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Youngest of Pieces: Five Becomes One (13)
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  The movie she has worked hard on for the past six months is done filming. They went all out to celebrate their hard work as soon as they wrapped up the filming and Hannah did nothing else the next day besides from going to see Red Velvet’s concert, glad she made it to the last day. Kyungho and SNSD’s Yoona went with her. It’s now Monday. It feels like August is just starting. A new month, a new week, after finishing one project she will focus on another one. Besides from that more than half of the month has passed (she has been busy filming, unaware of the weeks going by) and she isn’t starting a new project but instead continuing with projects that’s been worked on for some time. Fingers are gracefully imitating the movements of the sound as if playing a piano made of air. He raises his hand for a higher tone and leans his head back when hearing her voice follow his directive. Jonghyun keeps his eyes closed as she sings, a soft expression on his face while she expresses what he wants to signify. His workroom is dark, dim light from the lamp but they keep it dark to focus on the sound. He can lean back and get emotional in her singing. The song they have worked on for weeks is being recorded. They tried to record it before but it didn’t go well and instead, they have been practicing for it. The song is difficult to sing because of the strong vocal deliver. She has practiced it enough and her voice is already warmed up from recording a song in the studio earlier today, that when singing now he wonders where the restrain he has heard in her voice before has vanished. Hannah is standing with the microphone set up in front of her. She is focused, singing through the song verse by verse exactly like they have practiced. She doesn’t know how they decided to record the song from beginning to end, but they did it one line at a time before just continuing to sing. Jonghyun likes it. The ending is vocally the hardest and she doesn’t keep up with it. She messes up when forgetting how she is supposed to sing and bursts out in a smile. Jonghyun opens his eyes, still sitting leaned back in his chair and his soft expression adds a soft smile to her before he reaches his arm out to pause the recording. The lady puts her hands on her hair, grabbing the messy bun to show her frustration for messing up. Her smile of messing up turns into a pout. “We’ll do the ending separately,” Jonghyun tells her, smiling at her. “I didn’t know I could fall more in love with you, but I was wrong.” “Shut up,” Hannah suddenly laughs and covers her face, embarrassed at that. She is smiling when he plays the music again, and she feels like a shy teenager when he starts to sing. They have come up with different versions of the song. Jonghyun’s first vision was to have Hannah sing the whole song; that’s what they are recording now. But they have recording the song as a duet and they have another version as well. After another hour lost in their own world, Hannah realises it is quite bad to do this together. They can stay up the whole night to sing, write, to do different versions of songs and play around with music. Even with the song they have worked hard on in secret these weeks, ending up singing a line of the song each, taking turns, doing it emotionally, doing it lovingly… Just to be reminded of the time. Since Hannah is leaving for Japan in the morning, she was smart enough to put her phone on alarm to remind them to go to bed. Both of them look gravely disappointed when her phone starts to vibrate, ruining their fun. If she was going to Japan to promote, for meetings or dance practice, she would stay up longer. But she is recording songs. She needs to rest and that’s why when the alarm sets off, they head to bed. “You’ll be back for the weekend?” Jonghyun wonder when Hannah lies down next to him in bed. Hannah nods, mumbling in response and lies closer to the middle of wide bed so she can peck him on the arm. “I’ll be here on Saturday and Sunday, then we’re going back to Tokyo on Monday in a week. It’s strange though. The single will be out this week yet it feels like just … two days we filmed the video.” “While it’s in fact weeks since you filmed it,” Jonghyun says in a low voice. She is lying on the side; her eyes have adjusted to the dark bedroom already that she can see the glimmer in Jonghyun’s eyes as he is watching her too. she smiles when looking at his face, thinking of today – how fun they had playing with music – and she leans closer to give him a light kiss on his lips. “I’ll keep playing with what we recorded today,” Jonghyun whispers and bites his lower lip. “When you come home in the weekend, I’ll be ready with it.” “And you’ll go outside the apartment every day,” Hannah adds. She smiles widely at her own words and Jonghyun puts his hand on her face. She doesn’t know why, it just makes her laugh and try to lean back. “Fresh air is good for you.” “I’ll take a long walk with you on Saturday,” he says. As if that would make up to him not going outside for the other days of the week. She doubts he’ll stay indoors, he still has things to do. Hannah has slept well for the past two days. After stressing the past week about finishing the movie filming, she falls asleep within ten minutes after closing her eyes. Today too. after saying goodnight and it’s been quiet for those ten minutes, her breathing changes and Jonghyun lies closer to her. only for a minute, because it gets too warm for him and he lies back on his side.   When morning comes, Hannah gets ready on her own. With a bag simply packed and tip-toing to not wake Jonghyun up, she gets ready in half an hour. Jonghyun woke up when hearing her alarm but has stayed in bed as he will go back to sleep once she has left. Hannah gives him a peck on his forehead before she leaves, as they exchange a few words at that time. In ripped light jeans and a grey cropped big top with long sleeves, Hannah is casually dressed for the airport and today’s work in the studio. It seems their fans are not aware of her early trip. They do know about the other ladies leaving later today. While Hannah has been filming for the movie, the other ladies have been in Japan to record songs, therefore she leaves earlier today to complete the songs and catch up with the rest. 5 Pieces’ are scheduled to prepare for their Japan tour, Japanese album and single promotions during their days in Japan for this week and next week. Well, not complete the preparations but at least start. For Hannah, it is a complete transition from acting to her part in 5 Pieces as they also are going to get more serious preparing for their Korean comeback as well. It will be a lot going on for the rest of this month and for September, but the ladies have looked forward to it and after a year apart, they are in some desperate need to stand on the stage as five again. At the airport, Hannah is certain she hasn’t fully woken up yet. For a second she thinks she is heading to the filming set, just because that has been in her routine for a few months, but then faces the airport routine of showing her passport and Hannah smiles at the woman for not being enough awake to know where she is going. On the flight she is mostly blank, which means when landing in Japan, she starts to go through the songs she will record today. Looking through the lyrics, listening to the demo and practicing her parts. She likes the songs. It is a total of four songs she has to record today and tomorrow. In her ears, they are Japanese pop songs that can be played in the club. She imagines performing them with the ladies, to be on stage and dancing to the songs, pumping the crowd to jump along. It’s almost been a year since 5 Pieces stood on stage together. In a week, it’s been a full year since 5 Pieces were on stage together. September 1, 2016 – their final performance of the tour, in Finland. Hannah thinks about that time, thinking it feels like more than a year ago. Only a year, she thinks. Thinking back on their tour last year, Hannah can’t wait to do it again. First off, they have their Japan tour coming up, but they will tour more places next year. To be on the stage, not just as Hannah. even if she introduces herself as 5 Pieces’ Hannah, always, it’s not complete unless the other four are on the stage with her. it doesn’t have to be a tour, as long as they perform together. She looks forward to it. Before arriving at the studio, she writes on 5 Pieces’ chat that they will perform together in a few days, first time in almost a year. No one answers right away, and when they do answer, Hannah has put away her phone on silence as she is in the studio chatting with the producers. It will be fun. 5 Pieces’ return, a comeback they have longed for. During a break, Hannah sits down on a chair next to the producer assistant. She picks up her phone to see 32 messages unread on the chat, the ladies (though they are travelling together) are sharing excitement on the chat. Maria has written 19 of the message, as she tends to extend her sentences into several parts. Hannah is smiling when writing too, and she finishes by asking when they will get here. Since no one is quick to answer, she goes on Instagram to check the updates, read some comments and wonder what picture she can upload today. She then heads back inside the booth singing her lines, practicing before they start recording. She finishes her parts for two songs quickly, cheering when being told she is done. It went surprisingly quick to record both songs, well she didn’t have many parts in one of the songs but it still makes her ask twice “we’re actually done?”. Only one song left to record, which they will do after lunch when all of the ladies have gathered. Hannah claps her hands and thanks the crew for working hard. Before the ladies arrives, she goes to the bathroom. Checking her phone, Julia has responded to her question about when they will come. Outside the bathroom, there is a full-sized mirror that always freaks her out because it makes it look like there are two bathroom’s doors next to each other while it is in fact the reflection to the bathroom. After going to the bathroom, Hannah stands in front of the mirror to see if a picture there can be uploaded on Instagram. She covers the little of her stomach that the loose cropped top is showing, she tries to take a good picture from different angles and after about nine pictures she gives up and just decides to take a boring picture. Just so she can upload something. Hearing someone come her way, she hurries to take the picture and steps to the side for the person to not think Hannah was taking pictures in the mirror but just busy doing something on her phone. “Magnae!” Carolina calls out at the same time as Hannah sees a funny detail in the picture she just took. Instead of saying ‘hi’ to her friend, Hannah laughs loudly and holds out her phone for Carolina to see. Carolina has jogged up to her for a hug, pauses to see the picture and laughs too. “I did think you were taking a picture! That’s a good photobomb!” Carolina laughs and embraces Hannah for a hug. “I missed you, magnae.” Hannah is full of smiles giving Carolina hug too. they talk just briefly, enough for Carolina to say the others are in the restaurant below and she is going to the bathroom. Hannah waits until she is done and they go together. Hannah excitedly says she is already done recording her parts for two songs and they start going in on a deep discussion about the music for their Japanese album. They walk slowly while talking quickly, wanting to get everything out before reaching the restaurant (or cafeteria, but it is a fancy one and it says restaurant on the wall outside). Fancy or not, Maria’s voice is heard from long ways, showing where they are. It is a great reunion. 5 Pieces all gathered to eat. They are loud, laughing and talking, saying how good the food is and while nothing important is said, they have a lot of fun. It is the ladies, their managers and the staff from the studio. Mixing languages like always but it is relaxing and a lot of laughter filling their lunch. Only when they are waiting for the last ones to finish eating does Hannah pick up her phone, seeing the picture she took earlier and deciding to put it out on Instagram. After asking of Carolina’s permission, of course. At first glance the picture is good. Hannah’s outfit is in focus and while showing a V-sign to cover a bit of her stomach, she thinks her bracelet and rings will take the focus off the skin showing. But in a second glance, Carolina is in the background. Her face-expression is priceless as she is just coming around the corner, her hair has gotten long in brown with straight bangs and wearing glasses for her sight. She looks adorable in the back, and Carolina too comments when Hannah asks for permission that she always seems to photobomb. It’s been years since fans started to laugh at pictures where Carolina apparently was photobombing and it is fun thinking that fans will enjoy this new photo too. {Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: photobombed in tokyo} For the rest of the day when the ladies are in the studio, Hannah checks her phone at every chance she gets. Her update is receiving a lot more comments than usual, at least it feels like that. Puzzle are going completely nuts, some are even imitating screaming in their texts whether it is emoticons or with just ‘aaaaaaaah’ or *fangirl screams*. They love it. They comment about how y Hannah is in the simple outfit but most comments are laughing at the girl in the back, commenting that she looks like a teacher in glasses, that Carolina has done it again, mentioning 5 Pieces and that the ladies always are funny when they are together. She loves reading the comments, showing it to the others, explaining it in Japanese to the crew when they get curious and so on. After recording, they stay to chat for a bit before heading out for a late dinner with a bunch of other people. Some from their old dance crew in Japan show up, mostly staff members of the Japanese agency are there and it is a dinner party with no true meaning behind it. With 5 Pieces’ comeback coming in the second half of 2017, the ladies have a new formation and the start of their big 10 years in the industry will take off in Japan. It will continue in Korea and then it is talk about worldwide promotions. A 2-year plan in the making with 5 Pieces at the centre. It feels official now when the ladies are all gathered, their first promotion in a year is less than two days away and it turns out that fans are just as excited as the ladies. The next day, they are practicing for two songs. Hannah goes to record a song she didn’t have time to record yesterday but is soon enough in the practice-room with the other ladies. They practice promoting the new song [SIGNAL], that they will begin promoting tomorrow, and they also practice for the title song for their Japanese album. There is a meeting they go to as well, so the whole day is packed to be indoors. For radio programs they practice a short part of the song to sing if they don’t sing the whole thing, they practice for the choreography with microphones to perform it live on TV and they get emotional practicing for the ballad [2 You]. In the middle of it all, their manager says that the internet is fanatic at the moment. A picture of 5 Pieces is spreading online. It is good reactions, but it is an insane reaction. A picture that is simple, nothing special about it. Besides from that it is the first time in five months that 5 Pieces have been spotted all five members together. It is the first picture in five months of 5 Pieces, with five members. One single picture of the ladies together and people online have no idea of what to do with themselves. Someone cleverly even points out that in most part of the [SIGNAL] PV, the ladies aren’t together. How fanatic isn’t it when someone points out how many seconds in the video that 5 Pieces are all five spotted in the screen together? How fanatic isn’t it when fans are literally crying at their screens for seeing 5 Pieces in the same picture? Like the detectives they are (or simply said stalkers), fans let other fans know that 5 Pieces separately went to Japan the day before and some of their schedule in Japan for the rest of the week. Someone even writes how many days it has been since 5 Pieces were on stage together, and how many days exactly it’s been since 5 Pieces were in a picture together (which was at their movie premiere in Seoul back in March. Just as the ladies had hoped for, Puzzle is waiting for their comeback as much as the ladies are. On 5 Pieces’ blog, they can’t help but to share a picture from the practice-room and write in Japanese about their new single coming out, a link to the PV and writing that they are excited to promote again. Short and simple, but the picture says enough with the five ladies posing sitting on the floor together. Well, most of them are sitting, then there’s Maria who is lying down with her tall limbs looking like the diva she is.   It’s Thursday morning, the day their single is released and when 5 Pieces will do promotion in Japan for the first time in a year. Hannah wakes up a few minutes before her alarm will set off and she stretches out with a yawn. The hotel room has two big beds, Julia and Hannah shares one bed while Carolina gets her own. Maria and Emelia are sharing another room with one double bed. the room is too warm when Hannah wakes up and she only stretches a bit while waking up before she gets up. The sun is shining brightly already, showing it is summer even though it’s early in the morning. Hannah stretches quietly facing the window, letting the sunlight inside. Neither Julia nor Carolina reacts to the light in the room. muffled music is coming from Carolina’s earphones lying in her bed as she fell asleep listening to music. For five minutes she is stretching, waking her body up and enjoying the view. Then she drinks some water and goes to wash up, hearing Carolina’s alarm go off but the girl is not turning it off. Before Hannah rushes out of the bathroom to turn off the alarm, Julia changes bed to do it for her. when Hannah comes out from the bathroom, Julia is lying next to Carolina, patting her to wake her up while not being awake herself. “Morning,” Hannah mumbles. Julia waves her hand and stops patting Carolina as Hannah easily pulls Carolina to sit her up. “Time to get ready.” While Hannah and Carolina are promoting their single today, Julia will head back to Korea to host M Countdown. She will spend the whole day there and then take the late evening flight back here to keep promoting with the ladies tomorrow. First out of bed are the other four, Julia can get some more sleep. Carolina’s first goal of the morning is to get some coffee and when Hannah is certain the lady is up and won’t go back to sleep, she goes to another room to get ready. Emelia is already there, an early riser. She also has the most to get done; her hair is the longest and her eye makeup is the heaviest. The room is where their stylists stay, the same kind that Hannah and the other two ladies stays in. Clothes are hung up and the place is filled with accessories, hair- and makeup products. The hotel room has turned into a salon. Their morning feels long yet it goes by quickly. They have breakfast while getting ready, going from one room to another until they are leaving the hotel to go work with interviews and radio visits. Carolina is wearing jeans shorts with rolled ends, a ¾-sleeve top tugged in with different dark colours in stripes. Her hair is straightened with cute bangs but the focus should be on the platform boots that have a cute detail in pink on them to fit Carolina perfectly. Hannah is in a dark sweatshirt with belt-details around the wrists (the sleeves long to cover her hands), a collar a sewed-in blouse in details, cutoff black jeans shorts barely visible underneath and over-the-knee platform boots. Her dark hair and outfit as well as the deep dark red lipstick gives off a popular look in Japan. Their comeback is styled after what’s popular in the country, going with 5 Pieces’ personal styles such as stripes for Carolina, oversized for Hannah and such. For Maria, she is going for a mocha-jeans set with a high-waist trendy skirt to show off her legs, a matching oversized jacket (both skirt and jacket are in a faded strawberry red colour) to a white t-shirt tugged in, some golden accessories and white flats. Her hair has tightly been put in a pony-tail and an accessory she wants to keep is her sunglasses, saying it finishes her look. Emelia has her hip hop style with big black pants with patches and wide holes over the knees, red net detail in that, a belt hanging down around her waist, a cropped white top and white platform boots. Hannah’s boots are the tallest, Emelia’s are second tallest, Julia is third and Maria is fourth. Emelia therefore becomes the tallest lady of the day. Which only Hannah points out as she had hoped Emelia would wear flats for Hannah to feel equal. They look cool, that’s what their manager and Maria comments in the elevator when seeing their reflection. Emelia lowers her head a bit to glare in the reflection. “If someone sees me in a dark room, I’ll terrify them,” she comments. “If someone sees you whenever, you’ll terrify them,” Maria is quick to comment. Both Maria and Hannah imitate Emelia’s typical low-head glare, though
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Suuhaanaa #1
Chapter 62: Thank you for the update! I kept coming to this story whenever im bored. Really love your story!
Chapter 61: Just so you know I am re reading everything again from the very beginning and I keep on having the same feelings. Thanks for the update!😊😊😊
Chapter 58: Wow! Thsnk you soooo much for the update. Missed reading this! ♥️
I know that all the restrictions are eased, so why not coming back making new chapters?
It's been 2 and a half years!
Chapter 56: Ahhh, I wish that year 2017 comes to a end and then make 2018 a fresh start of the year!
Would you please update now? I can't stand waiting here...
Chapter 56: Still no updates from you at all, please update now, it's already May.
Chapter 56: It's almost May and I don't see any updates here since last month...
Would you please update?
Chapter 56: Please update soon, please? We've been waiting impatiently here.