
Thunderstorms & Cupcakes

The next one will be more like the teaser, I promise. I was just in a funk today.

If Ryeowook is a rose, then Kyuhyun must be the thorns on him, and Yesung has to be his roots. They three of them are inseparable, they’ve been together for as long as they can remember. They’ve morphed into some three person relationship that Ryeowook doesn’t know the word of. But they are all together, and that’s all that Ryeowook cares about.


“I love you,” Kyuhyun whispers into Ryeowook’s skin, and it has goosebumps forming on Ryeowook. Ryeowook reaches out to find the presence that is Kyuhyun, and once he hits the cold spot that is Kyuhyun, he just rests his hand there, he feels a weight on top of his hand, and Ryeowook can only assume that Kyuhyun’s holding onto his hand too.


“Can you please show yourself to us Kyuhyuna?” Yesung asks from Ryeowook’s right, god the vampire is so handsome that it hurts Ryeowook sometimes. Ryeowook turns his attention to Yesung for a split second, peppering the vampire with soft kisses, but Kyuhyun appears before the two of them, and Ryeowook thinks that he’s so fuc king lucky to have the both of them in his life.


He’s so weak compared to the two of them, I mean sure he knows a few spells and can heal people, but he’s just so vulnerable compared to the other two.


“Kyukyu turn solid for a moment please…” Ryeowook trails off, turning all of his attention back to the ghost, and Kyuhyun does turn solid, always for Ryeowook, anything for Ryeowook. He's given a sweet chaste kiss, and it makes his face heat up. There’s nothing y about the kiss, but it’s just so Ryeowook. Just a gentle sweet kiss, and then Ryeowook is gone, and he’s running his hands through Kyuhyun’s hair.  Yesung lets out a sigh, and Ryeowook takes one of his hands away from Kyuhyun’s hair and starts to run his hand through Yesung’s hair.


“I wasn’t complaining you know…” Yesung starts and Ryeowook just laughs. The cranky bat was too jealous of the attention that Ryeowook was giving the ghost.


To Kyuhyun, one of the best things in the world is Ryeowook’s laugh, like Ryeowook’s and Yesung’s laughs, are the best sounds in the world. They are both so different, though, Ryeowook’s laugh reminds him of bells, it’s high pitched, and it makes other people want to laugh along with him. Yesung’s laugh strikes Kyuhyun to the core, it’s not something you’d expect from the vampire, and that’s why he loves it so much.


The two of them, the witch and the vampire, are his everything. He’s just a small planet circling his double starred galaxy. Kyuhyun’s not even sure that those exist but fu ck it, they exist in his world.


“I love you…” Kyuhyun whispers again, and he gets a smile from Yesung this time, the vampire gliding his small fingers over towards Kyuhyun. He traces Kyuhyun’s face for what seems like hours, and Kyuhyun just sits perfectly still throughout the whole thing.


Yesung gets up and looks at the other two. His lovers. Ryeowook's sitting against the headboard with Kyuhyun’s head in his lap as he runs his hands through Kyuhyun’s hair still.


“I love you two,” Yesung says, a smile on his face watching the other two. A smile blooms across Ryeowook’s face, and he looks up at Yesung.


“I love you more,” Ryeowook says and looks back down to Kyuhyun, “I love you too Kyuhyuna~”


Kyuhyun just lets out a happy noise, and Yesung goes lays back down next to Ryeowook.


Life is good.


I don't own the people mentioned, hope you enjoy - ryeostar

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1642 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh my, this is so sweet and fluffy. I wish there would be more T^T
Chapter 2: So sweet