Saeri, I'll just go to the restroom. Gotta pee." I nodded. I watched her leave until she was already out of my line of sight.

I was busy munching on my popcorn when I heard people started cooing. I looked up to know the reason why and I suddenly saw the VCR which showed couples kissing. Oh, the kiss cam. I just watched as the kiss cam went on and on, capturing many couples who would kiss once they see themselves on the big screen.

My eyes were still on the screen as I picked up my drink, but being such a clumsy girl, the drink slipped from my hands and the content spilled on my jeans.

"Sh*t!" I cursed at myself for being so clumsy.

I hurriedly searched for some tissues but I fou

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Chapter 1: ohhh my god so cute❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Cutee, it does need a sequeal
Chapter 1: That was so sweet!!!!!! Our Baekhyunnie is the best
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute!!!good job authornim..
Chapter 1: Awwww this is sweet. I'm glad I read your story.
author nim its such a cute story omggg can i ask for a sequel? cant get enough of byunbaek >_<
Chapter 1: It's so cuuuuute. This needs a sequel omg
autumn_leaf #8
Chapter 1: Thankyou for writing this~ I can't believe this is your first time writing.. you did very well~ I hope it's okay to recommend this fic, but if it's not please just contact me and I'll take it down immediately :)
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It's such a cute scenario.. if only it happened to me haha I WISH LOL
- Q >.<