Lucky One

Betting on Boredom

By the next day the cold had arrived and Na Ri found herself bundled up in her warmest jacket with scarf and gloves standing next to her best friend on the bleachers of the school. The large group of people jostled one another and laughter and cheers were heard traded among the crowd. The school colors could be found in many forms on all the students and an air of excitement permeated the air. Even Na Ri wasn't immune to the atmosphere as she laughed and chatted with Seulgi, keeping her arms close to her body in an attempt to stay warm. Ten was somewhere among the crowd, probably with Johnny drinking and flirting with girls, his laughter was easy for Na Ri to pick out above everyone else. 

The big game was here, and as promised Na Ri and Seulgi had come to cheer Yuta on. The two teams were out on the field warming up. Na Ri could see Yuta's number from across the field as a dribbled the black and white ball around a few of his teammates before kicking it towards the goal. "So are we expected to win this?" Na Ri asked leaning over to Seulgi. 

"It's supposed to be close. The other school is pretty good, but we've got something they don't." Seulgi said looking excited.

"And what is that?" Na Ri questioned turning to face her friend. 

Seulgi turned to Na Ri a big smile on her face. "Yuta." She answered a slight blush rising to her cheeks. 

Na Ri made at a face at her friend. "Seriously Seulgi?" 

"What? He's the best player on the team, everybody knows it." Seulgi defended biting her bottom lip.

"Then why is your face turning the same shade as the blush I bought last week?" Na Ri countered raising an eyebrow at her friend. She would have put her hands on her hips as well, but didn't want to lose any of the heat she was trying to build up by keeping her arms to her chest. 

"Oh shut up..." Seulgi muttered turning back to face the field. "It's because it's so cold out here." 

Na Ri decided it was better to just let it go and give her friend a break, she could antagonize her more later when they weren't slowly freezing. Turning back to the field as well she saw Yuta looking up towards the crowd. When he spotted Na Ri and Seulgi he began to wave, a big smile blooming on his face. "Well would you look at that, looks like someone is excited to see you." Na Ri said smuggly as she waved back at him. 

Seulgi was closer to the shade of a tomato now. "He's waving to the both of us, now shut up before I push you off these bleachers." 

"Is that a promise?" Na Ri quipped which earned her a withering look from her best friend. "How soon is this supposed to start?" She asked changing the subject. 

"You see the scoreboard over there?" Seulgi said pointing to a board on the other side of the field. 

"Yes." Na Ri answered. 

"You see the clock counting down?" 


"What do you think it's counting down too?" Seulgi asked.


"I'm literally going to end your life." Seulgi muttered throwing up her hands. "When the countdown ends the game begins. We have 15 minutes left." 

Na Ri pouted. "Oh my god that's forever." She bemoaned dramatically. "I'm going to go get a big pretzel or something from concessions. Want anything?" 

"I'm too nervous to eat." Seulgi answered back, her eyes glued on Yuta who was back to warming up on the field. 

"You're not even the one playing." Na Ri rolled her eyes. "I'll get you a pretzel too." She said stepping down from the bleacher and heading towards the stairs. 

"Don't forget the cheese!" Seulgi called out after her which Na Ri threw a thumbs up in response without even turning around. 

Bouncing down the steps she made her way behind the bleachers to the concessions stand where a large crowd was standing. A few people stood in line, but it seemed most everyone else was standing around talking waiting for the game to start. Joining the line for concessions Na Ri looked over the menu to make sure she had enough money with her. She was calculating if she could add on a packet of M&M's when something slammed into the back of her almost knocking her off her feet and into the person in front of her. 

"What the hell?" Na Ri exclaimed turning around to see what had happened. 

Behind her someone was picking themselves off the ground and brushing off any dirt. She could tell it was a guy from her school because they were wearing the same colors, but she couldn't see who it was. She was beginning to get incensed that they weren't turning around to apologize to her when she spotted why. Facing towards her and the man who had practically knocked her over were a group of four boys from the opposing school who all had sneers and pompous looks on their faces. 

"Oh sorry did I do that?" The one in the front asked sarcastically. 

"What the hell is your problem man?" The guy in front of Na Ri barked back. Na Ri groaned recognizing the voice, of course it would be Taeyong. She turned back to the line deciding to ignore whatever was going on behind her. Easier said than done. She felt a body, Taeyong she guessed, get pushed back into her, again almost knocking her on her face. 

That was all it took. "Hey !" Na Ri snarled turning around catching the attention of the four boys and Taeyong. "Could you take your petty little macho game somewhere else. No one here gives a damn." 

The boys looked taken a back for a moment before schooling their features. "Stay the hell out of this ." One of them barked back. 

"Hey! Don't call her a-" Taeyong started stepping forward. 

"Oh I'M the ?!  Come here you little punk asses" Na Ri interrupted jumping in front of Taeyong as she made her way towards the group of boys. It was almost hilarious how their faces changed from cool confidence to confused terror as they watched Na Ri approached them balling her fists ready to start swinging. She had almost reached the first boy when a hand grabbed her arm and stopped her. "Let me go! They deserve it!" Na Ri shouted trying to pull her arm out of the grip. Unfortunately Taeyong was stronger than he looked. 

"Please Na Ri, as much as I would love to see you try to beat these guys up I'm pretty sure you don't want to go to jail for assault." Taeyong reasoned raising his eyebrow at her. Na Ri frowned as the four boys quickly scattered running off to their section of the bleachers. She was looking forward to punching one of them, but now she lost her chance. She wondered if she could get away with taking a swing at Taeyong. He must have seen the look in her eyes as he quickly let go of her arm and took a few steps back. "Uh, thanks for that though. I appreciate it." 

Na Ri frowned some more. "I didn't do that for you. I was just sick of getting almost pushed to the ground." She bit back crossing her arms. "Now if you'll excuse me I have food to buy and plenty of more important people to be talking too." She brushed past him and went up to the counter, the line having gone during the exchange. She ordered the pretzels and cheese and threw in the M&M's to make up for the ty encounter. When she turned around again Taeyong was gone and Sira was able to make her way back to Seulgi in peace. 

"Hey what happened, you were gone a while" Seulgi asked taking her pretzel out of Na Ri's hands. "And why do you look like someone just insulted your entire livelihood?" 

"I'll tell you later." was all Na Ri said. "Yuta better kick this school's ."

After the game Na Ri, Seulgi, Ten and Johnny waited around for Yuta to come out of the locker room. "Congratulations!!!" They yelled upon seeing him. "What's it feel like to be the best football player ever?" Na Ri joked. 

"Oh come on guys, we were just lucky. We played a great game and they played a terrible one." Yuta shrugged. 

"Still you were awesome out there." Seulgi insisted making Yuta's face flush slightly. 

"Only because I had my good luck charms here to cheer me on." He insisted. 

"Want to grab some pizza with us tonight?" Johnny asked tightening the strap on the bag he had brought with him. Na Ri wondered why he had brought it with him since she couldn't imagine that he was doing homework.

"Sorry can't, Taeyong and me are getting dinner with the rest of our dance crew tonight." Yuta apologized, "but next time definitely count me in." 

"You dance with Taeyong?" Na Ri asked furrowing her brow at the information.

Yuta laughed. "If you had started writing that article you would know that now wouldn't you." He joked elbowing her. 

"I hope you lose every single pair of shoes you own." Na Ri muttered back, clearly not amused.

"Well if I wake up tomorrow with no shoes I'll let you know that your witchy powers are finally starting to manifest." Yuta chuckled before waving bye to everyone and heading of to find Taeyong.

Na Ri watched him go. "Ten, I'll give you twenty bucks to steal all his shoes tonight." 

"Oh you're on."  Ten smiled devilishly.

The four of them left the stadium and headed to Johnny's car where they all piled in and made their way into the city to get pizza. On the way there Na Ri shared what had happened before the game and almost punched Seulgi in the face while reenacting it. When they arrived at the pizza place they sat at a table towards the back, ordering their usual favorites and some drinks. 

"Hey Johnny where did you disappear too during the game?" Ten asked turning to his roommate, who was absentmindedly checking his phone. 

Johnny looked up surprised at the question "Oh uh, I know someone who goes to the other school..." He answered vaguely before looking back at his phone again

"Well next time you see them, make sure you rub it in their face we beat them." Na Ri added. 

"Oh my god, you're going to hold a grudge against that school forever now because of those guys aren't you?" Seulgi said dropping her head in her hand, looking defeated. A smile tugged at Ten's lips.  

"They pushed Taeyong on top of me..TWICE!" Na Ri cried holding up two fingers to make sure they understood how horrible it was. Johnny stayed silent, only raising his eyebrows in response, while Seulgi could only shake her head before turning back to her phone.  

"Oh god! The horror! The HORROR!" Ten exclaimed grabbing onto Johnny's shoulder and shaking him like a ragdoll. Johnny quickly pushed him off.

"I'm writing you all out of my will." Na Ri grumbled. "Except you Johnny, you were never in my will." Na Ri continued thoughtfully after a moment. 

Johnny snorted while accepting his drink from the waiter who had arrived. "Oh thank god. I don't want to end up in possession of hundreds of half finished stories and a lifetime subscription to Cryptid Culture Magazine." 

"This callout was both unnecessary and completely true, you can find me crying in the bathroom at 2 am tomorrow." Na Ri sighed leaning back in her chair, pretending to cry.

"Hey Na Ri, you're favorite person updated like a couple minutes ago." Seulgi said showing her friend her phone. 

"What!" Na Ri exclaimed snatching the phone out of her hand. Scrolling through she could see that NCT 127 had updated and they were all photos from the game that night. "Oh my god he was at the game!" Na Ri proclaimed excitedly. 

"You don't even know it is a 'he'" Ten pointed out taking a sip from his drink.

Na Ri ignored him continuing to cycle through all the photos, until she reached one towards the beginning of the album that made her stop. "Oh my god."

"What, what is it?" Seulgi asked trying to see what Na Ri was looking at. 

All Na Ri could do was show them the photo, her voice having been knocked out of her body. It was a picture taken in front of the concessions stand before the game and it showed Taeyong with a grip on Na Ri's arm looking at her exasperated while Na Ri faced him, angered. If it was anyone else Na Ri would have thought it was a beautiful shot, but it wasn't. 

"Damn Na Ri why didn't you tell me you we're having hate with Taeyong." Seulgi hooted, laughing at the ever changing expression on Na Ri's face. "Cause you two look like that's exactly where this was headed. 

Na Ri slammed her head against the table and flipped them all off. "Go die." 







YutatheCuta: Na Ri where are my shoes

NaReally: What are you talking about

YutatheCuta: My shoes. 

YutatheCuta: They're all gone. And so are all my underwear

NaReally: Holy

NaReally: My power is greater than I imagined. 

YutatheCuta: Please, I have practice in 30 minutes


NaReally: Shoes and his underwear? What will this cost me?

Tenoutof10: The promised twenty bucks and you help me practice for an upcoming audition

NaReally: Deal

NaReally: Now make sure Yuta finds them before his practice

NaReally: which is in 30 minutes

Tenoutof10: Gosh darn it do you have any idea how hard it was to get on the roof the first time?

Hello everyone I'm back with a new chapter. This is probably one of my favorite stories, and favorite characters to write for because they're so colorful and unique. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am. I'm finishing up another story of mine here soon and once it's done I'm going to move to working on BOB full time so updates will come more often then. 

Much Love,



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I'm STILL ALIVE!! There's been complications with my schedule that have kept me from writing, also I've struggled a bit with what I want to write. Also Woojin "left" Stray Kids and it's been....hard to say the least. But don't worry, I will be back soon!


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Chapter 16: Dearest Ashton, I just wanted to tell you that this story is absolutely amazing and that I’m really looking forward to the next update. Do update when you get the time because this honestly is an amazing story.❤️💕
Chapter 5: I’m honestly baffled at myself for not finding this story earlier because the feels this story is giving me is just so.... heol I don’t even know the word for it. Anyways I’m glad I came across this story and decided to check it..
Chapter 16: Wooo and in time for Taeyong’s birthday too.


I see the sparks rekindling for Nari. Ooh la la. I dont blame her. Anyone would drown in that beautiful boy’s pair of eyes.
Chapter 16: YYAAAAYYYY , i got so happy when i saw you updated , thank you so so so much
Chapter 15: and tnx for the great story , it's really amazing , and i'm really amazed on how good you're doing so far , even though you got so many troubles for updating and finishing this story.
as a reader , it's my duty to encourage you and give you hope on your works , but unfortunately , i'm really busy too lately and i couldn't comment per chapter . so please forgive me for that .
and i'll always be waiting for your great updates. ;)
Chapter 15: and i really liked the idea of putting songs as the name of your chapters.
i realize it when i subscribed to your story and really wanted to say it here , but was too lazy . till you wrote it at some chapter and i thought i should just say it ........
Chapter 15: why do i like JYP more than i should???
Chapter 3: wish i had friend like ten
Chapter 2: hey , this is so cool . i mean her escape routes were amazing . and it kinda reminded me of my old school days........
p.s. i'm in love withh their group chat hehe :))
Chapter 15: This chapter seems to be a reminder of how the universe have plans for everyone of us and it is all going to be fine.
Well so the reason is finally revealed of Nari's seemingly random hate.