
Barriers [Oikawa x Reader]
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            The Butterfly Effect: Once you end up in a certain path, you’re unable to go back and unexpected outcomes just kept happening after another. Things become unavoidable and there’s no reset once the decisions are made because this isn’t just a game.




            3 years ago.

          You studied in Shiratorizawa Academy High School. You were a smart and a diligent student as to why you ended up in a good school. You were pretty plain in spite having good looks. You don't like to go around flaunting it too much because you just wanted a simple 'gray' life. You don't even want others acting all nice to you, pleasing you just because of your physical qualities. You didn't want to get involved in such shallow relationships.

            Choice: ‘Gray’ life

          You didn't like to mingle with a lot of people. To you, most of them seem to talk and brag a lot, not even caring to listen and you, as someone who doesn't talk a lot, you always listened to other people's rattles not getting anything back. You didn't feel the need to tell something about yourself because once you tried to talk, they don't pay attention at all and in the end. Your words will just end up forgotten. It was infuriating for you but you didn't want to waste your time caring about those who ignored you. If they don't want to listen to you, then don't. You won't have to listen to them too.

            And like this, the world becomes smaller for you. You made more acquaintances than friends. You may act friendly when they approach you but it’s just you being considerate of their efforts. After that, all connections are cut if not for school related stuffs to talk about. You had made a few friends you can count but at least it was a tight-knit rather than having many but superficial.

            Choice: Less friends

            Unexpectedly, there was someone that piqued your interest. His name was Arinaga Mori, a year higher than you. He was a decent guy but he was someone who wouldn't turn his head for you. He seemed aloof to you like you how you were with everyone else. He did not care for your looks or your intelligence at all. He was just quiet and timid in his own little ways with a few group of friends. It intrigued you that you ended up approaching him first and approaching some stranger first is something you haven’t done a lot recently.

            Choice: Approach him


          Hi! – you


            You sent him a message. You got his number from a friend. You were just bored and you got reminded of this guy.


            Hi. And you are? – Mori


            ___ ____ - you


            Ohh… Ah I know you. You’re that first year, right? – Mori


          At least he knew you.


            Yes - you


            It took a few minutes before he replied.


            Uhm… Do you know this girl, Suna? - Mori


            With the name he dropped, you already figured something about him. He slipped.


          Ohh… you like her? – you


            I didn't say anything like that! – Mori


            Ohh… so you do. It's obvious. Lol.

            You wouldn't suddenly ask me of her if you did not. – you


            Oh… I didn't realize that! Nice…

            You must have been figuring people out easily and faster than anyone. – Mori


            It's true. You were an observant and you had your knowledge on human behavior that tells you what they really meant. It must have been a skill to have that kind of awareness.

            When people slip up in their actions, you could easily tell them out. Since these rules are too familiar to you, you knew when to use it for yourself as well. You used it to your advantage. You didn't think you'd become a good liar at some point. You don't usually lie but only at times when you think the information is crucial to be conveyed to a certain person. You were careful with everything you did and never showed a lot about yourself. Sure, they knew a few details but what they know of was all generic. People never found you out actually. You were very good with this skill of yours. Being mysterious and secrecy became your strongest weapon. But for him, you dropped your covers unknowingly.

            The more you texted him, the more you got curious of him.


            Why do you like her? – you


            I don't know actually. I just turned to like everything about her. - Mori


            Not because of her looks? - you


            Well, she’s cute but that's just a bonus. I don't really like her because of that…

            I sort of just did. - Mori


            ‘You sort of just did… huh…’, his views in life had you on a hook, wanting to uncover him.


            Your talks with him thrilled you. Until time came that you were comfortable enough to tell him genuine things about yourself. You never knew that you could find someone you could open up with like this. He was so open and welcoming. He attentively listened to everything you had to say. He remembered everything and you did not need to repeat anything. You weren't used to this and yet he changed you, letting you discover a side of you that you never knew until now.

            You shared to him as much as he did with you.

            You both talked about your fears, dislikes, hobbies and dreams. You both did your best to help each other. The point came that you both knew of each other too much and had too much trust. You two couldn't be more selfless anymore and it was a good thing that the feelings were mutual in the end.


            “Is it okay if I became greedy?”, Mori uttered.

            “W-what do you mean?”, you asked quite confused.

            Mori stammered, “Y-you know…”

            “Uhm… W-what is it…?”,, it made you nervous too. What is he saying? It must be something important.

            “A… n-no.", Mori fidgeted here and there. He breathed in and out finally getting his courage to speak properly. “Maybe… you could be my girlfriend.”

            It surprised you but it was what you wanted to hear from him. “Oh… Okay.”

            “Okay?”, he gave you a befuddled look at how fast you agreed to this.

            You gave him a care-free nod assuring him that he wasn’t mistaken, “Uh-hmm.”

            “Okay.”, he was unable to stifle his smile and was relieved that you felt the same way about him.


            And that was when both of you stopped being just friends.

            A year passed and the problems were inevitable. Possessiveness and jealousy became a hindrance. It became a toxic relationship as you both tried to restrict each other but both of you were stubborn.

            Moreover, having a pretty face, a lot of boys approached you. Some of them even had motives to steal you away but you did not think of it that way. You were too considerate. You didn't want to reject anyone who approached you kindly. At some point, Mori started fearing that he might lose you. You kept saying that it was just being friendly and that you don't want to be rude to them but he refused to agree to your opinion.


            “Aren't you being too considerate? They might get you the wrong way. I'm just afraid that you're too nice and you might end up leaving me because you can't reject that other person.”, Mori complained.

            “Oi, I wouldn't do that!”, you shrugged,

            “What if he gets pushy towards you? What if he changed your mind? I'm sure he has motives to pursue you. It's obvious to us guys. So please, trust me.”

            “But… don't you trust me?”

            “I trust you. I just don't trust that guy and… maybe it's because I believe that life's a matter of choices, who you end up with in the end.”

            “Matter of cho

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Jenduekie #1
Chapter 11: Wahhhhhh thank u for updating T_T
Jenduekie #2
Jenduekie #3
Chapter 10: Another good story will this ever be continued?
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh. This is too good
Chapter 2: Loving this story! Cannot wait for the next chapter :)
Onnanoko09 #6
Chapter 8: This is one of the best Haikyuu fanfics I've read! And that's saying something since I've read a lot of Haikyuu fanfics. Please continue this. I really liked it!