
Stay with me
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“It is a sunny day, how weird. Usually the sky is covered in clouds, or it’s raining. But for the first time in a couple of weeks the sky is clear, and we can appreciate the sunlight. I don’t know what to think about that, I prefer the cloudy weather over the sun scorching my pale skin, but seeing how happy the people around are, makes you want to endure it”

The scribbles that the pen in Dahyun’s hand resonated in her ears, and she tried to keep her inspiration, being a student of literature as she is, and her essays are everything to some teachers, this first assignment is about feelings.  She is usually the silent melancholic kind of girl, who enjoys sad music, as she reads a good book. That’s one of the reasons she choose literature as her major, because one day she would like to become a teacher, and show her students the poetry of loneliness.

The pale girl sighed, and stood up from her spot in the grass.

“I need a girlfriend or friends” She muttered to herself. Her hands became busy as she threw her notebook inside her backpack, and passed them trough her tangerine hair.  

She began to walk, her hands shoved in her pockets, and hummed a song, and her big headphones were her distinctive point.  As she was walking, a soft body collided with her own, resulting in the air knocked from her lungs, and almost falling in her .

Dahyun scowled and was going to curse the person, but it was a girl. A crying girl, who bowed quickly, and ran for her dear life. The orange-haired girl stared in confusion after the back of the girl. It looked quite familiar for her, but doesn’t remember exactly who is.

“Only weird stuff happens to me” She told to no one.

“That is true, Dubu. I think you are going crazy and talks to the wind” Momo said, as she swung her arm towards Dahyun’s shoulders, the Japanese was dressed in a casual black hoodie as Dahyun. “We match again”

Dahyun smiled at her friend, and actually hugged her. Momo is one of her best friends in the world, the blonde is an air headed Japanese, who only thinks about food and dance.

Momo smiled back, dumbly.

“What got you so worked up?” the Japanese asked, as the duo began to walk towards the dorms, Dahyun shook her head, thinking about the encounter as something no extraordinary.

“Nothing, just being my weird self”

Momo chuckled.

“I noted it”

Dahyun laughed happily, one of her hands scratching an spot besides her ear.

“You got yourself a new tattoo” It was a statement, and the voice of her friend was more curious than judgmental.

A body is like a canvas, ready to become a piece of art, well that’s what Dahyun thinks about tattoos, and that’s the reason almost her whole body is covered in them. Her step father is a tattoo artist, and the old guy contacted one of his friends to make the appointment with Dahyun’s. Obviously, when Dahyun’s mom discovered this, even the hell froze with her fury. But the damaged was done, and Dahyun loved the results.

The bad part of it, it’s the look she gets on streets, mostly of old people. As if she is a criminal, no matter how she dresses, white dress shirts and black pants, the people stares at her as if she is the circus coming to town.

Even, some in college, has weird looks directed at her. The only people who doesn’t do that, is her step father and Momo.

Momo actually wanted a tattoo, but is scared of the pain to do so.

“Yeah, Dad accompany me, it’s only a few words this time”

Momo nodded, and took Dahyun’s left hand, which was covered in a lot of symbols.

“I can’t believe you tattooed your course of Greek mythology in your skin”

They entered the cafeteria, and Dahyun’s held the door open for Momo. The girl smiled in thanks, and ruffled her hair.

“It’s not the course, but it was in a spur of a moment”

They quickly encountered Chaeyoung and Mina. Momo scratched her chin, studying the two, and shrugged one shoulder. Her face becoming blank, and a little shy around them.

That was one thing Dahyun found interesting in Momo, the great contrast of personalities.

 Mina waved, and Chaeyeung smiled her dimple showing smile.

“Hi, guys” Mina’s voice was soft, and Chaeng took of her hoodie, her black shirt revealing some well toned arms.

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littlewings2102 #1
Chapter 7: Im waiting for your update
The story is too good to be abandoned.
I believe in you, authornim
Chapter 7: can't wait for your comeback author-nim! it has been a while since i last read your story
ShibaSana #3
Chapter 6: where the update at
30yume30 #4
Chapter 5: whoa... I'm speachless...
this story is sooo good and i quite don't know for which ship i should root because every shio is perfect the way you write it >.<
I'm glad i found this story d i hope you'll continue to write this ㅇㅅㅇ
Karla-AC1 #5
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah me rompió el cazaron lo de Mina ;-; se nos va la pinguina dejando lo que mas ama </3
Che Momo has algo al respecto! yo sentí feo cuando dijo lo de Nayeon enfrente de Mina, pero que se le hace, tienen que arreglar sus diferencias en algún momento.
Jengyeon apareció, fue hermoso :')
Ya quiero ver que pasa después, todo me tiene tan tensa jaja gran actualización como siempre!
chy486 #6
Chapter 5: Where that update tho .-.
Chapter 5: I am feeling mixed emotions right now- how can yiu do this to me. But heck i am lowkey rooting for namo! Give mina some poosi like chaeyoung's ehehe jk.
Karla-AC1 #8
Chapter 4: Oh mi Dios, no sabes como esperaba con ansias tu actualización! y te pido una disculpa por se una mala suscriptora y no comentar los capítulos anteriores.
Que te puedo decir, los personajes son perfectos (bueno, sabemos que no, que están jodidos pero tu me entiendes) me encanta la manera en la que todas están relacionadas de alguna manera, lo que las envuelve en su vida.
Todas son un misterio, no puedo dejar de pensar en lo que paso en el pasada, en especial ahora con Momo y Mina, este capitulo me rompió el corazon jaja Mina es definitivamente el personaje que mas me llama la atención, mi pobre niña se esta droga o algo :'( necesito saber mas, de sus sentimientos, de su pasado. Pero se que todo tiene su ritmo.
Amo con locura el Mimo y también el Namo por lo que esto me mata lentamente hahaha aunque seré sincera y prefiero el Mimo pero el Namo aquí no deja de fascinarme, el como de alguna forma se necesitan mutuamente y no lo niegan.(?)
Espero sigas con esta historia, es sumamente genial, bien escrita y las personalidades tan crudas y reales, así como la historia que es el detalle que mas me encanta. Ya va para mis historias favs de la vida.
1241 streak #9
Chapter 3: MiMo vs NaMo? °0° rooting for MiMo XD poor Sana :(
Chapter 3: wow wow wow you ship nana and lizzy too???? :O