Step 2: Getting To Know Each Other

How To Fall in Love


“No way, Nicki Minaj is so much better than Kanye West!” Yuya glares at Sakura, but the amusement in his eyes is obvious.

“Kanye West has sold more albums than Nicki Minaj, obviously, he’s on top,” She crosses her arms stubbornly in front of her chest, but a mischievous smirk is on her face.

“That’s because people like listening to conceited s,” Yuya rolls his eyes.

“So is Minaj!” Sakura tries not to laugh.

“She’s confident, there’s a difference,” Yuya’s mouth twitches, trying not to smile.

Out of all the places they could have met, he almost couldn’t believe that he’s actually having an argument with her on who’s the better artist. No, he couldn’t believe that he was talking to her at all, how many times could two people meet, or how many times would you be able to see your crush outside of school or work or anything, or even just talk to them.

Ever since their first awkward encounter, Yuya had wanted to speak to her once again, only on a less awkward note, and this is it. Their argument. Their first argument.

“Just because she sings about not caring what her haters think, doesn’t mean anything,” Yuya returns, having a triumphant smirk on her face.

With that familiar blank face, Sakura replies, “It so does. Your argument is now invalid,” Yuya opens his mouth, staring at her with wide eyes of confusion.

“Wait, what?” This time, Sakura smirks triumphantly, her sharp eyes staring intently up into his; he couldn’t help but think how y she is looking.

“Exactly,” Sakura turns her attention away from Yuya and grabs a copy of EXILE’s new album and walks away from him, for a moment, Yuya is lost staring at the empty spot she was just in, but he quickly comes back to reality and grabs the promised copy of EXILE for Makoto and quickly follows her before he loses her again. She is already in line to pay for the album, Yuya stands right behind her. He stares at her, but not so much, wanting to find the words to say to her, to make her stay by his side. He thinks too long and she is walking out of the store and the cashier is taking off the alarms on the CD. Yuya pays for it quickly, leaving behind the change and follows right after her.

“Hey, wait!” Yuya calls after her and she turns around, for a moment he felt that loss for words, just like back in the theatre when he first laid eyes on her, however, this time just had to be different. Gathering up his courage, Yuya smiles at her, while stuffing his hands in his pockets, the bag with Makoto’s CD hanging on his wrist, “you want to grab some coffee?” For a moment, Sakura just stares at him like it was a joke, but then she smiles, a soft smile, not like the one he first saw, he bet every smile she has is beautiful.

“I’d love to,” that smile never leaving his face, they walk together towards the nearest coffee shop.

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SyaranyDJ #1
I love this story! :)
Serene #2
Aw. What a cute ending. I chuckled.

As for the story as a whole: the only thing that comes to mind right now off the top of my head is that, at times, I had difficulty figuring out who was speaking. Like it seemed the listener in the conversation was actually the speaker.
Whahahhaha I love the end its justl like the story would repeat!!