Begin Again

Adventures of a Bunny and a Koala
Please Subscribe to read the full chapter

Genre: Angst to Fluff, Slight crack

Word Count: 16,958 

Summary(in case you get confused): Wendy and Irene are YouTubers. Because of certain reasons(No spoilers), they broke up. Fate gave them a second chance when they have to work on a movie production revolving about their relationship three years later.

*Italics are flashbacks. 


Begin Again


Juhyun walked into the café with her laptop on hand. Partially to visit her favourite dongsaeng, partially to get a private and peaceful place to do her work. She sat down on her usual spot and waved to Yeri. They got to know each other since Juhyun was a regular at the café. Despite their , Juhyun got along with Yeri pretty well. The girl may be savage and playful at times, but she was a younger sister Juhyun never had.


At twenty-seven years old, Juhyun managed to secure a management position at a private firm. The pay was decent and the working hours was manageable. Even so, Juhyun often worked overtime. It wasn’t because she was a workaholic. She doesn’t love her job, but it pays. The job also allowed her to forget about certain things, more specifically, a certain someone. After three years, she still couldn’t get over her.


Looking for some spare change to pass to Yeri, Juhyun realised that the girl was quieter than usual. She looked lifeless. The usual smile on her face was absent. Putting the coins on Yeri’s hand, Juhyun continued observing Yeri. Being a Psychology major, she could easily pick up on Yeri’s abnormal behaviour.


“Yeri ah, are you okay?”


The younger girl sighed before sitting down right across Juhyun. The café was usually empty at this timing anyways. Juhyun took a sip of her hot chocolate, patiently waiting for Yeri to say something.


“My dad lost his job yesterday. I can’t pay for my college fees next semester. This job doesn’t provide me enough money. I thought of getting student loan but I need a guarantor. It’s risky. No one wants to help.”


Juhyun mentally calculated the amount of savings she had left. Even though she wasn’t a spendthrift, she wouldn’t be able to loan Yeri the amount as well. College fees were just too darn expensive. She started thinking of ways to raise money for Yeri. Being a YouTuber as well, Juhyun knew that she could sell more merchandise to help raise funds for Yeri, but that wouldn’t help a lot either.


“Yeri ah, don’t worry about it. Unnie will think of something.”


“But…You have a lot on your plate now.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. You’ll definitely be able to graduate. Trust me.”


Before Yeri could say anything more, a customer interrupted their conversation. Juhyun signalled for Yeri to attend to the customer after giving the younger girl a pat on the head. Juhyun would figure something out. She always did.


Logging into her email, Juhyun clicked on the first unread email. Really, she wished she didn’t. Because that email alone brought back so many unwanted memories of her. It didn’t help that the radio in the café was playing her songs as well. It was only after half a minute did Yeri realised and changed the channel but Juhyun would never be able to forget that voice.


We would like to produce a movie based on your past relationship with Wendy Son.


That was the gist of it but there were so many details. Those were irrelevant though. Juhyun turned to look at Yeri before focusing on the email again.




The amount they were willing to give in exchange for the permission and help to produce the movie. It was tempting. It would help Yeri. Yet…Juhyun knew that that would mean she would have to meet Wendy again, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready. If she would ever be ready to face her ex-girlfriend again. The breakup years ago spiralled out of control already because both of them were somewhat public figures. If they would work together for this movie, Juhyun didn’t know how much publicity she would get again. Her heart screamed no, but her mind screamed yes.


For Yeri.


Her fingers moved naturally, crafting a response to set up a meeting with the director. As she was typing, she didn’t miss the other email in the conversation. It was a reminder that she was way above her league now. She was a worldwide superstar and she had a girlfriend. She had moved on, leaving a broken, lonely heart behind.


It’ll be okay…It’ll be fine…



Wendy opened her inbox again, her eyes widening immediately. She had seen that email a few days ago but she has not given the director a solid reply. She was waiting to see what she would do. No matter what her decision was, Wendy would support it. She didn’t need the money, nor did she need the publicity either. Deep down, Wendy was hoping that she would not say yes. Wendy didn’t know how to face that girl again. She finally had her life together, and she didn’t want to mess it up again.


“Baby? Come back to bed.”


She closed her laptop and turned off the table lamp. Sliding into the covers, a warm body huddled closer to her. She pecked the girl’s head before closing her eyes, trying to get some sleep. That wasn’t going to happen and Wendy knew that. Her mind was filled with a certain someone. It was wrong to think about someone else when her girlfriend was next to her but Wendy couldn’t help it.


She was going to meet her ex-girlfriend soon. She was going to work with her ex-girlfriend again. All these while, she was satisfied with watching her YouTube videos and receiving occasional updates from Seulgi, but now that she was going to meet Juhyun again, Wendy couldn’t control the excitement growing in her heart.


After how everything ended between them, Wendy wanted a proper closure. That was what she felt, or what she tried to convince herself anyways. She had a girlfriend that she loved, right next to her. Supportive, loving and caring.


Wendy met Taeyeon in the first year she joined the company. Her uality wasn’t an issue since America was more open-minded as compared to Korea. Taeyeon was a senior and Wendy had always looked up to her. Somehow or another, they got closer and within a few months after debuting, rumours started to spread. Taeyeon confessed first. Wendy accepted. Now here they are three years later.


Deep inside, Wendy knew that she was hurting Juhyun. Their breakup had caused a void in Wendy’s heart. A void that Taeyeon filled a few months later. Some said it was too fast but it felt right. It felt so right to Wendy.


Nothing would happen. We’re just gonna work together. That’s all.




A Few Weeks Later


“Here’s the layout of the event. Your booth is right…here.”


Juhyun continued walking with a box full of merchandise ranging from shirts, DVDs, mugs and many more. Walking closely behind her were her friends, and of course, Yeri. They too were each carrying a box. Once they have reached the booth assigned to her, Juhyun thanked the man and started setting up her area. Being a YouTuber, she was used to attending such events to engage with her fans.


Truthfully, Juhyun wasn’t as active as other YouTubers. Since young, she loved dancing. At the age of fifteen, she started filming herself and posting covers on YouTube. It was more of a hobby rather than a job but her audience grew larger and larger. Wanting to thank them, Juhyun tried to attend as many fan meets as possible. She also stuck to her schedule of posting a video every two weeks. Her videos were mainly dance covers but there were a few Q&A(s) as well.


“Juhyun Unnie. Did you know that...Wendy was coming?”

Juhyun whipped her head around, almost slapping Yeri with her ponytail. She was so engrossed in setting up her booth that she failed to see the booth next to her. The poster was bigger than every other YouTuber’s for obvious reasons. Despite being a worldwide superstar, Wendy continued using her channel to post song covers. She had the biggest audience amongst all the YouTubers here today.


“It’s gonna get really crazy.”




“What? It’s true!”


Juhyun’s nails were already digging into her palms, her brain coming up with every single scenario that could happen later. She wasn’t informed that Wendy would be attending this event as well. Juhyun had always avoided every event that Wendy was going to. She had to meet the girl eventually to discuss the production of the movie but that would be in private. Juhyun wasn’t ready to face Wendy in public especially since everyone knew that they dated before.




“You could have not attended this event. You just came back from your concert in Korea!”


“I know. This is a last-minute thing but since the event is held near the company, I thought why not?”


“Your fans are rushing to get tickets now. Hmm, there are a lot of YouTubers attending today’s event.”






As Taeyeon started listing down each and every YouTuber attending, Wendy started humming along to the song playing on the radio until she heard a familiar name.


“Bae Irene.”


She tried to play indifferent, really she did, but the grip on the driver’s wheel tightened almost by reflex. Of course, Taeyeon saw that. Gritting her teeth, she was about to tell Wendy to cancel when she realised that the car had stopped.


“We’re here.”


“Babe, you can just cancel.”


“It’s just my ex. I’m not going to give my fans false hopes.”




“But what?”


Wendy’s eyes were stone cold, as though she was challenging Taeyeon to say anything, but the older girl remained silent. She was unhappy about it, but she wanted to play the role of a supportive girlfriend. After all, Wendy was dating her.


Taeyeon has had her fears before. She followed Wendy’s history before after getting to know the girl. She wanted to find out the reason behind every broken-hearted song Wendy wrote. She couldn’t deny how beautiful Irene was. The chemistry between the two were obvious. Every video she watched would create fresh wound in her heart. She didn’t know the exact details of the breakup seeing that Wendy refused to speak about it.


She took a leap of faith one day and to her surprise, Wendy accepted her immediately. Since then, she has tried her best to help Wendy forget about Irene. She took notice of Wendy’s behaviour each and every day. Gradually, a smile began to form naturally and Taeyeon was certain that Wendy’s heart was hers. That was until Wendy received an email regarding a movie production.




But Taeyeon would rather have Wendy than nothing at all. Even if it means that she had to share Wendy’s heart with Irene. She would endure this. She would grit her teeth and push away the jealousy. Wendy was hers anyways.



“It was a last-minute thing Irene. I’m sorry.”


Juhyun was silently cursing the organiser while arranging her stuffs. Her friends knew of her internal turmoil so they chose to stay quiet at the side. Juhyun was the type that would snap if anyone disturbed her when she was stressed. They knew the biggest reason why Juhyun was panicking. They knew that even though Juhyun had some flings here and there, her heart still belonged to Wendy.


Sleeping with Juhyun meant that they would be at the receiving end. They never got to touch Juhyun. Neither did they get to sleep on Juhyun’s bed. It was always somewhere else. The couch, the guest room, the floor or the kitchen. Her bed was off-limits. Juhyun never stated the reason why but they knew.


Juhyun’s room contained full of memories. Wendy’s scent lingered in it until it gradually grew faint. Juhyun would never let another person lay on the same bed where she made love with Wendy countless of times. It was disrespectful even though Juhyun knew that Wendy was happily making


love to someone else on the other side of the world. There were times she wanted to rip their pictures apart when she came across an article about Wendy failing to hide her hickeys, but she was never strong enough to do so.


“Sorry Juhyun Unnie.”


“Hey, it’s not your fault, Yeri-ah. Come on, help me lay out the shirts.”


Seulgi watched from afar and sighed. Joy gave her a knowing look in return. Juhyun would always act indifferent but they knew how she was actually feeling. As she arranged the last DVD properly on the table, Seulgi caught a glimpse of red hair. She could easily guess who that was. After all, she was the only one who stayed in contact with Wendy. Juhyun knew about it but she never said anything. Seulgi knew it was because Juhyun was being considerate to her feelings as well.


“Wendy ah!”


Seeing a familiar face, Wendy couldn’t help but grin. Seulgi’s smile was infectious. She pulled away from the tight embrace and was faced with an awkward silence. Mainly because there were two individuals glaring at her from afar and one had her head down, focusing on the task on hand. Even though Juhyun wasn’t looking up, Wendy could see her beautiful Juhyun still was. Her side profile was enough to leave Wendy breathless.


“Babe. You need to set up now. The event is starting soon.”


“Right. Erm, Seulgi this is Taeyeon, my girlfriend. Taeyeon, this is Seulgi.”


“Nice to meet you!”


“Likewise. Babe. We really need to set up now.”

Seulgi shot an understanding smile before patting Wendy’s arm. She walked back towards Juhyun’s booth knowing that she had to stay by Juhyun’s side for the rest of the day. Wendy took one last look at Juhyun which didn’t go unnoticed by Taeyeon. In response, Taeyeon clung onto Wendy’s arm as they walked pass Juhyun’s booth.


Damn it. Our booths are side by side.


Once Juhyun was done with her booth, she snuck a glance at Wendy. As much as she tried not to look, her heart couldn’t resist. Three years ago, she didn’t expect them to end up like that. Three years ago, she was mad in love but three years ago, she got her heart broken.






“You’ll get through this.”

Knowing that Yeri was trying to be supportive, Juhyun leaned her head on the younger girl’s shoulder without saying another word. On the other hand, Yeri grew even more worried when she felt a warm spot on her shoulder. She remained still. She didn’t ask. It was a single tear drop, but that tear drop was enough to make Yeri’s heart hurt for her friend.


8 Years Ago


“Seriously. Who on earth is Son Seungwan? Why is everyone pairing me with her? I have a girlfriend already.”


Juhyun finally clicked on Seungwan’s profile after countless numbers of fans started commenting on her videos, asking her to collaborate with Seungwan. Some even commented that the two would look good together. Juhyun rolled her eyes everytime she read such comments since she had a girlfriend already but curiosity got the better of her.


Son Seungwan Cover- Halo by Beyoncé


“Wow. She’s good.”


By the end of the video, Juhyun mouth was left agape. No wonder this girl was insanely popular. She had almost the same number of followers as Juhyun. Another thing Juhyun noted was that Seungwan


was super cute but she was faifthful. She would never do that to her girlfriend. She closed the tab and started uploading her new video.


Perhaps a collaboration in future.



“Thank you for coming!”


Juhyun stood up to stretch a little before sitting back down to sign another autograph. Her fans were slowly helping her forget about a certain someone but there were times she would get reminded of the situation she was in. She knew that her fans were trying to keep their voices low but Juhyun had a very good hearing. She could make out some of the mummers around her.


Wendy and Irene.


A thing of the past.


As she was talking to the fan in front of her, she heard a loud gasp from the booth beside her. She tried to concentrate but there was an annoying voice constantly shrieking at someone else followed by a soft and gentle voice that Juhyun would never forget.


She allowed herself to turn to the side, just to get a glimpse she said. The sight that greeted her was different from what she expected. A fan had accidentally spilled her coffee onto Wendy’s white button-up and despite Wendy’s assurance, Taeyeon was freaking out.


“You don’t have an extra shirt!”


“Babe, it’s fine. I’ll just buy another shirt from the department store later.”


“You have a meeting with the CEO later! You’ll be late!”


“It’s really fine. Really, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”


Sighing loudly, Juhyun turned back to face Seulgi who was helping her with the sales of her merchandise. Every pair of eyes were on her by then, curious as to what she would do since Wendy was her ex-girlfriend after all.


“Is there another S sized shirt?”


“No. We ran out. We have L left though.”


“L would be too big on her. She’s going to get criticised for having zero fashion sense if she gets a sized L.”


All of a sudden, there were loud shrieks. Wendy turned to face the noise only to be greeted by a sight that had her heart thumping madly. Juhyun had removed her own purple button-up, leaving a white tank top underneath. Her milky white skin was on display for a while until Seulgi threw Juhyun a sized L shirt. Sure, it looked massively oversized on Juhyun’s small frame but it made her look insanely adorable. Wendy was aware that many people were staring at her, staring at Juhyun but she couldn’t help but gasp when Seulgi walked over with the same purple button-up.


“Juhyun is lending it to you. Said something that you guys will meet for some business thing two days later?”


“R-Right. Could you help me thank her?”


“Of course. This is her favourite button-up by the way. Don’t spoil it.”


“I know. She still loves purple, huh?”


“Not much has changed.”


Just like her feelings for you.


“Thank you, again.”


Even though Juhyun didn’t turn to look at Wendy again, Wendy had a big smile planted on her face afterwards. Knowing the exact reason behind her girlfriend’s smile, Taeyeon scowled before replacing Wendy’s fingers with hers. Buttoning up the shirt, Taeyeon made sure that her voice was loud enough for Juhyun to hear.


“You look good in anything, baby!”


Wendy’s mind was elsewhere though. She inhaled deeply and was greeted by a very familiar smell. After three years, Juhyun still used the same perfume. Everything reminded her of Juhyun. The colour, the smell, the faint smell of the fabric softener that lingered.


7 Years Ago


Wendy was on her laptop again, reading comments on the latest video she posted on YouTube. She started out her channel two years ago and became an immensely popular YouTuber after posting her song covers. What made Wendy stood out among other YouTubers was her ability to reinterpret the song and cover a song in her own style. She would also post Q&A videos on her channel so that her fans could learn more about her and vice versa. Because of that, many of her fans felt like her friend rather than just a fan.


There was one particular Q&A video that gained a lot of attention. A fan had asked Wendy her ideal type of guy to which Wendy responded with “I fall for personality more than anything else”. It was very subtle, but many fans speculated if Wendy was gay or biual since she continued by referring to her future partner as ‘The person’ rather than ‘The guy’. Wendy didn’t deny nor did she confirm anything so many fans started suggesting other YouTubers for Wendy to work with. Wendy knew that it was their way of pairing her up with other YouTubers. She has lost count of the number of ship names she has read from the comments on her video. Wendy would rather work with someone that would fit her style and that’s why she rarely collaborated with other YouTubers. But there was one YouTuber that Wendy was dying to work with. In fact, most of her fans suggested for Wendy to work with this particular YouTuber.


Bae Irene.


That was her stage name, but her real name was Bae Juhyun. Yes, Wendy did stalk look up her profile and watched many of Juhyun’s videos. She was initially intrigued because she did not expect so many of her fans to suggest a particular YouTuber. Plus, she wanted to see if the YouTuber would fit her style. Wendy’s first impression of the girl was just like any other person. Bae Juhyun was gorgeous. Wendy couldn’t find any flaw. Juhyun’s front view, side view and back view were all perfect. Juhyun was also extremely talented at dancing and Wendy felt that their styles would match each other well. The problem was…Juhyun was in Korea and Wendy lived in Canada. A collaboration was almost impossible.


Since a collaboration was out of the question, Wendy decided that she should send the girl a private message. Perhaps she could make a friend instead.


“Babe? Shall we continue?”


“Right. Sorry. Let’s continue.”


Even though the two did not interact for the rest of the event, their fans had enough content to get excited over. It has been three years but there were fans who were not over their breakup. They waited, hoping that their ship would sail again.


WenRene vs WenTae


The fight was on.




I met my idol @BaeIrene today omgggggg. I love you so much!



Did you see??? Irene’s muscle on her arms were to die for!! And she lent her shirt to Wendy OMG. MY OTP IS BACK!!!!



So what???? @Cabbage0329 Wendy is dating Queen Taeyeon!!! WenTae is end game!!! WenRene is the past!!!





“Twitter is going mad.”


“I know.”


“Have to say though, I thought you wouldn’t do anything.”


“I couldn’t leave her like that.”


“You still have a soft spot for her, huh?”


“It’s not like I have a choice, Joy. She seems happy.”


“With Taeyeon?”




“That girl is a . She’s such a-”


“Keep your volume down. You don’t want her fans to come after you.”

“Do I look like I care? She was basically sending invisible daggers to you constantly.”


“If my girlfriend is here with her ex-girlfriend, I would get territorial too. It’s fine.”


“If she wasn’t so afraid, she wouldn’t need to do that. That basically means that Wendy still has feelings for you.”


“Stop being delusional. She has moved on.”


“Have you?”


The answer was clear as day when Juhyun pursed her lips together.


“She’s right there, you know.”


“Nothing will happen.”


“Fine. Then tell us what business deal you have with her.”


Sighing, Juhyun began explaining everything to her friends. Yeri remained silent throughout, guilt slowly creeping up her heart. If it weren’t for her…Juhyun wouldn’t need to do this.


“Yeri, I’m doing it because I want to, okay? I’ll be fine.”




“Your education is more important.”


“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself?”


“I will. You guys are only flying off tomorrow, right? Let’s have a nice dinner together later.”


Despite the uneasiness in their hearts, they allowed Juhyun to do as she wished. Once Juhyun has settled on something, nothing could change it.


Gathering up the last of their belongings, Juhyun was about to leave the venue when a figure stopped her.




“I just…wanted to thank you personally for the shirt. It would have been rude for me to not do so.”


“R-Right. You’re welcome.”


“Hey er…I’ll see you on Monday?”




Juhyun bowed lightly before leaving the venue. As she stepped out, she placed one hand on her chest, feeling her heart pumping rapidly.


It’s just a movie. A few months and we’re done.



6 Years Ago


It has been a year since they started chatting with each other. They had since exchanged numbers and started using KaKaoTalk as a way to communicate since the difference in time zones made Skype hard to do. They were texting each other everyday, sending pictures of their mundane life and talking about just about everything.


The two have not followed each other on their social media platforms, not have they subscribed to each other’s channels. Their fans were left in the dark but both of them decided it was better this way. They liked to keep some aspects of their life personal.


Wendy recalled the time Juhyun stopped replying to her messages for a while because of her breakup. The breakup was pretty public since Juhyun’s ex-girlfriend had often posted pictures of them together on Twitter. Nevertheless, Juhyun was bombarded with lots of questions that she didn’t want to answer. Wendy knew from Juhyun that the breakup was one-sided. Her ex-girlfriend said that Juhyun was ‘her biggest regret’ without any other explanations. Juhyun came to know that her ex-girlfriend was cheating on her. Since then, Wendy tried avoiding any topic regarding Juhyun’s relationship status.


By then, she knew that she had a crush on Juhyun. Unknownst to her, Juhyun was developing a crush on her as well. It was mainly because of the random pictures they would exchange with each other on a daily basis. Wendy would mainly send pictures of her baked products. On rare occasions, she would send Juhyun a selca or even better, a video of her singing new song. On the other hand, Juhyun’s life was less interesting. She would send pictures of her doing laundry and if Wendy got lucky, a dance cover that has yet to be posted on Juhyun’s channel. A selca was rarer, but whenever Wendy got one, she would have to take a deep breath and ensure that she was sitting down. The first time Juhyun ever sent a selca, Wendy fell down the steps because of how insanely gorgeous Juhyun looked. Even though Wendy had to suffer a broken leg for about a month, she thought that the selca was worth the pain. It was though these photos that they got to know each other even better. Despite their feelings, neither of them acted on it until Wendy managed to secure a gig in Korea.


“Good morning Ms Bae. My name is JongHyun.”


“You can just call me Irene.”


“Irene, it is then. Do you want anything?”


“Nope, I’m good.”


Irene gestured to her drink. The two remained silent for a while, waiting for Wendy to appear so they could start on the official meeting.


“You know…I followed you two since the start.”


Juhyun knew where the conversation was going but it was inevitable. If they had to produce a movie based on their relationship, Juhyun had to be honest.




“Mmm. I admired the both of you. I always wanted to be a director and I chose your story.”


“Can I ask why?”


“Despite how you two ended, you guys have inspired so many people to be true to themselves, to accept their own uality. That alone is enough.”


“How does the film end?”


“It depends on the both of you. I have two endings. One is already written out. That one is a representation of the current situation both of you are in.”


“The other?”


“That ending can be written by the both of you. It’s up to you two.”


“I don’t get it.”


“You’ll get it soon. The cast are already chosen. We just need help from the both of you since this story is evidently, based on your relationship.”


Irene merely nodded her head before taking another sip from her drink.


“I heard you took a no pay leave for this.”


“Yeah. I needed the money to fund my friend’s education.”


“A great friend you are. I hope we’ll become good friends as well despite the unfortunate circumstances. I know it’s hard…to re-open those wounds you tried so hard to seal back. We’ll try to complete the filming as fast as possible.”


“Thank you.”


The two remained silent again until Wendy arrived.


“Sorry I’m late. I had a meeting. I’m Wendy.”

“Jonghyun. I’m surprised the paparazzi isn’t here.”

“I managed to escape from them.”


“Well, I’ll go straight to the point then. Filming begins tomorrow onwards if the both of you consent to the production. Filming will go on from 7am-7pm everyday. Weekends are free. Both of you have read the terms and conditions, right?”


Both girls nodded their heads before retrieving a pen from their own bags. They can’t back out after this.


“I’ll see you two tomorrow. I’ll send you the details tonight. Oh, I’ll arrange for a car to fetch you, Irene. The news of this production would be announced tonight. Don’t want you to get surrounded by the paparazzi.”


“It’s fine, I can handle myself.”


“Really, I insist. You really don’t want to try the paparazzi especially since the both of you are very prominent figures now.”




Juhyun laid on the bed, unable to fall asleep. She had rented this apartment until the filming was done and she hasn’t gotten used to the bed even though it has been two days. Sighing, she went onto Twitter to pass time.









Seriously? @BaeIrene stop being such a , clinging onto @SonSeungwan she has @taeyeon_ss now!


Seems like Twitter isn’t helping.




Placing an arm over her eyes, Juhyun decided that she should stay out of her social media for a while. Yet…her thoughts naturally drifted.


6 Years Ago


Wendy: Hyun! Want to hear something good?


Juhyun: You got signed by a company?


Wendy: No ☹ I wish. Take another guess?


Juhyun: Erm...You landed a gig that could potentially get you signed?


Wendy: Something like that. It concerns you.


Juhyun: If it concerns me…Does that mean you’re coming to Korea?


Wendy: I’ll see you in 2 weeks’ time, beautiful!


Juhyun: Are you serious right now? Please don’t lie to me and stop teasing me!


Wendy: I ain’t teasing babe. I’ll be in Seoul for a week 😊


Juhyun: Send me the details! I’ll pick you up!


Wendy: You just ignored the babe part ☹


Juhyun: …


Wendy: Just kidding beautiful. I can’t wait to see you!


Juhyun: I can’t wait to see you too! We have been talking to each other for ages! My phone is blowing up with notifications right now. Did you just follow me on my social media??


Wendy: Yeap! Our fans are going crazy, huh?


Juhyun: Well, they have been asking for a collaboration for ages! I still remember reading the top-rated comment. “Please collaborate with God Wendy! She’s a very good singer and she speaks Korean!”


Wendy: Haha can’t beat yours though. “Wendy!! Work with Bae Irene!! She’s so hot!”


Juhyun: My friends are demanding an explanation right now.


Wendy: What for?


Juhyun: They ship us.


Wendy: Oh really?


Juhyun: They call themselves the presidents of the ‘WenRene’ fanclub. Hilarious.


Wendy: You have interesting friends. Can’t wait to meet them too.


Juhyun: Who says you’ll meet them? 😝


Wendy: Aren’t you gonna introduce them to your future girlfriend?


Unconsciously, Juhyun bit her lip as she read the last text Wendy sent to her. She knew that she had to reply soon, but she didn’t know what to say. It’s safe to say that she has a massive crush on her online best friend but Wendy didn’t need to know that. Wendy would seize every opportunity to tease Juhyun using words like “beautiful” and “babe”. Everytime Wendy does so, Juhyun could feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. It was sort of uncomfortable, but in a good way.


“Wendy again?”




Seulgi grinned as she peeped her head forward to read what Wendy sent to Juhyun. She could vividly remember the time when she noticed a change in Juhyun’s behaviour. Juhyun would often be caught grinning or laughing to herself as she stared down as her phone. Seulgi has known Juhyun for years and she knew that Juhyun wasn’t fond of spending her time on her phone often. It was through constant probing that Seulgi realised what or rather who was the cause of Juhyun’s change.


“Such a sweet-talker. I wish I had a Wendy in my life.”


“Shut up!”


Pushing Seulgi’s face away from her phone screen, Juhyun turned her back to type her reply. A girl has to have some privacy.


Juhyun: Maybe 😉


Wendy: Well my lady, I will be honoured to have an angel fetch me from the airport. Your friends must be as beautiful as you? 😃


Juhyun could feel the green monster fighting to escape. She didn’t like the idea of her Wendy, flirting and teasing her friends with her smooth words. Her friends were all fans of Wendy and would definitely die for a chance to even interact with the girl. Juhyun closed the chat and gritted her teeth in annoyance.


Wendy: Babe? Did I say something wrong? You are an angel, aren’t you?


Juhyun decided to ignore Wendy’s messages. That would teach the girl a lesson. It was funny how they aren’t even official yet Juhyun was already acting like a jealous and possessive girlfriend. No one could blame her though. Wendy has the ability to attract girls and guys everywhere with her smooth-talk and her lethal charms. By lethal charms, Juhyun was referring to many aspects of Wendy’s, but mainly how y Wendy’s voice would become whenever she spoke in English.


Wendy: I’m sorry, beautiful. Were you jealous? I promise, I only have eyes for you. Your friends can’t hold a candle to you.


Juhyun: You haven’t even seen their pictures yet. Idiot.


Wendy: Now you’re replying. So, you’re really jealous? Such a cutie. I’m sure that even if I see their pictures, they can’t compete with you.


Juhyun: You don’t know about that.


Wendy: You have something they don’t have.


Wendy: My heart.


Wendy: I hope I didn’t scare you off Hyun-ah. I know I sound like I am messing around with you all the time, but if you haven’t already figured it out, I do so because I really, really, really like you. If you would give me a chance, I would like to get to know you even better when I’m in Korea. We can take things slow…


Wendy: If you’re wondering why I’m saying this now, I actually thought of the perfect way to ask you out but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to speak in front of a goddess like you. I’m not that confident with my words in real life. So, Bae Juhyun, would you give me a chance?




Somewhere further down the street, Wendy was looking out into the night. Taeyeon had long fallen asleep. Wendy had just finished reading part of the scene that would be filmed tomorrow. The script was so accurate. It was exactly how Wendy felt when she took a leap of faith to ask Juhyun out years ago.


Everything still goes back to Juhyun eventually.


6 Years Ago


Unfortunately for Wendy, the lecturer has already walked into the lecture theatre by the time she sent the last message and as much as Juhyun wanted to open the messages to read the contents, this particular lecturer was very strict on smartphone usage during lectures. Wendy continued sitting down on her coach, waiting for a reply that never came. At least she knew that Juhyun has not opened the message yet. Truth to be told, she was a nervous wreck considering the fact that she has just confessed to Juhyun through a text message.


How unromantic could she be? Wendy was desperate to convince Juhyun that she wasn’t playing around and that she wasn’t the type to go around flirting with every single human being. Because of that, she typed out her confession in a hassle and pressed the sent button. Part of her wanted to scream out in frustration because of her stupidity but part of her was hoping that Juhyun felt the same way. That would make things less awkward when they finally meet since Wendy could skip all the wooing part and go on a proper date with Juhyun immediately. After all, she only had a week in Seoul. She did weigh the risks of a long-distance relationship, but she was planning to move back to Seoul eventually so distance wasn’t that big of an issue.


Sighing in frustration, Wendy reckoned that Juhyun was in a lesson so it would take at least, three hours before Juhyun could reply her. Yes, Wendy did count before and she did ask Juhyun about how long her lectures were on a daily basis. She glanced to her right, only to see her blue guitar lying against the wall and her camera that she normally used for recording.


Perhaps I should record a new song…



“This is Jisoo. She’ll be playing Irene and Rosé here will play the role of Wendy.”


“Nice to meet you. Both of us are huge fans.”


“Really? I’m honoured then. Are you two…”


“Yeah, we’re actually dating in real life. When our agent called us to tell us to audition for this role, we said yes immediately. We followed the both of you since the start.”


“Ahhh! Irene, you’re here! How’s the paparazzi?”

“Nuts. Thanks for the ride by the way.”


So that’s Bae Irene. Everyone on set has heard her name ever since Jonghyun decided to go ahead with this movie. They knew of Irene’s past with Wendy and everyone was ordered to keep silent. That didn’t stop them from admiring Irene’s beauty from the side. After all, Irene barely looked her age.


Nodding her head at Wendy as a form of politeness, Irene introduced herself to the cast members. Despite the smiles on everyone’s faces, the tension rising in the atmosphere was inevitable.


“You look cute in the uniform. Reminds me of my younger days.”


“T-Thank you.”


“Don’t be nervous.”


“I can’t help it. I’ve been your fan for a long time. I don’t want to disappoint you.”


Crouching down, Irene flashed an encouraging smile before muttering hwaiting to Jisoo. In some ways, Jisoo reminded her of Yeri as well.


“Just be yourself. Think of it as the time you first received a confession from Rosé. Convey those emotions into this scene.”


“How did you…”


“I could tell. Your girl has been stealing glances in this direction since Wendy pulled her away to give her advice.”


“Thank you. I’ll try my best!”

“You’ll do well. I believe in you.”


“Alright! Everyone to your positions!”


6 Years Ago


“I hate assignments.”


“We all do but hey, we have our entire three months break to complete it. It’s quite a good deal actually. We have three months to ace this!”


“That is coming from someone who gets straight As.”


“I work for my grades. Maybe you should too.”


“I like to have fun.”


“By fun, you mean going to parties and getting drunk?”


“Not the drunk part. You should start living a life, Juhyun Unnie. Parties aren’t that bad. Who knows, you may meet someone there.”


“Hah, I don’t need to meet anyone when there’s Wendy.”


“Oh right, how could I forget? You have the Wendy Son. Aren’t you supposed to reply her message?”


“Crap, I forgot about it! I hope she doesn’t get mad.”


“Why would she? She got the hottest girl on campus head over heels for her. Plus, you did tell her that your lectures are usually in three hour blocks.”


“Haha very funny. She doesn’t know about my feelings.”


“She’s an idiot if she doesn’t know. You guys have been flirting with each other for months ever since you became single again. It’s both sweet and sickening at the same time.”


“And you call yourself the president of the WenRene fanclub.”


“I am! I can’t wait for you guys to be official. Both of your fanbase would be throwing confetti in the air. They ship you guys like crazy especially after Wendy followed you on social media and mentioned you in a tweet.”


“If we get together, we’re not gonna announce it. I like to have a private life, thank you very much. I haven’t checked Twitter in like ages. What did she say?”


“Check it out for yourself?”


Juhyun decided that the text message could wait. Opening her Twitter app, she was annoyed at the pop-up informing her that she needed to update her Twitter to use it. Scowling at Seulgi who was laughing at her, Juhyun went onto the App store to update her Twitter app. When the app was finally updated, Juhyun clicked on her mentions and saw Wendy’s username.



Hey beautiful! @BaeIrene Just came by to say how good of a dancer you are. 😉


Smiling at how crazy the fan’s replies were, Juhyun decided to read more. She stopped scrolling when she saw a very, very familiar username.





“Kang Seulgi!”


“What? I am the president after all. I must make sure my ship doesn’t sink!”


“What doesn’t sink?”


Joy was done with her lectures as well and was walking over to the table Juhyun and Seulgi were at.


“Our ship! WenRene is finally sailing!”


“Hell yeah! Did you see how excited the fans are? I bet the collaboration would hit a million views in an hour!”


“Less than an hour!”


Joy added in with the teasing making Juhyun groan in embarrassment. She wondered why she was friends with them in the first place.


Juhyun pressed the follow button on both her Instagram and Twitter accounts and liked Wendy’s tweet. She hasn’t read Wendy’s tweets in a while so she continued scrolling further, forgetting that she has a message to reply to. She is a grandma after all. Her memory wasn’t as good as others.



Maybe? 😊 @KangBear


That girl really knows how to tease others.


Looking through her phone notification, Juhyun finally realised that she had not replied any of Wendy’s text messages. As she read Wendy’s text message, Seulgi could see how Juhyun’s face was getting redder and redder by the second. She really resembled a hot tomato right now. As expected of the president of the OTP, Seulgi was the most curious. When Juhyun spaced out, Seulgi snatched the phone away and passed it to Joy, the tallest in the group. Obviously, Juhyun was way too short to snatch her phone back.

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Wait WISJ will have another sequel omg?! So bb SW got rejected huh poor bb. Thank you Author-nim!
Chapter 5: Taeyeon made the right decision. She also didn't deserve the push and pull. She deserves better and I'm glad that she can see things through and decided to let go of Wendy and from being hurt
Chapter 6: Both parents of the kids are busy and them being close to their respective aunt and them as playmates did it. I always think that parenting goes both ways. You learning from your mistakes or experiences and you learning from your child. Mr. Son is just lucky to have a concerned sister and tell him off. Sometimes, giving people advice doesn't end up well because it would come off as if you know better than them. It seems that him and Wendy were brought up that way given that Wendy is really talented in the music department as well. Tbh there is a lot of things to worry about when you have a family aside from their well-being there's also finances, i mean lots of it. That is why i understand those parents who does everything in their might to give their child a better life. Little seungwan is still lucky because even though her parents are busy on the weekdays they make sure to spend time with her on the weekends. Baeby Joohyun barely even gets that kind of treatment from her parents. I actually knew someone in real life that is so busy with their work in which i understand because everything is expensive nowadays, but their kid grew up independent, keep things to himself and quite detached to their parents and rather was close to a certain relative like how little juhyun is in this story. Parenting is hard. Baeby juhyun is just lucky because her aunt manages a children center, what if not? She's be tossed to a different daycare center or be accompanied by a nanny.

It's really funny and endearing how seungwan convinced her dad so she could buy the toy ring and them stealing the spotlight by reenacting the bow with juhyun. They're so cute. I hope they both end up together. If it wasn't for the kids bumping into each other WR wouldn't have met. So they should thank the kiddos same thing with the kids.
Chapter 2: Little juhyun and seungwan are both adorable. There's never a dull moment with kids involved. Them meeting up might be cliché to some but not to me as long as it was greatly executed and you did just that. I love how Wendy and Irene are just there for each other and how patient they are and contented they're with one could offer. Usually, it's hard to find someone who would like you just doing mundane things with them. I'm glad this end up well. We need more WR with kids or as kids in AFF, so much angst omg
Chapter 2: They are so so cuteeeee! Their bonds are unbreakable.
Chapter 1: So much angsts, too little fluff! 😢
1698 streak #7
Chapter 6: Re reading this again, I forget how cute Wannie and Hyun is
Chapter 1: wow 🥰
fluffy77 #9
Chapter 8: still waiting for you to complete your uncompleted one-shots 😁 i hooe you're doing well author! I really like your stories
Chapter 6: i keep rereading this. truly one of my faves. im not losing hope and still waiting here for the next part until the epilogue 😄 hope youre doing well, author!