Chapter 9

Petals and Ink (Discontinued)
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Jungkook returned to his apartment feeling as if he were on cloud nine. The unofficial date with Jimin had been wonderful despite that one waitress that had tried to flirt with him. Jungkook smiled to himself as he pried Mochi away from his neck and into his arms. Mochi had woken up at the restaurant but hadn’t been any trouble once she’d managed to guilt Jungkook with her big eyes into giving her some of the meat from his burger. She’d nibbled on the bit of meat he’d given her and then promptly curled up on the table to fall asleep once more. Honestly, Mochi was too cute in Jungkook’s opinion, just like Jimin. They would probably both be the death of him with their cuteness. Jungkook went into his bedroom and set the cat on the bed. Then he went to the bathroom and did his business and changed into his pajamas before going to bed.

Over the course of the new couple of weeks, his relationship with Jimin improved quite a bit and they went on many more unofficial dates after work. Jungkook continuously thought about just asking him out once and for all. But he was shy and afraid of rejections. Cause why would Jimin want to date him? Jimin was everything that was good in this world and Jungkook had a sort of bad boy look to him, which could make people wary of him at first. They probably didn’t fit each other Jungkook thought to himself sadly as he watched Jimin attend to his last customer for the day.

“So where do you want to grab dinner this time?” Jimin asked once he’d finished closing the shop. Jungkook smiled and shrugged.

“I don’t have any place in particular that I’d like to go this time. Do you?” Jungkook asked.

“Hmm...not really. I was kind of craving seafood but I don’t like any of the seafood restaurants around here” Jimin answered.



“ you maybe want to come over for dinner today? I’m a pretty good cook so I could make us some seafood dishes, I promise they’d be yummy.” Jungkook suggested nervously.

“ sure,” Jimin replied with a nervous smile. Jungkook brightened considerably, as he felt like he was being given a chance to ask Jimin out now. He smiled happily as he took a hold of his hyung’s hand and they began to walk home. While they walked Jungkook managed to pry out exactly what type of dishes Jimin was craving and was relieved that he had all the ingredients he’d need to make them.

Once they reached his door, Jungkook unlocked it and opened it, motioning for Jimin to go in first. Jimin smiled before stepping inside. Jungkook followed after and set Mochi on the small bed he’d bought for her (though she hardly ever used it). Then he ushered Jimin into the living room to sit down.

“Your house is nice,” Jimin commente

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Chapter 11: I want a date like this one. It's so cute and unique.
ill_llamanati #2
Chapter 10: Omwl XD can’t sound desperate lmao
ill_llamanati #3
Chapter 9: aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww
And happy belated birthday by a month
Chapter 9: <3 finally! haha. . . This is so cute!
jikookdefinesme #5
Chapter 9: Happy birthday to you author-nim :)
God bless your day.
Thank you for the update this one and 'String of Fate' too. But, it's sad that you just updated now after a long time :( Please update regularly
Poopeemoon #7
Chapter 8: Ugh its so fluffy and cute
My heart is about to burst
hELp mE
Chapter 8: Omg. The cuteness tho, Jikook on the rise <3
Keep up the good work author-nim! ^^
Chapter 8: <3 ^^
Chapter 8: OMG what took you so long to updated ? It's almost 2 months already.
But, it's okay. Glad you finally updated. I don't want to presure you author-nim :')