From missing to found

3,2,1 ... {The Masked Performer}
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{Masked Performer} Chapter 10:

From missing to found


It was now about two o'clock and the boys were finishing up filming with After School Club. The staff were packing up and Jae, Jammie, and Kevin, were chatting with Namjoon and Jimin. Hoseok and Jin were back in the waiting room dressing down and Taehyung and Jungkook were off goofing around on the set. Yoongi on the other hand was already done with dressing down and was sitting in the back of the waiting room looking down at the phone he had found this morning.


It was a nice IPhone 6S and suited a black case with a feather dispersing into smaller white birds on the back. It was a very stylish phone. It was also Jungsuh's phone. Yoongi knew that but had no way of knowing how to give it back to her. He couldn't call duh? He had her phone, he could not reach her by any other means being he doesn't know where her house is and where she worked. There was almost no way to return it unless they meet again.




Just then, Hoseok had walked over and sat next to the fellow rapper boy with a grin. “Still fretting about the phone?” He asked. The rest of the team knew of the phone situation but didn't pay much attention to it. Yoongi nodded and sighed. “Figured out how to give it back now though.” He smirked as he clenched the item. Hoseok looked at him questioningly. “How?” He asked. “Lotus Garden.” Yoongi smirked.


J-Hope's eyes lit up and he began to laugh. “Haha! True. Should have thought of that earlier.” Yoongi grinned and looked at the phone once more. “Yep. All I have to do is give this to Jun and tada~ problem solved. ”


Suddenly, J-Hope had a random idea and grinned slyly. “Hyung, can I see the phone for a bit?” He asked with his hand out. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his friend and questioned his motive. Hobi, growing tired of his Hyung's slowness, snatched the phone away instead and chuckled.


“Oh yah?” Yoongi shouted as he tried to retake the device away from Hobi, but was fruitless in doing so. Quickly, Hope turned the phone on and grinned. “Let's see what Miss Jungsuh has been up to?” But when he laid eyes on the photograph on her lock screen, his mischievous grinned dropped and a look of curiosity and awe plastered his face.


“Oh? What's this?” He asked as he stared at the image. “Hm?” Yoongi asked as he turned to Hoseok. “Look.” He pointed the phone toward Yoongi. The rapper furrowed his brow. “I see nothing.” He mumbled.


“Huh?” Hobi looked back at the screen and noticed it went off. Clicking his tongue he reopened the phone and showed his Hyung what he actually saw. “This.” Once Yoongi laid eyes on the photo, he too was taken aback.


It was a picture of a black piano with a marionette mask laying atop the keys. It was a well taken picture and created a very mysterious and dark aura. Hobi and Suga stared at the image for a bit until the phone out again. Once it did, the two looked at each other and back at the phone. “Huh...Well, she has a cool sense of taste.” Hoseok commented as he laid the phone down on his lap. Yoongi thought to himself for a moment, wondering about the image.


“It looked like the mask that Marionette wears.” He spoke. J-Hope looked over to him and eyed his Hyung in curiosity. “Really?” He opened the phone again and examined the picture once more. “Hm... True.”


A thought suddenly crossed the both of their minds. “Hey... You don't think..?” Hobi looked at Yoongi with a face that looked to be a mixture of shock and achievement. Yoongi looked back to him and they stared at each other in shock.


“She..” Yoongi starts. “She might...” Hobi slowly begins. “Hmm...”


“She is a fan of the Masked Marionette?” Hobi finished up happily.




Yoongi's face dropped a little and he looked away a bit disappointed. “Or she knows her directly. I mean she knows Jun and Hyunsoo-Hyung, you'd think she would know the Marionette.” Yoongi clarified.



Suddenly, Jin had walked over and greeted them happily as he sat beside Yoongi. “What are you guys doing?” He asked as he spotted the phone in their hands. Hoseok opened the phone again and showed it over to the Hyung. “Jungsuh might know Marionette-agassi.” He grinned. Jin looked at it curiously and his eyes shot open shocked. “Oh?” He gasped and sat back. “What luck. Also...” He eyed the two sternly. “Who told you, you could be peeking through a lady's phone?” He scolded.


Hobi chuckled shyly and looked away. “She has a lock on it so I can't do anything even if I wanted to.” Jin snatched the phone away and scoffed. “So you would do it if there was no lock?” He examined the phone and sighed. “Whatever the case, it seems that fate has brought us closer than expected.” He commented as he looked at the image again.


Yoongi, fed up with everyone taking the phone, snatched the device back and shoved it into is jacket pocket. “I'll be watching over this. And Hyung...” He looked over to Jin who in turn looked back at him. “It's not fate. Just a coincidence.” Jin narrowed his eyes on him and pouted. “Ehe. It's fate.” Yoongi scoffed and stood up from the couch. “Whatever.” He then walked off to check up on the rest of the members.




Back at home, Jungsuh was frantically searching around the house and was ransacking the entire place. “Where is it? Where is it? Where?!” She frantically mumbled to herself as she lifted the cushions to the sofas and examined them panicky. When she didn't find what she was looking for, she dashed over to the kitchen and began rustling through the drawers and cupboards. “Phone, Phone, Phone, Phone...PHONE!?” She shouted. Her frantic search was proving fruitless and her heart began to beat faster in fear. “Where the living heck is my phone?!” Jungsuh immediately sprinted up the stairs and rushed into her room once again to check the other little nooks and crannies she had missed.


“Not here. Not there. Not here. Nope. No. Nuh uh. Oh? My missing bobby pin, but no phone.” She removed herself from her tight spot and stood up straight with a groan. “Gyah!!! Where did I lose it?!”


Jungsuh had been looking around the house for almost an hour now. After heading straight to work with Jun, Jungsuh was just minding her own business serving guests when she was about to check for the time. She had reached into her pocket and at that moment, she nearly had a heart attack. Where was her phone? She immediately searched the bar and the changing room but found nothing. She then asked Jun to let her leave early for a bit to check back home and luckily, he said yes.


Now she was at home and ransacking the entire place to find it. To her demise though, she found nothing of such. Just dust balls and small items she or Jun had lost over the years. Where the heck is it? She could not remember if she had left it somewhere. She even checked the neighborhood streets. The last time she remembered having it was when she had left that morning to go with... Jun... to... the new... neighbors... and.... she met...




Immediately, Jungsuh grabbed her bag and dashed out of the house in lightning speed. “Freakin gosh! If it is there thank the lord but...” In top time, she had reached the home of BTS and stopped nervously in front of the driveway. She looked up at the building and then around to see if anyone was home. Or course not. They are idols, they have work! Jungsuh groaned and began grabbing her hair in anger. Making a mess of it, she rubbed it and groaned aloud in frustration. “Why? Why did it have to drop here?” She sighed and slumped to the floor. What was she to do now? What if they didn't find it? What if the boys never saw it and just left it there? OMG she was screwed. Then it hit her.


“LOTUS!” She remembered. The frantic girl had just remembered that they were coming over to the Lotus this evening. Then she could get her phone back! Yas! Wait? They don't know she works there! Oh?! She could ask Jun! JUN! “JUN!” She yelled out as she quickly dashed over to the direction of where the club was.


Once she had arrived, the place was already partially full with people and the place was gradually getting fuller by the minute. Quickly, Jungsuh sneaked her way through the crowds and dashed over to the bar area. As she ran over, Ji Hyun had spotted her and was about to say hi but the young woman dashed off too quickly for her to ac

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I’m back darlings! I’ll have a new chapter posted sometime before the end of the week. Thank you for the patience!


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Jaslynn #1
Chapter 19: hmm Jiminnie!!!??
Chapter 18: Finally the female lead is not a simpering coward who endures bullying as a damsel in distress. Good on you
Jaslynn #3
Chapter 18: Haha yes a date ^.^ Can't wait . Have a great Christmas and New Year's !
Chapter 17: THIS IS GOODD AUDNXKKEKSMS of course there will always be a stuck up biatchhhh likeeeee this girl ;; jungsuh will get what se deserves with the boys around him <3333
Jaslynn #5
Chapter 17: This is really good, I'm really enjoying this plot immensely can't wait to read the next chapters.
B1T4S2 #6
Chapter 12: Ever since the beginning, I thought it was sugaxjungsuh?
So I want it to be Suga and jungsuh!~^^~
Lulasanta #7
Chapter 12: Great update! Personally, Or at least since the beginning, I always thought it'd be SugaxJungsah.
B1T4S2 #8
Chapter 11: "Well.........."

It's jungsuh
B1T4S2 #9
Chapter 1: Woah!! Hold up.... like waaaaattttttt....ok...ok. Now I just need all the chapters! My family said I have to read then I need to read......THIS! They say real books. But I am reading real books.... fanfics made by creative people like you author-nim! ^^
B1T4S2 #10
Chapter 7: OMG~! I love this fanfic! Good job! I went crazy when the chapter was out!!! You are such a good writer!! FIGHTING~~!