Awkward Silence

Betting on Boredom

All the Right Moves - World Dance Competition Coming to Campus 

By: Gang Na Ri

This year has seen many new events at Seoul University and another one is coming our way. Our campus is hosting the prestigious World of Dance, dance competition, and one of our very own is slated to compete. Lee Taeyong a junior dance major at Seoul University will be performing with his group SR15B Saturday, at the competition, at 1:15 in the afternoon. SR15B was started three years ago by Lee Taeyong and Jung Jaehyun, of Hongik University. The two met in high school and after graduation they made plans to start a dance crew.  The crew, SR15B, consists of 15 boys ranging in age from 24 to 16 years old. If you look at their line-up you may be suprised to see a familiar name. Nakamoto Yuta, Seoul University's resident football star, is also a member of the crew. Taeyong and SR15B have been...

"Can you believe this crap!" Na Ri exclaimed, throwing down the school paper on the canteen table in front of Johnny and Seulgi who were trying to eat breakfast. Emphasis on the word trying.  

"What's wrong?" Johnny questioned, looking up at their friend who was standing next to him with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face in typical Na Ri fashion. Her hair had been thrown up in to two loose braids and it looked like she had rushed out of the dorm this morning

"Dude haven't you learned by now, never to ask Na Ri that?" Seulgi sighed picking up the paper. "Oh that's a nice picture." She noted looking at the picture Na Ri had taken at the practice they had gone to together. It featured the whole group of SR15B in the midst of dancing, Taeyong right in the center.

Na Ri slumped down in the chair next to Johnny. "I just still can't believe that my name is now permanently attached to an article about Taeyong." She whined.

"Somehow I think you'll survive this career low." Johnny said patting her on the back, while simultaneously trying not to roll his eyes. 

"I thought her career low was two years ago when she had to do that article on the library the week after she broke up with Doyoung." Seulgi pointed out. That had been a bad week for all of them. 

"Thank you so much for the reminder, you have somehow made this even more painful for me." Na Ri frowned, leaning her elbow on the table and dropping her head in her hand. Thinking back on it, she wondered why her professor had given her that article in the first place. She had known about Na Ri and Doyoung's explosive break up, she was pretty sure someone had written about it in one of the gossip columns. Was her professor doing this to her on purpose? She decided she would have to go back and look at all the articles she had written. "Can we change the subject and talk about the fact that Wendy will be here tomorrow and I'm not emotionally, spiritually, or mentally ready for it."

"Yeah...our dorm isn't ready for it either," Seulgi nodded, before adding on as an afterthought, "She's sleeping with you this time, by the way. She always hogs the covers and hits me in the middle of the night throwing her arms all over the place."

"Or.....we could rock paper scissors to see who she sleeps with" Na Ri proposed, shooting her friend a big smile. 

Seulgi shook her head, "Nope, not happening. I value my sleep too much. Besides last time you promised she would sleep with you the next time she visited"

"When did I ever promise that" Na Ri questioned taking food off of Johnny's tray and popping it in .

"Dude really?" Johnny complained, but was ignored by both girls.

"Right after we walked in on her making out with some random guy in my bed" Seulgi answered. The rest of Johnny's complaints died in his throat as his eyebrows shot up at Seulgi's comment. 

" be fair I thought she was joking when she told me that she was going to that frat party to make out, and I quote, ' with as many strangers as possible'." Na Ri defended. "It could have been worse...they could have been having se-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. I don't want to think about it." Seulgi groaned pushing her tray away from her. "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore."

"How have I never met Wendy before if she's come to visit so many times." Johnny asked looking over at Na Ri, who was in the process of scooting Seulgi's tray closer to herself and eating off of it.

Na Ri shrugged, full. "I think the first time she visited, you were back in Chicago for your cousin's wedding." She mumbled through the food. 

"The second time was when you were student teaching, plus think of it as we were protecting you. Life is so much less chaotic before you meet Wendy." Seulgi added nodding her head. 

"THERE SHE IS!" a loud voice yelled throughout the canteen drawing the attention of almost everyone inside, including Na Ri and her friends. Taeyong, Yuta, and a very lost looking Sicheng stood by the front door. Yuta was pointing directly at Na Ri, having been the one who had yelled out, even from far away Na Ri could see the dazzling smile stretched across his face. Everyone in the canteen then turned to watch as the three boys made their way over to their table and sat down with them, completely oblivious to the attention thet had brought to themselves. "We have been looking EVERYWHERE for you!" Yuta huffed, frowning for a moment. "We even texted you and you didn't respond!" 

Na Ri's brow furrowed as she quickly pulled her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans to see that her phone had been left on silent and she did have several missed text messages. 

YutatheCuta: Na Ri where are you!! Pls respond asap

YutatheCuta: NA RIIIIII

YutatheCuta: PLS I've looked everywhere, I even had to talk to some weird guy who wanted me to call him Uncle where are you

YutatheCuta: I think Uncle dude has scarred Sicheng

YutatheCuta: oh yeah Sicheng is with us

YutatheCuta: where are you????

TYTrack: Na Ri where are you right now? 

TYTrack: Sicheng is hanging with us today and we saw the first article is out

TYTrack: Ok I know you ignore my text messages but now you're ignoring Yuta

TYTrack: You know Yuta needs attention why would you do this

TYTrack: JYP is weird....

TYTrack: Can I treat you to dinner tomorrow as a thank you for the article?

Na Ri looked up at the three boys who were sitting with them. "You guys talked to JYP?" She asked raising an eyebrow at them her eyes flickering for the briefest of second over to Taeyong who was sitting silently but staring intently at her. It really wasn't fair that this early in the morning he already looked so good even though he looked like he had just rolled out of bed, messy hair and everything.  

Yuta shuddered drawing Na Ri's attention back to him, "It was terrifying Na Ri. Really. He kept talking about energies and the universe and balance. I thought he was about to kidnap Sicheng, I think he fell in love" Sicheng nodded at her with wide eyes, his hair flopping around cutely. 

"Why did you guys go talk to JYP?" Seulgi asked, having perked up considerably after seeing Yuta. 

Yuta's smile quickly returned, "We were looking for Na Ri" He said. "We saw the article this morning! All the boys wanted to come talk to you, but we told them not to. Mark seemed really bummed by that; he was really excited when he read it."

"Na Ri was just showing us the article." Johnny spoke up dragging the paper close to himself. "I think she called it-" Na Ri quickly elbowed him in the side, receiving a loud "OW!" in response. 

"I was just telling them that I'm glad it turned out well." She said forcing a smile.

"It really did!" Yuta gushed, "I was so impressed by how you described our practices! You got it down perfectly."

"I liked how you described Taeyong.....leading" Sicheng said quietly and slowly. The boy in question his lips, his tongue darting out briefly before he began biting his bottom lip. 

"I know right! She described his mannerisms so well!" Yuta agreed. 

Na Ri looked at Taeyong, wondering if he had anything to say about the article, but he just met her gaze with silence still biting his bottom lip. She wanted to tell him to stop, it was a terrible habit. She remembered knowing someone in middle school who bit their lip and they would do it so much it would start bleeding. She was pretty sure Taeyong with bloody lips was not a sight she wanted to see. Sure in movies when guys got a bloody lip from getting punched it was attractive, life isn't like the movies. Besides it wasn't like he actually had gotten punched, he was just biting his lip. But then she started thinking that if she pointed it out would they accuse her of looking at his lips. Which....she WAS looking at his lips, but it wasn't like she couldn't look at them, they were on his too perfect face. Knowing them however they would get the wrong idea. But why couldn't she look at them? You can look at a feature on someone's face and not have ulterior motives. She looked at her friend's faces all the time, not that she ever noticed a particular feature on their face. But he was being completely distracting. Her train of thought was interrupted by a hand entering her field of vision. 

"Na Ri....hello??" Seulgi said waving her hand in her friends face.

Na Ri realized everyone was looking at her."...what?" She asked looking around confused, her cheeks turning slightly pink feeling like she had just been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. 

"Yuta was asking us what we had planned for the day." Johnny replied, Seulgi was giving her a funny look, which Na Ri did not like. It looked too much like she was thinking about something and that was never a good sign. 

"Oh...uh...Seulgi and I have to get our dorm room ready for my cousin who's coming tomorrow." Na Ri shared looking down at the table.

"Oh cool! Wendy's coming to town!" Yuta smiled. "I bet Ten is psyched.....have you guys warned the fraternities yet?" 

"How am I the only one who doesn't know Wendy..." Johnny complained. 

"I don't know Wendy." Sicheng said quietly, earning a ruffle of his hair from Yuta. 

Na Ri rolled her eyes at Yuta, "No we have not 'warned the fraternities' geez she's not THAT bad..." Yuta and Seulgi shared a look. "Ok fine! I'll reach out to Chan and give him a heads up. Lord y'all are acting like she's a one man disaster."

"That's cause she is." Seulgi mumbled, coughing slightly when Na Ri gave her a look. 

"Whatever, I'm leaving. I have some shopping I need to do before we begin cleaning our room." Na Ri said standing up. "See you guys later." She waved, "It was good to see you again Sicheng." She told the boy who gave her a small smile.

She was not even down the stairs outside the canteen when she was stopped by a hand suddenly grabbing her shoulder with a "Hey wait!" Na Ri turned to see Taeyong standing there, his hand on her shoulder. He quickly let go of her when she looked down at his hand. "Sorry, I did you get my text?" He asked, running a hand through his hair, messing it up further. 

"About ignoring Yuta? I wasn't doing it on purpose my phone was on silent." Na Ri explained. 

Taeyong shook his head, "No not those. The one where I was asking you to go to dinner with me tomorrow night." 

"Oh." Na Ri said dumbly. "Like...a date?" She said awkwardly shifting her weight back and forth on her feet. "Dude, you know I don't like you right?" 

Taeyong scoffed, crossing his arms, "And you remember we have a bet going right? Think of it as just another chance to prove me wrong."

Na Ri frowned, "I don't know...Wendy is coming in tomorrow I can't just leave her tomorrow night..."

Taeyong rolled his eyes, "Wendy is a big girl, I'm sure the campus will survive one night. This bet isn't fair if you don't at least give me a chance, I have 100 dollars on the line" 

Na Ri felt apprehensive about accepting, like if she did then she was giving up ground. "...just....fine, text me the details."

Taeyong gave her a breathtaking smile, "Great! It's a date!" He said before running off.

"Wait! Its not..." She called out after him, but he had already run back inside the canteen. 




"Ok Operation Wendy Prep is a go!" Seulgi said standing next to Na Ri looking at their messy room. Clothes were strewn about the floor, like they didn't have two wardrobes to put them in; shoes were haphazardly thrown in corners their mates probably under a bed or thrown somewhere else in the room. Various plants lined their windowsill with knickknacks and figurines scattered throughout. Their two desks were pushed up under the window, side by side. Na Ri's laptop was on her desk, surrounded by so many piles or paper and textbooks that was barely accessible, while Seulgi had empty Pringle's canisters and coffee cups littering her workspace as well as books and paper. They quickly got to work. Seulgi started collecting shoes and finding their matches while Na Ri separated the clean clothes from the dirty clothes, throwing the clean clothes on her bed to fold and put away and the dirty clothes in the hamper to be washed. 

"So you want to tell me what that was about at breakfast this morning?" Seulgi asked as she looked for the mate to a pair of white converse. 

Na Ri glanced over at her as she threw a pair of pink overalls on the bed. "Uh....can you be more specific?"

"Oh I can be a lot more specific. I'm talking about how you and Taeyong were staring at each other like you were about to start making out at any moment and not hearing us when we were talking to you. PLUS, Taeyong rushed out after you when you left then came back with a huge smile on his face. So what gives. Did you guys like actually make out?" Seulgi asked turning to face Na Ri with her hands on her hips, before spotting the other shoe in the corner behind Na Ri. 

Na Ri felt like all the air left her body as she stood up holding a dirty shirt in her hand, "You...what now?" She said her voice sounding higher than normal to her ears. "I was not....there was NO kissing. What on earth are you talking about. That's ridiculous. I can't stand Taeyong!" Na Ri emphasized throwing the shirt in the hamper with extra force.

"Then why were you two off in your own little world staring at each other." Seulgi asked as she started looking for another pair of shoes. 

Na Ri was not about to tell her best friend the truth, she knew she would blow it out of proportion. "It was...a battle of wills. He was staring at me, so I wasn't going to lose and be the first person to look away! Besides, I wasn't staring...I was glaring. There's a big difference" 

Seulgi snorted. "Honey, that was not glaring. I've seen your glares hundreds of times, this was not a glare."

Na Ri grumbled to herself, "...whatever, think whatever you want cause obviously you're going to no matter what I say"

"So if you weren't making out outside why did Taeyong rush out after you?" Seulgi asked after a moment. 

"He was asking me-" Na Ri started before realizing there was no way on earth that she was about to finish that sentence with 'me on a date',"uh..he was asking me about the next article."

"He couldn't have done that in the canteen?" Seulgi responded giving Na Ri a funny look.

"I don't know, I don't know what goes on his head." Na Ri mumbled back.

The two girls fell back into silence, the only sound coming from Seulgi's ipod who she had hooked up to their bluetooth speaker to play music. Despite the large mess that was their dorm room, they were able to get it clean and presentable for when Wendy arrived. Na Ri took her phone out and took a picture, "Who knows the next time it's going to look like this, cause it's definitely not going to last." The rest of the evening the girls laid on Na Ri's bed and watched episodes of The Office and scrolled through twitter. It was almost enough for Na Ri to forget about the not-date she had with Taeyong. Almost. 



NaReally: Chan...I've been told I need to warn you that Wendy is coming in tomorrow

CB97: Oh

CB97: Oh no...

CB97: for how long???

NaReally: like a week

CB97: Oh god....why...what did I do to deserve this

NaReally: dude come on she's not that bad....

NaReally: I thought all the fraternities loved Wendy

CB97: I mean we do love her....she makes parties so much more fun

CB97: But...

CB97: like.....we just got a new table

CB97: we just got the stain out of the couch

CB97: Minho just recently was able to make up with his girlfriend

CB97: Oh my god I need to hide my good liquor

CB97: I need to warn woojin....thanks for the heads up

NaReally: You're welcome?

Kinda can't believe that I'm getting this chapter out so soon. It actually came together rather quickly plus I didn't have as much school work this week. Next chapter we meet Wendy...going to test my writing ability with how much I've hyped up what a tornado she is. Hoping that comes across while I write. Well.....if it takes me a lot longer to update the next chapter that probably means I'm struggling. We shall see. I've considered starting some other NCTxOC stories, but schedule....I wouldn't be able to spend enough time to write it well. I also had a great Ateez story come to me, but like....I barely even KNOW Ateez and I can't just up and start a new story like....*sighs* I'm rambling. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

Much Love


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I'm STILL ALIVE!! There's been complications with my schedule that have kept me from writing, also I've struggled a bit with what I want to write. Also Woojin "left" Stray Kids and it's been....hard to say the least. But don't worry, I will be back soon!


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Chapter 16: Dearest Ashton, I just wanted to tell you that this story is absolutely amazing and that I’m really looking forward to the next update. Do update when you get the time because this honestly is an amazing story.❤️💕
Chapter 5: I’m honestly baffled at myself for not finding this story earlier because the feels this story is giving me is just so.... heol I don’t even know the word for it. Anyways I’m glad I came across this story and decided to check it..
Chapter 16: Wooo and in time for Taeyong’s birthday too.


I see the sparks rekindling for Nari. Ooh la la. I dont blame her. Anyone would drown in that beautiful boy’s pair of eyes.
Chapter 16: YYAAAAYYYY , i got so happy when i saw you updated , thank you so so so much
Chapter 15: and tnx for the great story , it's really amazing , and i'm really amazed on how good you're doing so far , even though you got so many troubles for updating and finishing this story.
as a reader , it's my duty to encourage you and give you hope on your works , but unfortunately , i'm really busy too lately and i couldn't comment per chapter . so please forgive me for that .
and i'll always be waiting for your great updates. ;)
Chapter 15: and i really liked the idea of putting songs as the name of your chapters.
i realize it when i subscribed to your story and really wanted to say it here , but was too lazy . till you wrote it at some chapter and i thought i should just say it ........
Chapter 15: why do i like JYP more than i should???
Chapter 3: wish i had friend like ten
Chapter 2: hey , this is so cool . i mean her escape routes were amazing . and it kinda reminded me of my old school days........
p.s. i'm in love withh their group chat hehe :))
Chapter 15: This chapter seems to be a reminder of how the universe have plans for everyone of us and it is all going to be fine.
Well so the reason is finally revealed of Nari's seemingly random hate.