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Winning (Against) Yoon Jeonghan
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I had a bit of a moment where I decided to rewrite and alter the last few chapters of this story, which is why this took a long time.
(Along with gathering up new ideas for promised Junshua fic and also generally spouting random one shot ideas too—)
The good news is, this makes the chapter twice as long than what was originally written so I hope this makes up for the wait! 
The bad news (or, well, it depends how you look at it) is that the fic is also ending by the next chapter (つд`)
I'll write a proper word of thanks and such afterwards, for now, here's the penultimate chapter! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

It was the final week of the bet.

On some days, Jisoo would even end up forgetting that they had the bet in the first place; he got used to Jeonghan’s permanent place next to his side plus his subtle gestures and when that happened, everything else just felt more natural to him. Like he wasn’t actually trying to sneakily manipulate the way Jeonghan viewed the whole situation or something. Eventually, even Jeonghan stopped taking out his phone whenever Jisoo was talking to somebody else and opted to join in instead, weaseling his way in no matter what. 

He’d keep a hand on Jisoo’s shoulder or on his back during such moments, though. He would also stand particularly closer when Jisoo was interacting with any of the other male groups. Jisoo enjoyed that bit quite a lot.

The little rumour that they were actually a couple now managed to find its way out of Seventeen’s circle and around the rest of the KPOP industry. If Jisoo noticed how the other groups would giggle and smile fondly whenever they would see him and Jeonghan together, he didn’t comment about it. If Jeonghan noticed the same, he didn’t say anything either, but there would be a brighter smile on his face sometimes. Besides, if the bet went the way Jisoo wanted, it wouldn’t have to stay just a rumour after all.

Still, he only had one week, and things needed to be amped up. 

He was still sure of his win though, of course, that was much obvious. Further efforts were just a precaution. 

And also, maybe just for a bit of fun.

“I thought you only worked subtly? That was the rule, right?” Hansol asked. He had dropped by Jisoo’s room to ask about the bet, especially since he had accidentally let it slip to Seungkwan and the latter had to know about the details and updates. Seungkwan had talked to Jisoo about it a few times when the older boy couldn’t escape, being in the same room and all, but it didn’t hurt that Hansol was also pretty interested in it, too. Jisoo would tell him more, anyway.

The pink haired boy nodded. He had told Hansol about his recent observations and the conclusion that came with it. 

“I’ll still be subtle.”

“How does one even subtly seduce someone? I don’t think those two go together. You have to be downright obvious to seduce someone, don’t you? They have to know your purpose? I can’t imagine you— no, I won’t even finish that sentence, it’s too weird.”

“It’s not that kind of seducing, Vernon,” Jisoo said, rolling his eyes at the scandalized expression the younger boy wore, pushing at his shoulder lightly to shake him out of whatever his imagination brought him. “Maybe just some suggestive things. Just enough to drive him a little bit over the edge. Besides, for some reason when it comes to this bet, Jeonghan’s a tad more dense. He’s usually sharp about this.”

“It’s probably because his thoughts are clouded by the confusion that his emotions are bringing him, thanks to you, which makes him about as sharp as a baseball bat,” Hansol replied without missing a beat, earning a small chuckle from the other boy who didn’t say anything against it. He eyed the older member with a sort of new found respect. Who knew under that gentle, kind demeanour was someone this conniving? He felt like some kind of evil mastermind at this point. 

He continued when Jisoo didn’t speak up, “plus, Jeonghan wouldn’t suspect you of something like this. Hell, even I wouldn’t have suspected you of doing something like this if I hadn’t heard it  come out of your mouth. Man, why you fronting?”

Jisoo smiled in response.

“Now I’m even more suspicious of your evil mastermind tendencies, Josh.”

“I’m innocent, I swear,” Jisoo finally said, breaking into a a laugh. He still had that mischievous twinkle in his eye that suggested otherwise. Hansol particularly enjoyed when Jisoo was in one of his more playful moods, but he also knew that the older boy was completely and wholeheartedly serious about the whole thing with Jeonghan. Absolutely whipped. Jisoo stood up, offering Hansol a smile as he did so. "I'll be subtle. You can judge."

"What do you mean?" the younger boy asked, following after his regardless.

“Let’s go find Jeon

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1109 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ready to see Joshua win :D
princessswan #2
Chapter 9: Omfg I LOVEEE this. LOL I love the bet & how Shua never loses. The guys played such a huge role, which I absolutely adore. Seriously though.. Jeonghan desperately clinging onto Shua & getting more jealous as time went on was GOLD. Seriously JIHAN are besties & soulmate goals. <3 Hope you continue writing more JIHAN in the future - thanks for sharing this perfect story!! :)
waee09 #3
Chapter 9: Rereading because soooo in loveeee with this masterpieceeeee
waee09 #4
Chapter 9: SOOOOOO AMAAZINGGGGGGYGG. MY HEARRRRRRTTTTT. LOVED EVERY BIT!! Thank you sooo muchh for this masterpiece 😭
Chapter 9: That was adorable AF thank you! ♡
Sounds promising
bookworm514 #7
Chapter 10: oh this is so adorable. the ending was perfect!
Babematsu #8
Chapter 9: One of my first fics but also one of my favorites I completely love this so much you have no idea . thanks for writing it
Chapter 9: That was like so effin adorable♥♥♥